Let us have a well-structured and well thought-out debate about whether or not this is an appropriate score for the...

Let us have a well-structured and well thought-out debate about whether or not this is an appropriate score for the game.

Personally I feel it's a little too low. It's clearly got a lot heart in it, and you can feel the soul ooze from every character. 95 would be a more accurate score.

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Too high. Remove the sony bonus and it's a 67.

There is no Sony bonus.

There is old fan fags bonus. Wow best graphic 10/10

Shouldn't Nintendo technically get that bonus then, considering they have the oldest franchises?

too low

No publication can give the game the score it actually deserves for altering the story because it would mean exposing that they somehow didn't know the story would be changed despite being in the journalism industry. A hundred thousand fans are going to be pissed when they actually play the game and realize nobody told them the story would be different, and this remake is actually a sequel that takes places in an alternate timeline.

Nomura said he wanted to alter the story.

show us your autistically modified other dark-theme websites

There's a bonus for everything user. That's how these discussions go

IGN said it

No, he didnt. He said he was going to update to modern standards and make narrative changes in order to accommodate to the episodic format.

HE NEVER EVER implied it was going to be a halfassed sequel.

>autistically modified
He just turned on inverted colors. There's zero effort involved in that.

Lead developers of the game as recent as 2 weeks ago were reassuring fans, one after the other, that the story would remain intact and this remake is faithful to the original; especially concerning the story. They used words just like this over and over again. Absolutely everything they stated leads customers to believe the story is unchanged because they mention that specifically. Nothing about what they say indicates that the story has been changed to such a large degree. Like I said in my final sentence, a hundred thousand fans are going to feel like they were lied to about this for years unless they did a deep dive and tried to pick apart lies from the truth. There should be no conflicting information coming from the developers. It should have been clear years ago that the story would be changed and that this is not a recreation of FF7. It's a spin-off.

This. How hard would have been to tell people it was a sequel or spinoff? But they didnt because they wanted the REMAKE preorders. Its scummy as fuck.

>people who have never played the original get a brand new experience set in the world they like with characters they like
>people who haven't played the original get a brand new story with cool characters and an interesting world
What's the downside here?

Nobody gets the better version of the game that has the original story.

But the original doesn't need a "better version". It plays fine, and if you think it looks too dated you can mod the fuck out of it.

>not showing them
shit thread

>But the original doesn't need a "better version"
It's what fans were specifically asking for. It's what the developers promised. They understood exactly what fans wanted when you look at their public statements. They are describing exactly what the fans asked for. Meanwhile the development of the actual game diverged and is ultimately the exact opposite of what fans wanted.

The existence of the original does not mean that a remake is thereby better if it has the storyline changed. This is a fallacy. The fact that I can play the original does not mean it's unreasonable to want the storyline to remain intact for a remake. Stop ignoring the truth about what the fans were asking for.

I never said the remake was better, I implied that if you want to play the old story you still can. What "fans" wanted was more Final Fantasy 7 with a remade story. And that's what they're getting.

Only autists on Yas Forums cry about it.

>What "fans" wanted was more Final Fantasy 7 with a remade story
I'm telling you that your claim right here is 100% false. Fans never asked for a changed story. Nowhere was that uttered. Remaking the original never implies that the story should be changed. The story is what is implicitly understood as something that should remain perfectly intact. As I just described Square-Enix knows this beyond a shadow of a doubt because they repeat this sentiment over and over again in interviews to reassure fans.

They wouldn't need to reassure fans that the story would remain intact if fans were clamoring for the story to be fucking changed you retard.

Numerical values are never an appropriate way of conveying the qualities of an aesthetic experience.

>Wow best graphic 10/10

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>I'm telling you that your claim right here is 100% false. Fans never asked for a changed story. Nowhere was that uttered.
Prove it.

>As I just described Square-Enix knows this beyond a shadow of a doubt because they repeat this sentiment over and over again in interviews to reassure fans.
Really? Link one of those interviews where the game's director or writer go on record swearing that they're going to leave the story completely the as-was.

Kys Yahtzee.

>Prove it.
I'm giving you perfectly logical rationale to back up what I'm saying and you're ignoring it.

Read the statements made by the developers in this article published ~2 weeks ago.

Actually read it. It's not a long article. If you really want to keep going down this fucking road with me you're going to need to reconcile how multiple developers are saying the story will be the same while in truth the story is completely divergent. I'm not going to do this song and dance forever. If you don't come up with an actual fucking argument you're going to get ignored.

>The major story beats you remember from Final Fantasy VII should be in this PS4 remake.
And they are.
>bombing mission
>train graveyard
>saving Tifa from getting whored out
>Shinra building

It's all there, just like they claim.

This is not an adequate argument. Cherry picking some things that remain the same is not evidence that everything remained the same. You know full well things about the story were changed. That's the problem. Get back to the argument.

Read the article. Not just the headline.

My argument has never been "the story is not changed". My argument is "only autists care".

I back this up by presenting you the option of playing the old game if you want the old story. It hasn't been taken away from you. It's still there.

Lastly I argue that they've never said they're going to make a 100% faithful story remake. And no, the article in does not contradict this.

because of the constant shit post threads by jelly xbones and pc fags I'm going to beat the next autistic person I meet to death.


>My argument is "only autists care".
That's not a sufficient argument to combat the points I'm making. Insisting that you don't care about what is being discussed is admitting that you don't have the authority to express a valid opinion. You've conceded this argument by insisting that you don't care. Next time you don't care keep your fucking mouth shut, retard.

Fans wanted the original story. They're not going to get it. You for some reason think this is good. It's not. Pissing off fans isn't good.

>Lastly I argue that they've never said they're going to make a 100% faithful story remake
>And no, the article in (You) does not contradict this.
It directly contradicts this. You would know this if you read the article. Instead of describing exactly how the developers were misunderstood you're pretending like they said nothing.

This is because you are wrong and you know it. Get fucked. This argument is over. You lost.


There is no proof anywhere online that fans wanted a 1:1 retelling of the exact story. With the expansion of Midgar it was always in the cards that the story was going to be different. The devs promised to hit the key beats, and they did, but they never promised the exact same. Anyone with a brain could tell that this wasn't happening.

Did you seriously think they were going to give you a 60-hour Midgar game with 5 hours of content in it? Are you high? Of course it would be different.

Oh an declaring yourself the victor and storming off makes you look like a spaz.

You disengaged from the argument. You're demanding proof that fans wanted the game to be remade as if you somehow don't know that's what they were specifically asking for. You're claiming that fans were actually asking for a completely different story. You for some reason want to act like a hundred thousand or more people simply forgot that the word sequel exists, and instead decided to use the word remake in its place when asking Square to do something.

You assertion is 100% horse shit. If fans wanted a spin off sequel they would have fucking asked for it specifically. You pretending like you don't understand what the fans were asking for is not an argument. You insisting that what they were truly asking for is the exact opposite of what the words they were saying means is a disingenuous argument.

NOBODY wanted a spin-off. FF7 already has shitty spin-offs.

>Did you seriously think they were going to give you a 60-hour Midgar game with 5 hours of content in it?
This isn't about me. I don't pre-order games. I'm advocating on behalf of people that are going to feel like they were lied to. You're acting like it's okay for Square to be deceptive with their marketing. In other words shut the fuck up. Come up with an actual argument like I told you to. Read the article. Explain how the developers were misunderstood. That is your task. Failure to do this is an admission that you are wrong. That's what engagement in the argument entails. You asked me for proof that backs up my statements. You got the proof. Now address it or lose.

game fun

You do not own the developers. They can do whatever they fuck they want with their game.

I assure you, nobody is jealous of this sewer trash LMFAO

Alright fine, we'll play it your way.

> Square Enix remained "very faithful"
Very is not completely. It is not 100% and they never said that it was.

>FVII Remake is in lockstep with the original source material. This is especially true from a "major story" perspective.
And it is. See the major story content is still present.

>from the perspective of the storyline, it is very faithful indeed
And it it is. The major story points are all there. They are not claiming 100% blind retelling, they are saying it's very faithful. Big difference.

>Well, the main story is still the same, but I have added in many new scenes
Again, yes it is, bomb a reactor, punsh president Shinra in the nuts, leave Midgar.

Now the ball's in your court: explain to me where in this article it says "this will be a complete retelling of the original story with no changes". Let's see if you can play by your own rules.

No shit, retard. I'm in no way suggesting that Square can't make the game the way they want. I'm stating that they should have been very clear with customers that the story in FF7 Remake would be very different from the story in the original.

>I'm stating that they should have been very clear with customers
Why the fuck would they do that? Do you know what advertisement is?

They're now going to print fanboy money and newfag money. Why the fuck would they want to be honest when they can be vague and imply shit?

With all this talk and the fact that it's been years, I think I might replay the original. Are the PC mods worth looking into or are they a clusterfuck of art styles?

You've successfully ignored the meaning behind some of their statements. Insisting that technically they're not lying is not an endorsement that they are telling the truth, you fucking moron.
>Very is not completely
Mealy mouthed technicality. I told you to explain how they are being misunderstood to actually be expressing the exact opposite. You're not doing that. You're saying that instead of 100% what they actually mean is 99%. In truth the game is not 99%, it's negative 50%. They changed major events in the story. That's not 99% faithful. That's 100% unfaithful.
>the major story content is still present.
No. It is not. They changed major events. This is irrefutable. Barret is never stabbed by Sephiroth in the original. Time ghosts did not interfere with events in the original.
>The major story points are all there.
Altered major story points.
>Again, yes it is, bomb a reactor,
Repeating what they left intact does not address what they changed.

>ignoring everything else that contradicts your bullshit because you don't have an answer for any of it.

TRY IT AGAIN, BETTER. Explain how customers are supposed to intuit the opposite of what their words mean. That's what I prompted you to do. You have failed to do this. Keep trying.

That's why I'm criticizing them. Why are you acting like they should be except from criticism simply because they're a company that wants to make money?

Yes their are, your just to dumb.

Totally. I don't remember the name of it, but I played this really cool hard-mode a few years ago. It was very interesting as it barely did anything with the enemy numbers. Not really changing the stats but instead changing up how encounters worked, what spells the enemies had, how it many of them they were and what synergy they had.

It also added extra bosses that weren't just end-game powerhouses but shit that you HAD to go through to proceed like presidential guard and so on. Shit was really cool. If I find it I'll link it.

>remove Sony exclusivity
>remove censorship
>call it Binal Bantasy instead
and it would've scored 76 at the highest

They are not exempt, far from it, but it really should be expected of them. Any company that wants to sell will bend the truth to what they think the buyer wants to hear. This isn't some maniac concept, it's been done since advertisement's creation.

It's become common to write criticisms into the review but then still give the highest score, i.e 'Music grating, gameplay repetitive 10/10". Games 'journalism' is becoming more like it is in Japan, where the publishers and 'journalists' have a direct line of communication, essentially becoming games marketers.

And I'm criticizing them for doing it. Why the fuck are you responding to me like I'm wrong for doing this?

I feel like journeys were filtered by the bosses by not knowing how to play and taking their to beat them since journeys are dumb, therefore "padding"

Because your criticism is pointless. You are trying to talk the grass out of being green. As long as advertisement exists as a concept, you are literally trying to cool down the sun with an ice cube.

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>Because your criticism is pointless
So? Why the fuck does a pointless statement compel you to respond over and over again? Of course someone is going to complain that they were being intentionally deceived. Your resistance to this criticism makes you look like a fucking fanboy; not some ambivalent observer. Every single time you respond it just reveals your intentions more and more.

So? Why the fuck does a pointless statement compel you to respond over and over again?
Honestly man? I was kinda hoping there was more to it than that and you'd just phrased yourself poorly, but it turns out that WAS the point and you are simply retarded. Which was a shame.

>no argument
>still overwhelmed by the urge to respond as if you disagree with my point
Fooling no one.

If you could actually read, you'd realize that I fundamentally agree with you. I'm not arguing because I think you're right. Where you lose me is why you feel the need to express this meaningless babble. You're not "making your voice heard by the industry", you're not "seeking equal-minded individuals to incite change". You're just yelling at the clouds.

This is Yas Forums, bro. Sometimes you're going to see people say what they think. Try not to act confused.

He’s a fucking barbie doll. Do any of the characters ever get dirt or scratches on them?

>Square Enix
>not being Scummy
I mean look at pic related. Charging a sub fee for a game and then plastering a giant cash shop. Of course they're scummy especially given they lost money across all sectors in the last fiscal report. You need to remember how religious SE-fans are with the FF series to the point that they'll even idolize businessmen like Yoshida Naoki or Tanaka.

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Is Reddit not enough these days?