La creatividad

La creatividad

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absolutely terrible gibberish language

El enojado

El ogro de las americas....

Spanish is one of the most (if not the most) well structured languages in the world. It shits on any English literature piece any day.


el seetheador

La atrocidad del 56%

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>this is what amerifats actually believe


>El Steve Jobs de los Videojuegos
Gets me everytime

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Your own language doesn't even have a future tense lmao. Enjoy auxiliary verbs every two words.

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El Steve Jobs...
kys anglo

>Expresses this in a sentence that contains:
- Two French words
- One Latin word
- Exactly one English word "gibber" that is the stupidest word in the sentence
Dios mio...

El ogro enojado
El goblino delirante
El atrocidad rabiosa
El monstruo enfurecido
El americano irritado

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He's not a hack though

La creatura verde

>absolutely terrible gibberish language

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El steve jobs de los video juegos, is it accurate?

Spanish = SOUL
English = SOULLESS

el quijote>anglo "literature"


Español es uno de los lenguajes más desarrollados del mundo, el idioma de los mutts ni se compara

Spanish is literally just vulgar, debased Latin with a far more inflexible grammar.

French>Spanish you lazy spic wetbacks

>El Steve Jobs de los Videojuegos

This lol.

English is a perverse Franco-Germanic pigeon language, and a mere shell of its Old English roots. Imagine speaking a language where up to 91% (NINETY ONE PERCENT) of the words can be foreign in origin depending on context (academic, legal). Don't believe me?

French: 28%, Latin: 28%, Germanic: 25%, Greek: 5%, unclear etymology: 4%, everything else: 4%.

English is literally a mutt language, and a possible contender for the most raped language in history. Want proof? Attached is a sample of Old English. Mutts will be literally incapable of understanding a single sentence whereas Old Spanish from the same time period is still more or less perfectly understandable for modern day Spanish speakers.

>inb4 hur dur Arabic influence on Spanish!
Only 8% :)

>Hwæt. We Gardena in geardagum,
>þeodcyninga, þrym gefrunon,
>hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon.
>Oft Scyld Scefing sceaþena þreatum,
>monegum mægþum, meodosetla ofteah,
>egsode eorlas. Syððan ærest wearð
>feasceaft funden, he þæs frofre gebad,
>weox under wolcnum, weorðmyndum þah,
>oðþæt him æghwylc þara ymbsittendra
>ofer hronrade hyran scolde,
>gomban gyldan. þæt wæs god cyning.
>ðæm eafera wæs æfter cenned,
>geong in geardum, þone god sende
>folce to frofre; fyrenðearfe ongeat
>þe hie ær drugon aldorlease
>lange hwile. Him þæs liffrea,
>wuldres wealdend, woroldare forgeaf


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How can English even compete?

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Old Spanish for comparison:

>Ya sennor glorioso, padre que en çielo estas,
>Fezist çielo e tierra, el terçero el mar,
>Fezist estrelas e luna, e el sol pora escalentar,
>Prisist en carnaçion en sancta maria madre,
>En belleem apareçist, commo fue tu veluntad,
>Pastores te glorificaron, ovieron de a laudare,
>Tres Reyes de arabia te vinieron adorar,
>Melchior e gaspar e baltasar, oro e tus e mirra
>Te offreçieron, commo fue tu veluntad.
>Saluest a jonas quando cayo en la mar,
>Saluest a daniel con los leones en la mala carçel,
>Saluest dentro en Roma al sennor san sabastián,
>Saluest a sancta susanna del falso criminal,
>Por tierra andidiste xxxii annos, sennor spirital,
>Mostrando los miraculos, por en auemos que fablar,

Silencio frog

Spit on people's face: the language

Omelette au fromage

That dumbass american is right.
Spanish is disgusting

Having strict rules for a language is a good thing

Why would Germanic words count as "foreign origin" if English itself is a Germanic language? That's like saying 90% of Italian words are foreign words from Latin.

who knew Yas Forums was overrun by filthy fucking spics. how can you shit eaters even afford a computer. let alone internet?

Spanish is based except for Spain's bastardization of it.

Frog here, we wouldn't call you wetback but espingouin.

It never said they were?

Sabato is the reason I'm depressed since my teenage years

La dificultad...


No. Latin is so much more elegant and beautiful than Spanish. Pero de todos modos sigue aguantando.

>how can you shit eaters even afford a computer. let alone internet?
We can get other jobs besides McDonald's

ah yes, pool cleaners are in high demand these days.

We aren't getting scammed as hard by ISPs.

la abamancion

>filthy fucking spics
t. obese mart sharter that'll get in debt having to suck a dick for a dollar menu cheeseburger because he went to the hospital lmao

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El español es bastante elegante si lo sabes usar correctamente, Latin as beautiful as it is becomes a mess once you start writing it down, not as fun as spanish

>words only have two genders

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>Señor Glorioso, Padre que en el cielo estas
>que creastes el cielo y tierra, y por ultimo el mar
>que creastes las estrellas, la luna, y el sol para calentar
>Encarnastes en santa maria madre
>En belen aparecistes, segun tu voluntad
>pastores te glorificaron y llegaron a alabarte
>Tres reyes de arabia te vinieron a adorar
>Melchor, Gaspar y Baltazar, oro (incienso i suppose) y mirra
>te ofrecieron como fue tu voluntad
>Salvastes a Jonas cuando cayo al mar
>Salvastes a Daniel de los leones en la mala carcel
>Salvastes a San Sebastian de Roma
>Salvastes a santa susana del falso criminal
>en la tierra anduvistes 32 años, señor espiritual
>mostrando milagros de los que hablamos (?)

I understood most of it, meanwhile 's old english is total fucking nonsense to me

old english sucks

Based Froggy

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internet in my third world country is way better than in the US.

There's no monopoly so I have like 5-6 companies trying to offer me cheap internet. Decent speeds, low prices, no data caps, etc.

You burgerfats are actually getting fucked in the ass. I read stories about Comcast or Verizon and I can only laugh or weep.

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There are few things as retarded as the weird use of the word "they" in English.

Hon hon hon

They're perfectly fine though.

El Fideo de la Cochina

ITT: Mutts seething and getting absolutely blown the fuck out

¡Hola mis Latinxs! ¿Como estan hoy en estx dia de los Latinxs?


Reminder that Amerimutts still have Datacaps despite their shitty Internet

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>who knew Yas Forums was overrun by filthy fucking spics. how can you shit eaters even afford a computer. let alone internet?

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Dios Mio...
El chino cochino...
El chin chu lancha...
el kakaseka...

>ernesto sabato
mi negro

Lo peor de todo es que esto lo escribe usando el resultado de la asquerosa orgia entre todos los idiomas europeos. Que lastima. Llora mas, goblino-san.


Best Spanish-speaking country, GO!

Un momento, aquí no se está hablando de videojuegos.

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Catullus 16

Why were the romans so gay?


El hombre sabio del medio oriente...

Fuck off with that shit, stop butchering the language and speak like a normal human being

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