I'm still mad

I'm still mad
I will always be mad
On my deathbed, I will still be mad
When the seas heat up the world descends into global catastrophe I will still be fucking mad
In the afterlife, when I get to the gates of Heaven, St. Peter and his angels will ask me "Are you still mad about Final Fantasy VII Remake?" and my answer will be "Yes"
When the race of man is no more and the ruins of Man's cities have crumbled into dust, I will still be mad
Ancient alien civilizations will find the smoldering, volcanic corpse of the planet Earth and decode the secrets of our ancient 'Internet', and they will find this post and so my eternal anger will be brought forth into the far-flung reaches of space
When the last tiny flash of heat in the universe dies and all descends into entropy, my hatred will remain

I'm still so fucking mad I took the time to write this stupid fucking post, and it still doesn't make me feel even the slightest bit LESS mad

I fucking hate you Square Enix

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Other urls found in this thread:


Based changebad ghost.

Based and redpilled

I still don't get why people are so pissed

take your meds

They promised a remake. They delivered a sequel that you won't even understand unless you played a 23 year old game.

>can't even remake FF7 properly
Square is fucking dead

>friendly reminder
still no honest review out there.

It never was a remake, it just the name of the title.

Chapter 1:
Final Fantasy VII: ReMake

Chapter 2:
Final Fantasy VII: ReDone

Chapter 3:
Final Fantasy VII: RePeat

Chapter 4:
Final Fantasy VII: RePast

Chapter 5:
Final Fantasy VII: RePlay

Chapter 6:
Final Fantasy VII: ReBuild

The trailers and presentation of the game more than anything, I guess. The way it was shown was like it was a 1:1 recreation and they went out of their way to say they'd stay faithful to the old things, even weird shit like Hell House and Reno's pyramid gun.

And then suddenly Advent Children Sephiroth molesting the timeline with his dementor buddies.

Can someone give me a complete rundown of what's going on with FF7 Remake and why people are angry?

It's not actually a Final Fantasy VII remake.
It's Final Fantasy VII: Subtitle Remake; the latest addition to the FFVII expanded universe after Dirge of Cerberus and Advent Children. An utter piece of garbage that shits over the original.

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>to begin with game is just Midgar but filled with padding and shitty fetch quests to make it longer. But we already knew that.
>apparently now there's weird ghost things that are trying to keep the timeline from being changed
>apparently Sephiroth either traveled to the past or somehow has knowledge of the events of the original FF7 and is actively seeking to change the outcome of events
>Barret gets killed by Sephiroth and gets brought back to life by time ghosts
>party defeats the time ghosts so that now the timeline can move forward in a completely different manner from the original game
>a massive anime Advent Children battle with Sephiroth ensues
>Sephiroth tries to get Cloud to join him in "defying destiny"
>We see an alternate timeline where Zack survives his last stand
>Biggs lives.

>2005: tech demo for FFVII remake
>2007: Crisis Core's ending teases FFVII remake
>2015: FFVII remake officially confirmed
>2017: FFVII remake will be split in parts because of huge open world and too much content
>2018: FFVII remake gets officially titled "Remake"
>2019: FFVII remake hype gets off the rails as gameplay trailers and demo are revealed

>2020: Kek it's actually an Advent Children/Dirge of Cerberus sequel/reboot where we no longer have to follow the story at all. It's your fault if you thought this was going to be a remake.

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Aeris is a whore.

It is not a remake, Remake is a subtitle
It's about Sephiroth travelling to the past to change the events of FF7 and fighting time ghosts that try to prevent this

Isn't this shit like part 1 of [??]?

>mfw I know this is how it will be justified, and they'll put the blame on us for having had expectations of a remake after that shit over the years.

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Final Fantasy 7: ReMake
>The Story of Midgar

Final Fantasy 7-2.5: Kalm Intervention
>Cloud Story from the past

Final Fantasy 7-2: Nibelheim Journey
>Long way back home

Final Fantasy ALL in ONE pack
>story so far

NetFlix Ainme
FInal Fantasy 7-3-5: What really happened
>When Timelines colude

PC Exclusive
FInal Fantasy 7 356/7 Gold
>Ultimate Story #PlayThemAll

PS5 Exclusive
FInal Fantasy 7-4: Go Home
>Back to Midgar 2.0

Final Fantasy Gold soucer
>mini game editon

On all Platforms
Final Fantasy 7-BB2 Edtion 367 second key
>The Story so far + new cut scenes and remasterd edition of all games

Big bundle with PS6
FInal Fantasy 7-4.5: Timeline 3
>Cloud vs Cloud

Final Fantasy 7-5: Remasterd
>Cloudia final form vs ZombieTifa

Final Fantasy 7 - 5.5: The Chaida onbre Card game
>+story comics from all FInal Fantasy Lukarat univers

On All platforms
Final Fantasy 7 Master ReMake Dia Univers
>All Games and Stories told so far

PS6.5(pre beta)
Final Fantasy 7 Redone
>the Story begins again

PS6.5(late beta)//Xbox-sandbox(early alpha)
Final Fantasy 7 vs 7
>The story of Final Fantasy 6 told in the univers of Redone

Final Fantasy 7 vs 7.1
>online comic with extra story cuts

Final Fantasy 7 - 7.2: Back to the future
>Destiny 2.09 after 356 days of second key

on all platforms
Final Fantasy 7 double 7 sescond key edition redoneMastered remake sun edition
>All Games in on mega pack for DL

PS6.6version2 (beta 0.2345)
Final Fantasy 7 - 8: worlds
>Cloudia turns into a male and becomes Cloud 3.0

Final Fantasy 7 - 8.1/3: The Angle within
>Sephiriotis gets pregnant
>real life action short tv show

Final Fantasy 7 - the story so far
>short comic about the whole story told so far

PS6.9version3( beta 0.234525)
Final Fantasy 7 - 8.2: Remake 2 first key
>Cloud travels back in time to warn cloudia

Peopel are pissed they're getting a proper sequel instead of an incomplete remake.
A lot of people say timetravel but I think it's actually cycles

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Its gonna happen huh?

You are being disingenuous. You could have said "people are pissed they're getting a sequel instead of a remake", and it would have been a neutral take on the situation, which everyone would agree is true.
But being the little piece of shit that you are, you added a positive qualifier in front of sequel, proper, and a negative qualifier in front of remake, incomplete, in order to skew the situation to your subjective position for anyone who doesn't know what's going on.
So fuck off.

Yeah, who would've guessed you faggots would actually buy an unfinished remake for fullprice.
I hope you like trilogies because all future games will be cut in three pieces

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>FF7 story is shit
>They change stuff
>It's still shit tho
>People losing it

baby's first

>they promise a remake
>get a remake

Why do you people get so emotionally invested in disposable entertainment like video games

ff7 has always been one of the most overrated games on this board and at large. what makes it so good?

If this is supposed to connect to Advent Children, i'm all in. AC didn't make much sense after playing FFVII.

>Yas Forums for years: Haha FF7 is overrated normie shit. FF[insert the number] is way better. FF7's plot is pure garbage. It's only worth it for hentai regarding Tifa.
>remake comes out
Every single time. Reminds me on CP2077 threads in which you faggots constantly bitched about how female V looked like, but the moment they changed her, all of a sudden you faggots love how old V looked like.

There's already a boss fight against One Wing Advent Children Sephiroth where he drops meteors and throws the city of Midgar at you
You also kill the timeghosts which causes Zack to not die

If you were older than 14 you would know the answer to that question. But your generation is completely fucked.


Chapter 7: ReTard

hey, that "Destiny" sepo is talking about, isn't this actually FF13 univers?

This is the result of Advent Children's future.

Stupid take on it. Yas Forums for years has been split between "can't wait for the remake" and "FF7 is pure garbage", arguing endlessly. Now the former is fucking pissed, and the latter still thinks it's hot garbage and is enjoying the shit storm.
Yas Forums isn't a hivemind.

The year is 2020.
Contrarians are still smugly retarded.

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I'm 30 . I just don't really get emotionally invested in any games or movies. I just use them as time wasters when I'm bored and just move on to the next game or movie afterwards

>mfw that's literally what they meant by Remake
I bet Nomura thinks he's the biggest fucking creative genius for pulling this shit.

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>ff7 part 5 comes out in 2034
>final boss isn't against shirtless sephiroth
>it's against shirtless Cloud with white hair
>his name is Xloud
>defeating him opens a portal to a dimension
>fades to black
>To be Continued in Final Fantasy 7-2

wait a second aren't ghosts usually souls that are seething so much that they can't move on?

Says the contrarian. Let us count down how many FF7 threads through history of Yas Forums were praising the game, and how many were shitting on it just because it was FF7. The only "decent" threads regarding FF7 were Tifa threads. Mainly because those threads didn't even pretend to care about the game itself, just cooming.

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i know what youre doing but thats not the point man, FF7 was honestly one of the first RPGs with mass appeal and was a huge hit for alot of people. It advanced RPGs forward so much that the next several years would be pretty much nothing but clones trying to do what FF7 did. Everyone loved the characters and the story because theyve never really had something like that in a video game before. Think about how many girls you know who fell in love with all the husbando bait characters in this shit, think of how many you guys you know who loved Tifa and Yuffie. the game was a huge part of alot of peoples lives.

Think of how you were blown away by all the reveals of SOLDIER and Zack, all the enemies and boss fights and revelations that some people here were probably too young to even understand. All of that is gone now.
They went out of their way to spoil every single event and ruin every plot twist and rewrote it into a fucking giant garbage collection of Nomura fanfiction and kingdom hearts nonsense.

im not saying FF7 was the best game ever or even holds up today but goddamn if you ignore the impact it had you are either too young to have experienced it or you never played it.

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Holy shit did u actually take ur time to write this shit in one pack?
You are trully based , and redpilled

>Double Clouds
>Zack cucking everyone like the true CHAD OF VII
>Genesis and Angeal references
>Vincent(although he gets cucked in hd)
>Leslie new companion
>Zack new companion
>Sephiroth btfoing destiny and saving the whole final fantasy franchise.

We can’t just keep winning, old men and old women of this franchise are eternally btfo to play gay ass Chrono Trigger

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If I had to pick a side, I'm more in the latter camp. Still, I freely admit I was swept up in the FF7 hype back in 1997 just like everyone else. Played the game for like 100 hours, too. I just don't think it holds up very well in retrospect, especially when compared to previous gen jrpgs like Chrono Trigger.

Still, the shitstorm is going to be a wild fucking ride. I'm really excited to see when happens when the general gaming populace finally realized they've been hoodwinked.

It's just a game for kids bro.Relax.

>no u
Good one, retard.

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>they changed stuff
Yes, fact, but there's a big difference between changing stuff around to make something better, and changing stuff to insert a villain from the same problematic story but from the future who comes back to try to change things for some unknown reason, but history niggas are a thing now and they try to prevent him from doing so, so he tricks the party into defeating the history niggas so he can change everything at will, and then proceeds to get a single black wing like he did in that shit side movie they released in 2005 and starts throwing buildings at the hero, who can now inexplicably keep up with him because he's somehow as strong as he was years in the future after much character growth that he'll never need to have this time around because reasons.
That's what we call a clusterfuck, and definitely not changing things for the better, regardless of what you think of the original plot.


>Can someone give me a complete rundown of what's going on with FF7 Remake and why people are angry?


FF7 was always a bad game, but I feel sorry for its fans that they have to deal with inept parasites latching onto its marketability and recognizability to sell a game that wouldn't have stood on its own. Reminds me of what's happened to Star Trek.

>comparing it to me3
You faggots are always overreacting.

We should be mad. They ruined our childhood.

These threads are hilarious but they will not compare to the threads that happen after it breaks Square sales records. The seething will be mythic in nature

Star Trek 2009 vs TOS is a very good comparison to FFVII's remake, aside from the fact Star Trek fans were not begging for a remake for 15 years when they made 2009, so expectations were not high. Also 2009 was not titled Star Trek Remake.

Tifa threads were always good.

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I gotta say it's weird being on here and knowing exactly what happens in the story, then you go on Twitter or whatever and see all the trannies and fanboys who can't wait to play it, completely ignorant of what they are going to experience. I like this feeling though.

People are buying this one because they think they're finally getting a remake, of course it will break records. It'll just show that you can scam people and get away with it. But I am 100% convinced part 2 will never reach part 1's sale numbers, not even close. Also it will never be finished.

>vast majority of the game
>combat is grounded, at least to merely slightly superhuman levels
>final fight
>Cloud suddenly starts chopping through buildings


I was thinking more of Picard.

Yeah, me3's ending was never THIS bad.

> a sequel will never reach the first's numbers

Has there ever been a case where this didn't happen?

Everything dies. Everything good dies on a raised fucking cross for everyone to see.

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>that you won't even understand unless you played a 23 year old game.
See, i'd understand the complaint if it was about the Advent Children or Compilation stuff. But your refusal to play an old game because it's old sounds like a bigger problem here.

Because it's Seph fucking with their minds in the Singularity.

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Multiple. Mass Effect 2 sold more, Resident Evil 2, Batman Arkham City, Modern Warfare 2, etc. All sequels who outgrossed the original.

>I didn't like the words you used
Anyways, I could've used "real sequel" or something like that.
And the incomplete part is true, don't even try to argue that, you stupid faggot. Considering this is a remake of a game that wasn't originally split-released, that shit would be stupid

>complete collection:
>Final Fantasy VII: ReNewal
>actual complete collection with all the DLC and bullshit:
>Final Fantasy VII: ReVive Re//Mix


There's a lesson in this, though. Everything should be allowed to come to an end eventually.

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I've played FF7, and it was definitely fun at the time, but you're out of your mind if you think it isn't pretty damn dated. That's why there was such a big cry for a remake.

>They promised a remake. They delivered a sequel that you won't even understand unless you played a 23 year old game.

So it's a zoomer trap? Sounds pretty based to me.

Very good hauahauahauaauau

>it's always been shit lol

Chapter 8: ReGurgitate

it's like the final fight of KH2, Sora can't do shit but whack his keyblade at things and all of a sudden he can do super jumps, slash through buildings, fights dragons and armored guys.
It works on KH because it already looks like an anime, and the MC got enough development to argue he had all the drive forms canonically by the end
It makes no sense here

It's worse. FF7's story was already beloved, they didn't even NEED to change it like this. They weren't even making something completely new, they could've just not done this. It's not like Mass Effect where they wrote themselves into a corner and had a serious challenge on how to end it and blew it, this shouldn't have even BEEN a challenge. Don't change the main story! It's a fucking no-brainer! The INCOMPETENCE of these people to fuck something like that up.

I don't get it

Except boomers didn't want a sequel. So boomers don't like it, zoomers won't understand/care at all about it. It's a business suicide-tier move.

Main antagonist suddenly knows the plot of the game and its ending. He travels into the past to change the game. Time police ghosts come to stop the timeline from changing. The Player party kills the ghosts at the end of the game and thus let antagonist free reign over time changing. There is also a 2nd parallel dimension to show player that it works. (character that is supposed to be dead suddenly lives again in parallel time line).

And those ghosts and not very suble. They are in EVERY fucking scene something happens.

The game also spoils something very important without any good reason just because. This is normally happening in act 3 of FF7, not the beginning (this "remake"). It also has no impact because its spoiled before you really experience it. Its so fucking retarded.

There was no time travel or parallel universes or portals in the original FF7.

A remake will never, ever replace the original. RE2 Remake cut bits and pieces and was missing context or flubbed continuity, and don't even get started on RE3 Remake. RE1's remake also didn't magically replace the original game, which is still solid and has historical value. To proclaim that Final Fantasy VII is dated and needs a remake is to completely miss the point of what a modernization could or should do, and shit on the legacy of a great game because it's not the prettiest thing out there. And if it's a gameplay complaint, then by that logic FF6 is shit by today's standards too (note: it's note besides all the huge swaths of bugs and glitches).

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Yeah, sure.
You were hyped for some rehash but the lesson you learn from that is that things should be allowed to end? I don't buy it

>note: it's note
goddammit you fingers

>It's only worth it for hentai regarding Tifa.
I don't recall anyone ever saying that.

Is it really time travel or rather just NG-cycles?

Great characters, interesting world, incredible soundtrack, a lot of story spectacle, and the game has a truly massive scale with a huge variety in places you go to and things you do. Everything from riding a motorcycle through a cyberpunk city to snowboarding to piloting a submarine to flying an airship, all while interspersed with some of the best plot twists pulled off in a video game. We all know about THAT death scene but there are things far bigger than that which still rarely get spoiled.

I'm glad it was 7 it happened to, and not 8 or 9

The remake is actually a sequel story where Sephiroth learns time travel and tries to change the story?

I’m going to assume this is trolling. Looking forward to playing the remake Friday.

Please learn to read. I hate FF7, but I feel sorry for people who wanted FF7 and instead got an undergrad's C-grade creative writing abortion.

Sephiroth is time traveling to try and remake his destiny (that's where the tagline remake comes from). In the course of this game, you face entities that are trying to maintain the course of events and you, alongside Sephiroth, KILL them (effectively changing the events of the story permanently). Also, Zack survived his Last Stand in an alt timeline, and his seemingly crossing into this new one alongside another Cloud, with Aerith sensing him as he walks towards Midgar)

tl;dr not a remake, but a sequel to AC. fuck nomura

He thought she was going for a high-five