Resident Evil 3 is an SJW flop

One more to add to the list

Attached: GETWOKEGOBROKE.png (1080x1595, 689.38K)

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>R-resetera wins again b-bay bay

Attached: 1586281041840.png (227x228, 90.93K)

its literally 4 hours, why the FUCK would they focus on a multiplayer left for dead shitty clone instead of making the base game bigger.

>On the other hand, Steam is currently witnessing all-time high player activity, and the current state of affairs could have boosted sales for Resident Evil 3 just because so many people worldwide are stuck at home.
Zero (0) excuses trannies

>not downloading the nude mod

The multiplayer mode is a separate install.

>You have this beaty right here
>Advertise the game with politically correct nu-Jill
Why ?
Lootboxes of course

Attached: 1585958766793.png (446x1055, 405.11K)

>Even less than half of RE2R
Fucking yikes

It's no worse than RE2,its essentially the same game, RE2 was fucking shit and overrated as fuck by nostalgia fags, glad people are finally starting to see that these 6 hour long corridor crawling door opening simulators are trash

The development of the add-on required no coordination with the main team, which meant they could boot this out the door faster.