How come we never get Hispanic vidya characters from Argentina, Chile, Peru, etc?

How come we never get Hispanic vidya characters from Argentina, Chile, Peru, etc?

It's always Mexicans , it feels like South America is irrelevant

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Other urls found in this thread:

>South America

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Sure, Hispanic mate

because Mexico has stereotypes
tacos, sombrero, luchador, etc
Brazil too
I don't know what Peru or Chile has


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VI LA Mexica!!

Can’t wait for latino waifu

Chile has 31 Minutos
Peru has subhumans

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>Mexican thread

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I think Carlos Oliveira is from Brazil

Wut? On drug?

>it feels like South America is irrelevant

Ever heard of Central America in media for something else than guerrillas and shithole countries?

Hispanic born in Portuguese spoken country? Doubt it.

>South America

You mean it isn’t?

South america and brazil are the shithole of the planet

>it feels like South America is irrelevant
Literally answered your own question

Cassiopeia Erda is my best gal.

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Interesting topic...

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how would you write a kemonito game? what would it be the premise?

It doesn’t feel irrelevant.

Because Mexico is near USA.


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Mexico actually has an audience that can/will pay for the game

The heck?! No mention my men in the ring, King from Tekken!!

You south american fuckers cry but just imagine being from central america.
Most people don't even know we exist.

AI lucha libre matches occur in the ring. You are Kemonito, and you must distract the luchador that is against the guy you're supporting. You have no health bar but if you get hit you ragdoll like crazy and take a while to get up.

Pathetic bait. Haiti and Africa was a truest shithole.

>people don't know about mexiko
haha user. very funny

Chile has helicopters dropping people
Peru has pic related

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our heads

>31 minutos
Excellent taste

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wait, shit, they're not people, my bad


Look deeper, mate!!

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Friendly reminder that these threads and the ones featuring that cosplayer (you know the one) are made by an unironic Mexican supremacist who also makes threads on Yas Forums bragging about the superiority of the Mexican race, culture, science, technology and society.

But messi is already on fifa

Brazil have few Spanish sounded name.

ESL mutts

Kill yourself

Thanks for pointing it out!!! I had no fucking clue english wasn't my first language until now.

This, every other SA country is literally who except brazil.

>An Argentinian badmouthing his own country
Nah, you're falseflagging.

1. Argentinians
2. Spaniards
3. Americans (as, citizens from the United States)
9999999999 and beyond: rest of the world

Piss off, wanker

Peru character

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>This thread

Great taste, man.
Based source.

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Huitzel is an alien from outer space, why is he listed here? Rikuo is actually from South America canonicaly, he should be there.

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This type of English is so funny, I can't take it seriously


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>This type of English
Dotard clown

>English speaking fags

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>Aztec worship a "alien" from space
Possibly Mexican origin or Jomon culture (original iranic natives in Japan)

Kill yourself

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After witnesses Netflix disaster. I completely r eally enjoyed Saint Seiya Saintia S.

I never got why they did that, he's obviously based off the dogu which is Japanese in origin.

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The hack movie bootlicker have false cult following.

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Peruano aca.
Vengo a decir que, porque mierda los argentinos y chilenos se parecen demasiado?
Chile tiene jergas que hay en peru pero algnsa tienen diferente significado, pero tambine usan jergas argentinas o insultos argentinos; y ambos solo saben decir "INDIO NEGRO PELOTUDO O QLO"
De verdad, de toda latinoamerica, creo que ustedes son los mas subnormales lol, porque he jugado cs go y la mayoria de la gente que hace sonidos como "REEEE" son los argentinos o chilenos xd.
Por que son asi?

"piss off, wanker

>A ancient artifacts

Now we have Susana Distancia.

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There are a lot of Latin American people that work in the industry though. Last time when I finished the Shadow of the Colossus remake, I saw plenty of Hispanic people in the team.
It's just that they don't have their own companies, I guess.

>get on mic

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where's the porn?

Papelucho for Tekken 7.

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they are translators

What wanker

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This is the only real response. Mexico is an absolute meme outside of their exposure thanks to papa E.E.U.U.

you can see gauchos now and again but thats it

>Shadow of the Colossus

(TheSw1tcher stupidity’s original recap)
Brazilian Merman

>not in Mega Drive Mini
Damn you M2 (you too Sega!)

Mexico has produced:

Kerbal Space Program
Elliot Quest
El Chavo Kart
Flat Kingdom
Lucha Libre AAA Heroes del Ring
Rage of the Dragons (co-developed with Japan)
Tyr Chains of Valhalla
Green Algorithm of Life

Brazil has produced:
Chroma Squad
Bad rats
Horizon World Tour

Chile has produced:
Rock of Ages

Venezuela has produced:
Crazy Bus

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