>Tried your best to get into a game
>It just didn't click
What's her name?
>Tried your best to get into a game
>It just didn't click
What's her name?
You already made this thread. Fuck off.
That just means you're a dumbass. I have yet to play a game that I couldn't understand if I gave it a little effort.
But that's not important. Post more healthy females
You just wanted to post this image
Mega Man Battle Network
I'm sorry, I like the combat and folder customization and all, but they're all so transparently padded out and it kills my fun every time I try it
stop repeating this thread faggot
Hey bitch nice TITS
Astral Chain, the gameplay really just didn't hook me
>thinly veiled animu faggotry waifushit thread
Stop posting my wife
Hair too long
Hair TOO blue
hips too wide
skin too white
breasts to big
No clothing at all barely
oooh this is hard, while you are right you are also a tripfag and therefor always wrong and a fag.
Its a paradox I guess.
Aqua doesn't wear bottoms though.
CEASE this faggotry
>waifushit fag complains about another waifushit fag
>posts picture of female
the only faggot here is you
The Witcher 3, snapping movements on attack animations, especially when combined with geralt's otherwise slow walking during combat just ruin combat entirely for me. God of War (2018) also had this problem for me among a host of others. Spider-Man was fun for me but I suppose that's because it had a wonderful range of movement options.
Shes 16 years old
I want aqua's fat butt on my face, PLEASE
So you want a short haired, skinny, dark skinned, flat chested girl?
They actually never reveal Aqua's age
Who are you talking about? All I see is a drawing?
I want to masturbate
For me it's YunYun
The persona series. I like JRPGs but persona is just terrible.
Newfaggots like you belong on a cross
why are anime drawers so good and drawing bodies but so bad at faces
I want to yunyun Yunyun's yunyuns!
Zelda. I never understood how people like those games, and i tried almost every entry. It's just RPG without any character stats and developement. What's the point of playing RPG if i can't improve my strenght or my 2h sword skills?
>calling me a newfag
>when i've been here way longer than you
you probably are into traps lil fruit
Dragons dogma for me.
I usually love these kind of games, so I refused to believe I dont like it, but I started it like 3 times and never got more than 2 hours in, it just completely didnt draw me in.
Ok where are her papers?
Wow, she's a fucking granny.
>wearing panties
Not true to the source
She's actually a goddess who's most likely thousands of years old. Did you even watch the anime?
Witcher 3. I played all the way through 2 just fine
you know /e/ wouldn't be a dead board if you braindead spearchucking ape mutts would take your lewd picture dumps there instead of here
>b-but I don't want to make my porn threads on the porn board it's dead!
self-fulfilling prophecy, you don't post there because it's dead but it's dead because you don't post there. here's the solution, just fucking post there and it won't be dead.
>tfw I will never be the autistic Archmage super wizard master of yeast
The Evil Within 2 for me. Something about the way Sebastian controls is just off. It makes the stealth and shooting difficult when it shouldn't be. Maybe I'll try playing it with mouse and keyboard instead, even though I would have preferred using my TV and controller.
Anyone else feel this way?
>Why yes I do believe that Yunyun is the best girl, how could you tell?
Would you?
>futa / tranny garbage
no, you fucking faggot
Sunset Overdrive
she's got the body of a 16 year old. Stop playing dumb and just admit you're pedos
>Why yes i do think the poster is a retard with bad taste how could you tell?
Are you going to post more tits or what?
>girls with dicks are gay now
Yas Forums has changed
>16 year old
16 year olds look like that?
I dont blame you, its literally soulless despite the good gameplay
The pawn gimmick adds up to the souless korean mmrpg atmosphere everything has
keep projecting retard
I'll take the midget then
>Being a Reddit poster
Fucking Kingdom Hearts.
Yes please
It clicked really hard for me once I got to endgame and the DLC. The early game has very little structure and bad pacing.
>16 look like this
I fucking wish dude. Having said that, I didn't knew 2D character area real? Can ya hook me up with a 2D milf GF bro?
I finally got around to watching the movie. Goddamn when are Kazuma and Megumin gonna fuck?
Wonderful 101
What game lets me cast a shit ton of fucking destructive spells
Even assuming what you say is true, she'd be completely legal here.
Is there anything more embarrassing than watching anime?
Nier Auto-Tomato
posting on Yas Forums
From what I'm hearing, the manga goes deep into romance subplots after this and I kind of don't like that. Especially once Aqua gets removed from the party, I don't love her but I like the dynamic they have with everyone else. I hope the show decides to go its own way, or at least keep the focus on comedy. The movie was really good.
Wait, Konosuba has futa? I gotta watch this show now
In the novels they're already a couple.
It reminds me of that other dumb anime dance
>she's got the body of a 16 year old
found the actual pedo
>japanese humour
Literally only the movie, and only in one little scene
fallout new vegas
They were always gay, retard. You people just never wanted to fucking listen no matter how much we told you.
I tried replaying BG2.
Honestly I can't do it. Just the shit pathfinding and party members blocking each other off when you're doing something as simple as turning around in a corridor is maddening. It aged terribly. I don't give enough of a fuck about the story to endure this shit gameplay. Half the game is throwing worthless trash encounters at you anyway. The nostalgia-vision must be strong for OLDGOODfags to coom so hard to this game.
Fuck you buddy
It's only the movie
Reminder futa is the most searched tag on doujin focused sites. You futa haters are a minority now.
That's the age of consent in pretty much ever state of the US.
>TFW you like both.
God i wish that was me
16 is legal you retarded amerifat
maybe that's why your population is so retarded cause your women breed long after their prime
>you'll never have this
fuck it hurts
Same. I've huge fan of JRPGs, it's probably my favorite genre, I just happen to never play any of the persona games. Decided to start with % since it seems to be getting rave reviews. 5 hours in, I've fought like, 7 battles, and spent the rest of the time slogging through a teen angst simulator. Yeah, sorry, no thanks. Are this many people really that enamored with whiny Jap teen melodrama? I don't get it.
Remember when Konosuba was supposed to be a parody of the isekai genre and not another generic weebshit waifu anime?
Yeah I'm thinking based
what movie?
THE movie, the only movie it has
Whats she saying?
>Megumin will never say that she loves me
same here bro
she want to suck cock
Why is she so mad?
Wait, Aqua leaves permanently? Why?
If so, shit choice by the author
"I cummed and shitted on your bedsheets"
no she just runs away for a bit because she wants to home
Her name is worst girl.
there is nothing worse than her.
oh wow, i had no idea
>objectively incorrect
Who would have thought?
The movie was shit. Too much focused on Megumin, Darkness got like no screentime.
Also fuck them for killing Sylvia. They let her scream how she doesn't want to be left alone, how she want friends, and then they fucking shoot a hole through her? I am sorry, but that's too fucking brutal. I reallly thought there will post credit scene with her living, but nothing.