The only Halo games you need

The only Halo games you need.

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okay zoomer

reach > 1 > 3 > 2 > 4 > ostd > the entire killzone series >>>>>> 5 >>>>>> the sims >>>>>>>>>>> wars


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This is bait


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Wars is amazing you fucking tryhard

yes, reach

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Reach sucks.
2 and 3 have the best campaigns but both are flawed. CE has aged quite poorly but the large environments are cool.

The only Halo games you need.

wars ain't that bad, reach is good only for forge.
1 is repetitive as fuck, only 2 have an ok campaign, 3 is godtier, odst is ok, and 4 is bad, didn't play 5 but the campaign was shit from the video I saw


Halo CE is unironically the best one campaign-wise. The levels are just so memorable.

Reach's campaign is forgettable but I enjoyed the multiplayer

Let me fix that for you OP

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God you faggots have to go back

The levels are memorable because you have to play them all twice

>anything 343

No thanks, faggot.

Never played 4 or 5

Yeah, I just love when I get to go to the Silent Cartographer and 343 Guilty Spark a second time... wait

>every zoomer br game is the exact same open world
>single game re-uses a few maps even though it really isnt because you go through different parts of it

woooooooooooooow how could this happen

Did you play it? Honest question because everyone here says its shit. Is it even on pc yet?

Holy shit cursed post.

I still remember when that was a thing, on the PS3 everyone was jerking to its graphics and then poof, came the PS4 and the series died

Literally only the last three missions reuse maps, and the last two of them have many new parts they didn't have the first time.

reach has the best story and campaign, the gameplay is perfect and its the only halo that is actually fun playing on legendary
CE is repetitive but the campaign is really fucking good too, at that time a halo was still something mysterious and the whole game taking part inside of one makes it much more epic, when you get to the library part, it might be repetitive as fuck but for me is when the game peaks as a science fiction story
2 and 4 are good too but after you destroyed one halo, going back and forward everywhere and doing it again takes away the magic of it, I rated 3 better because of the arbiter levels

3 > 2 > 1 > dogshit > everything else

Reach didn't have any Forerunners architecture and barely any Covenant stuff. It's all human shit which sucks.

How does dogshit taste like?

>reach has the best story and campaign
What the fuck

Yes it did. The forerunners invented slipcase portals.

This has to be bait. Reach is good but I truly cannot fathom how so many people put it at the top for halo.
Halo 2 has indisputably the best story (imo best campaign too)
Reach has best forge if you don’t mind all the assets looking the same.
Multiplayer is up for debate, but I didn’t like Reach as much as 3 or 2.
CE has the most balanced weapon pool.

Name a better Campaign level

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How can someone call Reach the best story. It’s literally the most cliche story among all the Halos, spinoffs included. It’s just humans fighting aliens and losing. Boring characters that are barely fleshed out at all, virtually no new lore introduced, no exposition for what the Covenant are (despite this game being advertised as the true start of the war more or less). I could go on and on.

I love all of the Bungie Halo games, 4 was extremely boring and left me with such a bad taste in my mouth that I just watched a longplay of 5 and was glad I didn't waste my money. Its only redeeming quality was having Blue team and what's his face from ODST although having anyone able to become a Spartan 4 was pretty lame. The only times it was any good was when it was comparing Chief with the 4s cuz he was just a beast in comparison and you could see the clear difference in discipline and training.

Pic related, I was average at best but I relished the chance to assassinate people whenever and wherever I could.

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Its the game that tells you the story of the fall of reach. And forces you to watch everyone die.

How is it not the best story?

Kill yourself.

This. The story is just really bland and I don't give a shit about any of these characters, which makes their deaths have no impact. The levels in the campaign are really forgettable too.

it plays the best, the levels are really good, it has the open areas but also smaller ones for more close combat, this makes the pacing of the game really good
everything is cliche, CO's plot is also cliche, you can add a bunch of unnecessary details to make it seem more unique but it's still a pretty cliche story, what matters if it's well written or not

Are the people who hate Wars more delusional than 4 fans? Or is it the same people trying to divert attention away from the cancer that is rapidly killing Halo?

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There’s no use in arguing over such differing of tastes.
Reach has almost nothing interesting to it.

CE plunges you into a world with foreign ancient tech from a forgotten race, against a religiously motivated armada of Aliens that are obsessed with the forerunners and kicking humanities ass. You discover a much more sinister species and uncover the secret of a massive super weapon will fighting for your life. That’s interesting.

Halo 2 features a completely new perspective with internal conflicts among the Covenant, delving into their culture and motives, actually making them relatable. A plethora of new lore material was added. There’s the mystery of why the Covenant weakly invaded earth and the interesting perspective of Covenant on Earth conflicts. With the discovery of a greavemind, charismatic and manipulative villains, and a full blown cival war occurring amidst mankind’s fight for survival, it’s easily the best story.

I could go on for why 3 is good too (although not as good as 2) but I think you get the point. What the fuck does Reach offer that’s actually unique and interesting?

ODST is my favorite.
>Playing as an un-augmented, basic armored human so the covenant are all larger compared to you in previous games
>Halo 3's general aesthetic, which was always my favorite anyways, balancing the art style and polish
>3's weapons, no energy sword but adding suppressed SMG and pistol to make them feel more distinct. Some of them also feel better than 3's like the AR, sounds better firing and feels stronger in general
>Besides missing the main theme of the series, has the best soundtrack
>Memorable cast of characters, generally more likeable than Reach's cast
>Swapping between them felt like a strong variety alongside the levels you played them on, getting to feel the strengths of each character by the levels and challenges you played them on. Dutch has heavier weapons and deals with more vehicles, Romeo has the sniper and fights long ranged rooftop battles, etc.
>Hub area at night allowed strong immersion with minor exploration and well designed enemy encounters.
>Covenant can still be understood so it's not completely random hoots and grumblings, gives the enemy more personality
Not perfect, and there's a few things the main trilogy does better here and there, but ODST is the one I replay beginning to end the most.

Not him, but
>actually making them relatable
They're aliens. They don't need to be relatable. That's what makes them, well, alien.

Reach is really unique in the way that it's not a mess like 4 and 5. That's good enough for me.

A room filled with every good Halo game

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I don't get this site's boner for ODST. I'm convinced it's out of Yas Forums's knack for contrarianism.

>Short-ass levels
>crew of characters I honestly can't remember because they just have a trait each (ala Reach) and not much else
>that open-world level, while a cool idea, has such a repetitive copy-paste environment
>Firefight involves camping in one spot because you can't take a hit

Playing through Reach on legendary right now
What faggot thought it would be a good idea to make the spartan laser not a one hit kill on an enemy?

They're behind the camera?

>the official gravestone of the franchise

And it fucked it up. The covenant launched a fucking stealth invasion of the planet. How does that make any goddamn sense?

>Implying there was something to kill

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the room is actually filled with all the girls that loved you

Done and done

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Quarantine zone.
Flood-operated vehicles.

Why is odst so underrated, might be less fun online but story mode was really nice and different from the rest of the series

Not contrarian, I posted why I like it, and liked it long before I discovered Yas Forums in general. I admit those are mostly flaws, though I always Doom-guyed the firefight levels by moving constantly. I don't think the levels are that short, and the characters I do think are memorable. But it was definitely overpriced for the time for having lacking multiplayer and a campaign that was still generally a bit shorter than the other games.

>shit opinion accompanied by anime girl
It's like a litmus test for low IQ

Yas Forums hates Halo in general for being a console shooter that happens to be the flagship of an American brand.
Regular people disliked ODST because of the pricetag and most people jumping on-board Halo at the time for it's multiplayer component.

Sorry user, I was planning on posting that earlier, it wasn't meant to be directly in response to you post. I just felt it was a meh experience and then whenever I see it talked about on Yas Forums people love it and as a Halo fan I just kinda don't see what's so great about it.

Disliking Halo has now become a shit opinion?
10 years ago you'd be laughed at for discussing that casual garbage here, now that all the teens are 20 something and are getting nostalgic we're getting flooded with shit opinions.
Same thing for CoD, in 10 years people will be nostalgic over their childhood playing Fortnite, i'm not going to pretend those games have ever been ok

I'm 36 and loved halo 2. I remember my older xbros back then would play it all night with some Links golf thrown in. A few of them had troubles with the wife from playing it so much. Who gives a shit what contrarian virgins thought ten years ago?

t. I get my opinions from contrarian fags on Yas Forums to look cool instead of playing videogames and thinking for myself

10 years ago Halo was much more popular, and because of that, shitting on it was the popular thing to do on Yas Forums in order to fit in.
Now that it's no longer as popular, people's actual opinions about the game are being expressed.

>Guy who posts animu shit thinks he's in any position to say others have shit taste

Almost right.

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Its ok user I guess your parents wouldnt let you stay up late to see the late night halo threads

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Maybe it's people who don't care about a dead genre lmao

Reach's campaign alone disqualifies it from god/top tier, the multiplayer is such a mixed bag that it doesn't bring it up or down.

im so fucking excited bros, i cant wait.

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Swap ODST and CE, and then drop Reach down to Mid


They got better slipspase than Humans.

Read the novels, the covenant think humans are cavemen compared to them, and it's pretty much true until humanity decided to step the fuck up their game.

its going to be good, you just have to have some goddamn faith, its going to be as good as Halo 2 just you watch...

that's not assault on the control room

Fuck off, tryhard fag.

Also, it seems Halo 3 has better Elites than Halo 2.

The shitposting in these threads are disgusting
3 > 1 > 2 > 4 > 5

>10 years ago you'd be laughed at for discussing that casual garbage here
>He never played on legendary difficulty
Get the fuck out of here you filthy casual

Holy yikes

anyone who thinks Halo 3 is the best one is a childish moron.
2 > 3 > 1 > 5 > 4

Joe Staten is an overrated hack.

Eh. I like the choice of three paths and it's certainly iconic. But eh, just wasn't as fun to me.