What the fuck Randy?
What the fuck Randy?
Fuck I'm down sounds kinda fun.
Weird and not all all something anyone asked for but I've been playing BL3 lately anyway.
hi randy
the fuck is this
>some feminist with PhD in women studies and an unbearable liberal from california
did they make her nose bigger on purpose
find other goyim test subjects for your data gathering. FUCK OFF RANDY
>helping ""science"" jews
I don't think so. Fuck off..
>immediate jew dyke shnozzer
science fuck yeah
her wikipedia page reads like a Yas Forumsack parody
Is there anyway we can use this mini-game to fuck with their results.
I more than willing so see some whores career go down in flames for colluding with randy
jesus, is she that hard up since she left big bang theory
also did randy fucking pay for this after gyping his staff out of bonuses?
>science bad!
seething christcucks
It's probably the opposite dumb dumb. They're are given unused data that other people play and the gamers test it and then they sell that data for money
Thinking this.
T. Chemist who is Christian
take your meds man
Name one thing science has done that benefits me.
chuds seething over a nothingburger. some things just never change
>opens trailer with a hooknose rat
>believing in something you can't sense
You're a fraud scientist if you're telling the truth.
The fact that your dumbass will probably live to be 90+ years old. Without science you'd probably be dead by now.
I really don't see how a block matching game translates to DNA sequences
what went so horribly wrong bros!??
>Yas Forumsack parody
guess what, they were never parodies.
>The fact that your dumbass will probably live to be 90+ years old. Without science you'd probably be dead by now.
How is that a benefit to me? I don't want to be alive
Nothing. Borderlands isn't a series that needs a large active playerbase. I don't even own BL3, but c'mon retard
How can someone write a script like this without wanting to break their own hands in shame to prevent themselves from ever creating something so obnoxious ever again?
Great, people weren't made to live over 60 anyway. Look at any old person and they'll tell you being old is miserable
It launched 6 months later and it's playerbase is split between Epic and Steam.
So nothing
i fucking love science fuck
this REEKS of illegal data gathering and mining.
i give it 3 days before someone finds out the game is actually just sellling users info to the chinese or using their PCs to mine crypto .
screencap this.
Ill buy it on sale sometime...
April fools was 6 days ago gearbox
Maiyim Bialik annoys the fuck outta me, no thx.
Dna sequences ARE box match sequences
>haha SCIENCE! We're sooooooooooo quirky!
>believing in something you can't sense
Like subatomic particles, molecular bonding, or stoichiometry?
Geez, you people are thick. You have to believe in way you can't see whether it's trusting a professional's word that he didn't fake something, or in the God who has revealed Himself to you.
>imagine wanting to shove shit in your mouth and actually willingly paying for it
How in the blue fuck is a person better than a computer at tile matching?
The computer is only as good as the programmer can make it.
But you can sense those. We have instruments that we can use to verify they exist.
You can't prove God exists though.
Surely it can't be as simple as "match the colors"
>being an ESL 'tard
Could've said it sooner. Post discarded.
Is tile matching hard to program?
>subatomic particles, molecular bonding and stiochiometry
>We have instruments that we can use to verify they exist.
Muh Science redditors everyone.
They can't, but hundreds of thousands of people contributing to computering power by solving equations are better than a handful of them doing it.
I'm all for helping science move forward, but wouldn't this little game have to already know the win conditions, therefore already knowing how to fix the errors in their algorithm? At what point would the players actually be helping with?
>capitalizing Himself
oh my g-d, really dude. Why are you even here?
You really think you're doing actual 1:1 sequencing by matching blocks?
Is this the kind of people I share a board with?
Which requires you ultimately to trust unprovable axioms.
I can, but what use would it be to some rando who won't listen? I'd be wasting both our times. You want the answer, go find it.
Depends on your background
are you agnostic by the way?
Well what's the point if it's simplistic BS that has nothing to do with real science
That's what I'm asking, why bother doing this shit?
Bitcoin miner in a paid game. Video games 2020.
Oh shit, he found out!
To talk about vidya. Why else would I be here?
>why bother doing this shit?
seeif the nose and Gearbox didn't gave it away.
Mayim Bialik the chick in the vid, supports eating your own placenta after childbirth... try watching the vid now and not imagining her gnawing on some vag sack.
Any nigger that thinks science is completely divorced from faith is an actual retard.
This. it's pretty fucking embarrassing
literally a bitcoin miner
if you're retarded enough that you actually bought the game, might as well go all out
betcha this niggers don't know that 90% of the theories used now were created by hardcore catholics.
You can't start anywhere without having blind faith that
1. Your observations are correct
2. The world operates on a set of standard rules
So you're telling me I do work and you don't play me, because it's video games
Is there a more reddit game than BL?
You're on the wrong site then
BL1 is great, and the Telltale one was pretty good
>BL1 is great