Do you browse boards other than Yas Forums?

Do you browse boards other than Yas Forums?

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Yes, and another SFW board that I won't mention.

Yeah I also browse pol
Now get out of here cuckime pedo

I browse Yas Forums and i fucking hate anime. kill yourself you weeaboo.

I browse /tg/, /ck/ and Yas Forums

Pol, Sci and Lit for my maximum weekly Autism intake.

I've been browsing more lately because I'm stuck inside waiting for my new PC to arrive, so I spend a lot of my time shitposting

Yas Forums Yas Forums /g/ /jp/ and /k/

Yas Forums when I want a quick laugh
go to [s4s] sometimes to hunt for berry pinks
Yas Forums and Yas Forums sometimes
/lit/ once in a blue moon
and /trash/

/i/, Yas Forums, sometimes Yas Forums. I’ve gone on /toy/ a few times, but always got bored with whatever I was watching.

I don't check any other boards, but I do check some cozy little websites at least every other day. Here, I'll even give you guys one to chew on.

(tf2g, indie general)

/tg/ is my main board

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>I don't check any other boards, but
Sounds like nobody asked, faggot.

Boardhopping is fun
Yas Forums - /g/ - /o/ - /vg/ - Yas Forums - /lit/ - Yas Forums - /ic/ - /h/ - /gif/

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Yas Forums


Occasionally h and gif but only when I want to coom

I'm frankly only here because /tg/ has been boring lately. Yas Forums has barely changed from the early 2000s except that the mods are less transparent in banning you for insulting their favorite games, the posting rate is higher, and the memes are different. Shit, there's even still an endless circlejerk about FF7.


Yas Forums, /ck/ and /trv/

Does it involve pastel colored miniature beasts of burden?

Yas Forums, Yas Forums, /out/, /o/

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Yas Forums /vg/ /gif/ /s/ /e/ /d/

Also /vg/ for a few certain threads, Yas Forums for a few certain (Web)comics and threads, and sometimes /an/ once in a while when I want something different. But primarily I stick to /tg/ with usual outings to Yas Forums.

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Yas Forums, Yas Forums and Yas Forums

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I used to browse Yas Forums a lot, but I just visit it when I'm actually watching a new anime.
I browse /vg/ occasionally but I hate it more than Yas Forums, every other general might as well be a discord server.
I lurk on /g/, /vr/, /jp/, /c/ and Yas Forums, but I rarely post on them.
I used to visit /gif/ for a quick fap but honestly Yas Forums invasions in there are even more frequent than here.

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/vg/ and very occasionally Yas Forums.

Yas Forums and /vg/ when I want to discuss a recently released game. That's it.

On the contrary, I come here only occasionally. Used to browse Yas Forums all the time in the late 00s and early 10s, before gamergate and the election killed this board. When I decide to visit I think to myself "It cannot be that bad, can't it?" and pop in to browse a few threads until I see enough cancer to make my stomach turn. Usually I last two threads before the sheer stench of Yas Forums trash makes me metaphorically puke and I'm forced to leave before I remember what this place used to be and feel like crying.

I only use Yas Forums and /d/ for the giantess threads.

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Used to browse Yas Forums.
Now I mostly browse /tg/.

Yo isn't that "you're welcome bro"-bro!?

Yas Forums, /aco/, /bant/, /c/, /ck/, /d/, /e/, /h/, /i/, /tg/, and /vr/
my home board is /ck/
a man of refined tastes

Yas Forums, /tg/, /sci/, /d/, /h/, /aco/
I don't watch anime, never played a traditional game in my life and only use /sci/ to shitpost.


/an/ and /his/, /aco/ /d/ and /trash/ when I want to coom


Yas Forums, /sp/, /cvg/ on Yas Forums and /x/

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If I'm not here I'm on Yas Forums.

Rarely Yas Forums or /toy/.


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It's just too samey. flash animation is not easy to get into so new content is hard to come by. With that, everyone just reposts the same flashes every week and if you spend a month there, you've probably seen the board's entire history.

/trash/ for erp

>a Chinese skinnerbox discussion forum being shitty makes this man want to cry

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you seem like a fag

Yas Forums, /c/, /d/, /e/, /f/, /k/, /n/, /qa/, /tg/, /vg/, Yas Forums, /jp/

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ive been here 16 years and ive posted on every board at least once except the following
>any of the jannie/modshit

now i only go on Yas Forums, /e/, /h/, /g/, Yas Forums, /vg/, /aco/, /s/, /gif/, /wsg/, /wg/, and /trash/ when i need my fill of degeneracy


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/wsg/ and Yas Forums just for spinel

sometimes i go to /vg/ and shitpost in generals for games ive never played with what i assume are shitty opinions and tastes

In a homosexual sense? No.

In a sad, pathetic human being sense? Yes.

it was good once when it got more than 10 posts a day
i hope whatever alternative they use once flash support ends will breathe new life into the place

/h/, /ck/, /wsg/, /g/, /jp/ and /asp/

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>Yas Forums just for spinel
Why? She's nothing special.

Yas Forums and /u/

Yas Forums when I come home from the gym. I rarely come here now. there's no good OC anymore. just autistic posting and schizos posting.

HTML5's canvas looks promising, although I thought there would be tools that ease the creation of animation and games on it by now.

She's my wife

Yas Forums, Yas Forums, /s/, /gif/, /vg/, /trv/, /sp/

great manga.

sometimes I go to /m/ despite not having lifted since 5 years.

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for /feg/ and /feh/,
And Occasionally
for /biog/

Very rarely I’ll check out for the parantural thread (when Zack actually manages to update)

I used to browse but I stopped watching seasonal anime a couple years ago so there really isn’t any point in going there now

And sometimes I’ll visit /trash/ just to see what those degenerates are up to

I don't understand people who complain about a lack of OC, and I think they're genuinely just looking in all the wrong places
some user in the Korea Time thread just drew this today, and I've been saving all kinds of Animal Crossing stuff recently

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Have you been missing the time ghost threads?
That shit is hilarious.

*to Yas Forums oh god what

>/f/ bros
you really are here!
>pic semi related

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I must just be missing it then. I do really miss the old times when we could play zdoom and stuff when people weren't thinking they're being ironic or trying so hard to be funny.

Yas Forumsnon and fa/tg/uy here. Sometime /k/omando.

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Yas Forums and Yas Forums are the ones I use primarily aside from Yas Forums
Occasionally browse Yas Forums, Yas Forums, Yas Forums and /jp/
Stopped using Yas Forums when it turned into /lgbt/ 2
Stopped using /vg/ because the generals I frequented just weren't good
Stopped using /vp/ because Pokemon just sucks dick
Use /h/, /d/, and occasionally /trash/ when I need to use my peepee

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I can see yall are having a fun discussion but unfortunately this thread is off topic :).

/jp/ for the latest about onaholes

Yas Forums
Yas Forums
most of the porn boards

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current year janitors and mods are just fucking retards. I cannot understand what kind of tasteless faglord would voluntarily do anything on this site nowadays.

>/jp/ for the latest about onaholes
uh, that's a thing that moves fast enough where there's a "lastest news" about it?

nah there's always "new" flashes being posted
i myself sometimes go into the archive and collect shit that hasn't been posted since since like 2014 and post it.
Not to say it isn't a lot of reposts though. The touhou tuesday and gachi thursdays don't help with that either.

dumb anime crossposters

^low effort

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Yes hello

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Yas Forums, most of the time. I used to browse and post on Yas Forums all the time, but I fell out of giving a fuck about seasonal anime. Also doesn't help that the mods allow Naruto now and half the board is taken up by shonenposting, alongside the typical seasonal shit, so I just don't see a reason to go on there anymore. Same with Yas Forums, but at least storytimes keep me coming back.
If you niggers think Twitter screencap threads are bad on this board, just take a gander at Yas Forums and have a firearm handy.
>thread about crossboarding/visiting other boards
>posts this
You have autism.

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Yas Forums, /his/, and /vg/ (gsg, gfg, twg, mbg)
Yas Forums or Yas Forums if I'm really bored
/tg/ used to be my home board but they aren't fun, aren't creative, they cant sort out bait, they are literally redit, and I dont like optimizing my dnd characters

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Just /tg/

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Yas Forums and /ck/. used to dabble in /k/, and /x/ was fun until the Yas Forums invasion. /d/ is a shit and piss stained fatty wasteland, these days.

stopped going to my main board because it became too shitty and bland
rip Yas Forums

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does Chris Ott still post on Yas Forums?