What's your honest opinion on Xenogears?

What's your honest opinion on Xenogears?

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Can't spell Xeno without Kino

Possibly the most overrated JRPG game I ever seen for the PSX.

overall a horrible experience with a handful of kino moments

Not as good as XBC2

Wasted potential. The lore is really interesting, but the dialogues and constant cutscenes make the game unbearable. The gameplay is ok.

I wonder how much story they could have saved from disc 2 if they didn't waste resources on the awful robot fighting minigame in the jail

>hour long unskippable cutscenes
>snails pace dialogue scroll that cant be skipped or sped up in any fashion
>bare bones combat with less depth than NES rpgs despite its attempts at style
>minimal character building
The Arena fighter mini game was kinda cool though

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How long until we get a ((((Remake))))?

it's a unfinished, pretentious movie "game" that contrarians pretended to like only because it wasn't final fantasy. it went on to spawn some of the shittiest jrpgs ever made. takahashi is a hack.

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Couldn't finish it because I got bored as fuck.

the duality of man

I've always considered it one of my favourite games despite never finishing it. When I first got it in the 90s on ps1 I got all the way to Deus and then ran out of fuel while exploring the platform maze and just lost motivation to continue, now every time I try to emulate I just can't make it all the way through without getting exhausted of it.

It's shit

The ultimate pastiche of late 90's JRPGs and post-Eva mecha anime. An incredibly enjoyable experience if you like the cliches in both of those genres and an emphasis on story; an awful experience if you don't. A must play for JRPG fans.
Probably never. Few games in the genre will get the treatment that FF7 got because the sales aren't high enough to justify that kind of investment. Hopefully we get a modern DQ3 remake though; that would be awesome.


Xenogears remake for the Switch fucking when?

it's pretty good

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I always thought highly of it, but never finished it.
Two times I made it to the second disc, but overall I always lost interest.

I did like the mature character designs in comparison to some other shit that went around at the time, and I did like story a lot.At least what Ive played from it.

The fact that it's literally unfinished ruins any of the coolness the story might have had.

Never, if we're lucky. Xenogears is too good for a remake.

Don't worry about not finishing it, the game didn't even bother to do that itself.

>despite never finishing it
don't worry, takahashi never finished it either.

its a Top 5 JRPG

>too good
>disc 2 is a fucking wall of text with some battles

While the game is unfinished, the last portion of the game with the Lacan Flashback, the battle in the holy land, the sidequests in the city from 1000 years ago and the finale are by and large the best part of the game and the reason everyone remembers it fondly, so finishing it as a must.


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Played part of it earlier this year after hearing about how good it was for 20 years, but I got bored and stopped right before the Gears tournament in the prison.

>he's not patrician enough to appreciate the brilliant second disc
Tell me user, how does it feel to be a pea-brained peasant?

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That’s not final fantasy 8

It's a shame you haven't formed your opinion after finishing the game. You would like it.

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a game has to be rated positively to be "overrated"

it's not really as strong as Demonbane, powerlevelfags are retard

Best Monolith game by a country mile
Miang best girl

>you will never have a harem of super soldiers to gobble your self-hating cock

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But we weren't talking about powerlevels

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No, he's right. FF8 is a garbage game with easily the most annoying of fanbases who obsessively defend the rancid pile of shit that is 8 while taking pot shots at everyone else.

Never ever user. Fucking square enix holding the ip as hostage in their basement for eternity

Check out vidya magazines from 1998-99, my dude. Both Xenogears and FFVIII were getting 9s and 10s. Out of 10.

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The first all trans video game cast?

I fucking adore every part of it with all my heart.

Currently playing it right now for the first time, about to start Disc 2. I can see why some fell in love with it back then, but without nostalgia goggles it's just serviceable so far. It only got good at the Tower of Babel, which is like 30h in. before that, it's your cookie cutter story, with acceptable pacing but got the Kislev part is an absolute pacing killer, terrible. And as much as I can excuse many things due to its age, the battle system is boring as fuck, and there's no excuse for that considering its contemporary jrpgs. Music is not as great as I was memed up, but it does its job. Got a lot of Xenosaga vibes out of Babel Tower's theme, I also like the infiltration theme, and Bart's theme variations are indeed very good, but that's all the imprint it left in my memory so far, so not much. The parallels are indeed very strong with XC2 when it comes to the story, and you really see how Takahashi matured as he aged and got more experience. It flows more naturally, feels more organic, party members are not in overnumber for nothing without being developed. And that's not without even touching the "game" part, where XG really aged badly, and is basically unfun, but it's mostly due to its battle system. Can't say i like Fei that much so far, for 20h he's just "Get in the Mech, Fei Hikari" shit that was already unsefurable in that era, and is even more today. But I have not finished the game yet, and he already went past that shit attitude, so I have great hopes. Actually, I unironically have high hopes for Disc 2, because from a gameplay standpoint, that game can't be saved, and Disc 2 having little of it will make thinks better. I'll enjoy Takahashi's wild ride without being hindered by the "game" parts.

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Rpg's with king fu giant fighting robots what's not to love?

And don't forget jungian Shadows, and killing god at the end with anime powers.

I think you'll like it user, I really do.

Without pesky gameplay to hold it back Disc 2 is where the game goes off the rails and becomes a Xeno game, the Xeno game.

I'm honestly looking forward to it, I already got glimpse of what's about to come from what I played in Disc 1, and I already feel Takahashi did set things up for a wild ride, as he always does. I think I'll take advantage of the current quarantine to play the Xenosaga trilogy once again right after I finish XG, it's been like 15 years since I played them.

the best Xeno game. shulk's game and the weeb trash that is chronicles 2 don't hold a candle, and Xenogears was unfinished too.

to be fair the same is the issue with Grandia (greatly rushed after first Disk) and it's still an excellent game that everybody who likes jrpgs should play


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>best girl never got to fuck

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Hope you unequipped everything from Elly and her Gear.

Horrible. I pity people that force themselves through this weak ass anime game pretending to be a good RPG just because it has the Squaresoft label.


I thought it was pretty epic when I was young.
Until when I'm older and realised the game theme was heavily influence by religion, which is lame now to me.

Couldn't finish it the translation work was too shit


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You did a pretty good job describing my thoughts about it. I stopped like I said earlier, but I am going to try to get back to is next month after I finish Secret of Mana and Trial of Mana. I just got really bored because the plot wasn't very interesting in... I think I was in Aveh still? Last thing I saw was Fei had to compete in a Gears tournament in prison. The battle system isn't very interesting, but I also don't like having to press circle just to advance text in long ass scenes. It's kinda weird because I'm okay with that in some other text heavy games with long story scenes, but I guess it just doesn't always interest me in Xenogears. It depends on the scene, sometimes I'm into it, other times it just feels like word vomit that desperately needed an editor.

at least grandia is still a game after the first disc, not a powerpoint slideshow.

I've played a little bit of the English version, and I can totally understand the quality given the working conditions, but yeah, the dialogue does feel a lot better in Japanese.

It's not even a powerpoint slideshow, it's someone narrating you a powerpoint slideshow without you getting to see it.

I like giant robots and this had some great designs

Mecha RPGs are seriously underutilized

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I'm trying to play it right now. Is the combat anything more than "Just use your strongest deathblow every turn"? Or am I missing something cause this shit is boring.

one of the greatest games ever made. played it as a teen, and i think it was one of the defining media experience for me back then, it guided a good amount of my future academic pursuits as well

boss fights are usually just stocking combo points and spamming stacked dblows

To be fair it only powerpoints through all the boring parts, all the major scenes are full cutscenes with playable portions and it gives you full freedom again once the last dungeon appears on the world map. Honestly it was pretty brilliant how they managed to tell the entire story they wanted with no resources left.

No it basically isn't. I can't even say the usual "in gets good 20h" that applies to basically every jrpg in existence, because the battle system genuinely never gets good. The only "fun" part is breaking it with Vierge's aerods, that's it. It's just bad.

Really? How so?

using strongest deathblow every turn won't unlock new deathblows. Once you have every deathblow unlocked then it's use your strongest deathblow every turn, usually in combos

The combat system is garbage but I love how it had two complete systems for on foot combat and mech combat and they both coexisted and you could switch between them leading to moments like when Grahf goes Master Asia on your party's mechs.

I just realized that just now.

No, the gameplay in gears is shit in general.

>yfw this scene

Loved it especially the combo