>Miura is working on Berserk again?
>Initiate Project Duranki
>Berserk comes back from hiatus on the 24th
>Goes back into hiatus.
Screencap this. It’s gonna happen.
>all those faggots back when Berserk 2016 started airing saying this garbage animation was fine because they got to see it animated at all
>still skipped over the Black Swordsman and Lost Children arcs
>lost children will never get animated
Curse or blessing?
The 1997 studio cancelled the black swordsman arc because it was too violent, especially when look at the shit they make now.
The less of his faggy orbiters the better, hopefully puck and the moefags die.
There is no saving Berserk, user. We just have to be happy with the three good arcs we got.
I didn't find this arc to be that good. I completely understand why they skipped it. I think the arc where the guy who becomes a slug monster and has his daughter realize he's a monster story was a bit more of a bummer that they skipped, but even that doesn't really contribute to the overarching plot so I get it, kind of.
Lost children was honestly my favorite arc.
How come? I don't like when they lean too much on the fey-stuff. I like it when the monsters are more frightening and you feel the grimdark stuff hanging over everyone.
There's an alternate universe where the kids and faries fuck off and 1997 got a second season...
Thats a pretty good fan made animation
I just appreciated the relationship between Guts and Jill and Jill's character on her own. I thought it was an important showcase of Guts not being a complete edgelord even after the eclipse, and that there were people who thought similarly to him. There also wasn't a big party yet at that point, so it was one of the last "quiet" parts of the story before silke and the rest of them all. Don't get me wrong, I like the later parts too, but LC felt unique.
Is berserk not popular in japan? How was this allowed.
I can see that. I suppose I could change my mind later on, but I don't feel like that arc captures what makes berserk great for me.
That's fine, everybody's got their preferences.
We are all strugglers, user
Lost Children likely wasn't adapted because a) it doesn't really move the overall story along, it's just a powerful side story and b) tons of very unfortunate things happen to children and things that look like children.
Pure 100% unadulterated SOUL. Pure fan love of the series went into this and not a big budget. Only faggots yearn for the unflawed and pretty veil that money offers. Only faggots can not appreciate a work of art that differs from their personal taste.
A gem lost due to the seething and irrational hatred the internet provides. The inability of the disgusting masses to close their eyes to entertainment, yet they find no problem closing their glazed over brainwashed eyes to the real life evils around them.
im going to kiss your dad on the fucking lips, you little funnyman
I love this intro
The guy who made the Netflix Castlevania is interested in doing Berserk
Can't wait for Guts to come out as transgender.
Hey there user, my name actually is Brandon Smith and I live in Plainville, Connecticut, United States of America, and I just wanted to say that you are an absolute cock-inhaling faggot of a human being who should go and shitfuck himself up the dickhole for having such genuinely retarded opinions. It literally seems to me that you may actually legitimately be a mentally handicapped person whose handler has accidentally allowed to access a computer. My recommendation is that you go out to your nearest freeway at your earliest convenience and insert yourself into the traffic such that motorists are forced to either swerve or splatter your being upon the hoods and windshields of their cars, traumatizing all those within them as you do, so that these sorts of inane and stupid shit thoughts that seem to just spew out of your anus of a mouth will never be seen on this board again. Alternatively, go to your resident barbecue and turn the grill on to its highest heat, then place your hands into the flames until they are roasted into unrecognizable stumpy, blackened appendages that will require years of treatment and therapy to heal into scarred lumps which will require a lifetime of medication to relieve the constant and permanent pain from nerve damage, in order to prevent yourself from ever typing such a dumb sentence ever again.
>The 1997 studio cancelled the black swordsman arc because it was too violent,
No. They cancelled it because the manga was going super slow. Same reason Hellsing 2001 was cancelled (and because Hirano didn't like how Gonzo made the show too serious and dark). If they had continued they would've needed to come up with filler to compensate for the manga taking a while, plus 90s Berserk was more of a glorified advertisement for the manga.
However Wyald was removed because way too violent, that is true.
>but even that doesn't really contribute to the overarching plot so I get it, kind of.
It's possible the Count's daughter might later come back to get revenge on Guts, so I don't think it's that irrelevant to the overarching plot. The fourth movie was going to cover Black Swordsman, but that ended up getting canned for some reason.
>I didn't find this arc to be that good.
I disagree, Lost Children worked as a way to show how Guts operated when he hunted Apostles and how he still had soft side. Skipping to the Conviction arc also caused the show to skip a massive chunk of Guts' character.
No thanks. He'd butcher Berserk and remove all subtlety.
It’s allowed precisely because its popular
Berserk can't work as an anime or game anymore because neither are allowed to show the level of violence and adult situations from the earlier arcs, and games are constant action that don't have room for the quiet introspective character moments
One of the best parts of the entire thing is the artwork that resembles medieval wood carvings, and that can't be replicated in either
>The fourth movie was going to cover Black Swordsman, but that ended up getting canned for some reason.
Yeah what happened to that?
I remember there were a few leaked screenshots and clips of the movie
At 0:50-0:52
This as well:
>but I don't feel like that arc captures what makes berserk great for me.
Oh boy
You won't like the new Arc then.
>doesn't really move the story along
It's the only arc we get of solo Guts before he starts to assemble his JRPG party. It's also important to illustrate how fucked up Guts was mentally as a result of his demon hunting for years. Black Swordsman also did this to some degree, but was significantly shorter and was so far back before Golden Age that another arc is justified to remind the audience, establish Gut's character at the moment and what's going on.
I want you to be hurt very badly even though you are free to this dumb ass faggot opinion, I hope you get hurt.
Bros why won't we get any more Berserk kino?
1997 was based.. Only manga/anime worthy of being viewed as art imo
>Berserk can't work as an anime or game anymore because neither are allowed to show the level of violence and adult situations from the earlier arcs
The TLOU2 demo centered around a zombie cult disemboweling people and breaking their elbows with a hammer and this was all done onscreen. Also Ellie or someone probably gets molested. This is the single largest game Sony is pushing.
Doom Eternal released like 2 weeks ago and sold itself on brutal violence, with demons taking dynamic damage that displayed chunks of their flesh getting ripped off, as well as dismemberment and gibbing.
Mortal Kombat 11 fatalities are ludicrously violent and show photorealistic organs flying everywhere and people getting maimed in every fashion you can think of; I would argue they're actually more gratuitously violent than any hypothetical Berserk gameplay, which would mainly need limb dismemberment, decapitation and large blood sprays. Mortal Kombat violence is also directed towards humans, whereas Berserk would mainly focus on monsters.
This is just off the top of my head; video games can still be extremely violent, faggot.
doom is like child friendly gore.
It's got an M rating what the fuck
>It's the only arc we get of solo Guts
I wish we got more solo Guts arcs.
thats edited...right?
Everyone including kids are massively desensitized to gore. Doom is baby gore, not even the same dude as your quoted
Once again showing that even though it is completely faithful to the manga, "fans" throw a tantrum.
Modded Sekiro is the best Berserk game available right now
My point still stands though that vidya still has incredibly gory titles not only being released, by highly pushed or anticipated. Parents being unwilling to keep their children from watching adult things has nothing to do with it.
I stopped following Berserk around 2010. Were there at least 20 chapters since then?
Also, I see Ubel Blatt concluded. I'm going to read that whole fucker.
358 was last chapter released , dunno what chjapter we were around 2010
I just want an open world RPG set in Midland during the Fantasia arc. Like a reskinned Dragon's Dogma.
OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH Elden Ring better fulfill this want
This but actually Monster Hunter World
Usually we get 3 or 4 chapters between hiatuses, right? I'm hoping for that, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's just 1 chapter
The answer is actually 50 chapters. I'm flabbergasted. How does Miura do it?
would you rather have 500 chapters of shit?
Come on, don't defend the guy. He's not working alone for a long time.
i would be happy with a chapter every 3 months
not defending him really , but i rather have this low chapter than going naruto or bleach way
This nails the fighting monsters ten times your size part, but the combat is much too slow to fit Guts
>Casca is healed
>The world tree (?) allows for fast travel across vast distances
>skull knight is back
It looks like we are just beginning to rev up towards a climax of the story. I'm hyped to see what's coming up next. Rickert chapters all year