

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 174.71K)

What should I be mad about? You niggers get mad at every little thing lately.

and picked up

i provided a pick of my complaint.

neat design
will definitely try it up

What's bad about it?

she has a rocket launcher in a csgo type game

What’s wrong in the picture?

If it's balanced what's wrong with it?

Is this issue that she has a rocket launcher in a CS:GO like game?

They made her black AND pretty? Riot is getting canceled.

What's the issue?

She looks incredibly out of place in the sci-fi tactical feel that the initial group of characters have. Spies, recons, soldiers, and now some stylish bitch with a flatbill.

EXACTLY! Remember when they used to chain up blacks inside lanterns and cuck them in every possible way by whitewashing the blakc characters with skins?

>haha black characters HAVE to be an amalgamation of black stereotypes because we're creatively bankrupt LOL

If the game has teamkilling, then it is alright.

can't wait for the porn desu

Well yes, that's how they are IRL

lose the hat and she'd be hot

Riot saving western games with brown QTs
Getting Weebs and Roasties mad

I dont think that's the issue, I fucking love Senna and her character design because they didnt throw a shit ton of ghetto stereotypes on her and gave her an actual personality
This bitch looks like she was built from the ground up with the idea of being black and all the stereotypes that come with it

What made you think it was worth picking up to begin with?


it was developed by the company that created one of the most downloaded games in the last decade

rocket launchers are never balanced in fps
it's always one shot, huge aoe, no spread

Fucking phone posters again

>>haha black characters HAVE to be an amalgamation of black stereotypes because we're creatively bankrupt LOL

if they aren't people will just call them white characters with brown skin.

>we want the fortnite audience

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Of course they would want it, it's the most lucrative audience there is.

this game looks like a p2w browser game you see in a banner ad.

>game has a nigger in it

Thanks for the warning, I will not purchase it.

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>open up a dictionary
>look up "ham-handed"
>find pic related

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more like rape heh

>Rocket Launchers in literally any FPS

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Cute brown tummy!

Racist and retarded. Pottery


stupid nigger

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graffiti is more an urban thing than it is black nowadays and not enough characters have the graffiti artist aesthetic . that said its still pretty cool how much effort goes into some and how they manage to do them so quick without being caught.

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based bigot to dumb to do research


the voice acting is so bad.

She's not even good. Sage, Cypher and Omen are autopicks because a revive, enemy position reveal and a teleport are broken in CSGO. The rocket launcher is literally worse than just shooting people.


Quake and Unreal series would like to have a word with you

you can identify forced diversity so easily
what a laughable concept

you don't have to fucking explain it to me chang, i know you're desperate to rip them off

Explain forced diversity... is there any way to do diversity without it being forced? I'm curious.

Just heard of this game
What is it, why should I care, and what is making you drop it here? What am I looking it?

>exposed tummy brown girls
I will now buy your game

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Why do so many new games keep forcing these god awful tumbler artstyles?

what hairstyle?

not hairstyle

holy shit, what the fuck is wrong with me

That looks nothing like a tumblr artstyle, given that she's actually attractive and not a disfigured goblin.

isn't this a spic not a nigger

>given that she's actually attractive
thats a stretch but okay

triggered nigger janny spotted

more like rape lol

Picked a bad time to get lost, friends.


It's like they wanted to call it boomer but were afraid the hard R was gonna trigger kangz

grow up

>Make the black guy attractive, well-dressed and give him cool abillities and name.
>Make the black girl token le street character le thug le ugly
Based Riot loves BBC but hates big black butts, why?