you know it's coming next. actually the bullshit they're doing with 7 would fit this game better
You know it's coming next. actually the bullshit they're doing with 7 would fit this game better
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Nah they'll remake this 1:1 as a fuck you to people who didn't like it
8 can't get worse, who cares.
All VIII needs is a better translation.
They should remake XIII to be a fun game.
Time compression and other stupid bullshit does not need to be expanded upon.
What if they just made a completely different game, none of the same characters, not even the same world, completely different game mechanics but still called in the FF8 remake?
FFVIII and FFIX will never receive any sequels, spinoffs, supplemental material, or remakes.
There is nothing to ruin about 8. Mind you they can still make it worse than it already is, but 8 already firmly sits on the retard train that XIII is captain of.
Is there a Final Fantasy that isn't retarded? Cause I don't think I've played one.
FF8 is such incomplete mess the wrost they can do is keeping the story as it is.
why do so many get filtered by 8?
the ones that storyfags hate (I, III, V). Turns out maybe it's not a bad idea when your game is light on story and heavy on gameplay
with what resources would they make this game? they're all tied up with VII for the next 5 years minimum.
this remaking games needs to stop. we dont want a trashed version of these old games. we just wanted the old games with improved graphics. nothing else changed
The translation inn VIII is mostly fine anyway. It's not perfect, but the only issues I can think of are:
- Squall says "whatever" in a lot of places he shouldn't.
- Rinoa implied she was over Seifer during the first visit to Galbadia Garden, not that she still liked him.
- Edea's speech was completely rewritten, which made Ultimecia sound like a generic take over the world villain instead of an angry sorceress lashing out against people persecuting sorceresses. She also had hints to her ultimate goal of time compression in the speech.
- Ultimecia's dialogue at the end was also completely rewritten for some reason, which is why a lot of English players still don't know what the hell happened in the end. Her battle dialogue was a little more generic too.
- Remember that scene where Squall finds out that the ones he sent to the missile base weren't blown up? And Rinoa asked Squall if he'd have been worried if she was there too? And Squall suddenly gets very embarrassed and trips all over his words? Complete rewrite. He was still stoic like he always was there, but Rinoa still guessed what he was thinking.
And there were a few other very minor things I can't remember, real nitpicks, and Selphie slipping into her native dialect when she was freaking over the missiles heading for Trabia that wasn't translated. It sounds bad when I list it all like that, but considering the amount of text in the game, it was overall fine. I heard people say that IX was better, but I played it in Nip too and it's actually worse. It has a lot of scenes that were totally rewritten for no apparent reason. FF localizations didn't start getting particularly good until FF X.
I await the glory of PS5 FFVI.
I don’t think so. They remastered FFVIII years after they released FFVII remastered and even re-released FFIX before they even touched VIII
>we just wanted the old games with improved graphics
Give me new original games and stop leeching and milking old games.
They will either go for VI or make X-3
Thanks for this post user, gonna go look up the ending because time compression feels totally retarded to me.
8 remake is actually confirmed through XIV.
you're just gonna yell old good new bad
> the bullshit they're doing with 7 would fit this game better
No it wouldnt, it would be worse and if retards got confused by the time travel in the game already imagine a worse Nomura enhanced version of that, thank God Kitase said if a remake happened it would be so far away that newer staff at SE would have to work on it but hopefully Square is dead by then
The plot of 8 doesn’t make any fucking sense whatsoever. The only version I’ve seen which sort of makes sense is the one where Squall is dead and the majority of the plot is his own personal hell.
Don't touch VI, please
Fuck yes, can't wait to see Tidus stupid head exploding.
I guess you're just dumb.
I guess you just suck cocks.
VIII cannot be salvaged.
It was already remake tier upon original release.
And I say that as someone who loved it.
But nothing there made any sense.
Especially not the stupid asspulls
>oh wow I guess we all used to be at the same orphanage right? what a coincidence lol!
The music is top tier though, plus Edea is my favorite in D012 but apart from that: unsalvegeable
this is true also however, since i was a kid i was looking forward to the day re2 got “remade”. since they did the original game which remained mostly similar, thats what i was hoping for.
i know they changed stuff from the original to the remake but the gameplay was basically the same. thats what i was hoping for.
although i do agree with you there needs to be more original ideas.
>new bad
Just look at FFXII and FFXIV and tell me they are memorable and worthwhile games.
I was a dumb teen back when I played the game for the first time and even I felt insulted by that absolute asspul. As a matter of fact, FFVIII was the first time I felt utter disappointment with a new game I was looking forward to.
>The only version I’ve seen which sort of makes sense is the one where Squall
I can't believe this stupid fantheory is better than the canon story.
Apparently the development for this game was still rushed.
Hence why a lot of latter part felt rushed and unfinished. It's a shame because there was a lot of characterizations and world building in the game's many 'hidden' scenes in the earlier discs.
Yeah no, it's Nomura and his retarded impossible "challanges".
Sorry i mean XV.
Based on popularity it'd either be VI or X, even IX is probably more likely to receive a remake before it just based on how they've treated VIII up to this point.
Based on mainline sales FF7, FF8, and FF10 would be getting a remake but I think they already mentioned wanting to do X-3 and a possible remake of 8 probably cause the game had a rushed development
its still amazing these games came out 2 years after each other and now it takes a decade for Square to release one "complete" game
Can someone tell me how a multi billion dollar company can lose the source code for one of their major titles?
Don't worry, nobody cares about VI
It happens all the time. Toy Story 2 wouldn't have happened if some random worker didn't back everything up.
same reason as Super Mario Sunshine: It's just nowhere near as good as the game that came before it
No one gives enough of a shit about this game to want a remake of it.
God, just imagine. Imagine how they'd turn the original game's gorgeous meticulous steampunk art into some over-the-top anime shit and completely shit all over the original game's presentation. It makes me sick just thinking about it. Square Enix are HACKS.
I saw mention of them wanting to do a X-3 and a V remake somewhere. Never seen anything about a VIII remake. Source?
As an aside, I hope they don't touch V since Kitase talks about seeing it redone in a 'realistic style' which boggles my mind. What a terrible idea:
If any game needed the Remake treatment it's this one. They could include the Rinoa is Ultimecia thing and make the game about saving Rinoa from whatever makes her go batshit crazy in the future so it doesn't end up a closed time-loop with a vague downer ending.
I'd be interested to watch how they would polish such soft stool. 8 is an atrocious game.
>tfw you really like FFVIII
It is good, don't let the hater brainwash you
Kitase mentioned remaking FF8 but with the younger staff handling it
For this one his response was he might use the Squall is dead theory in the remake but not the Rinoa is Ultimecia one
>vifags still think their game was good
FF8 had complete/finish story. adding more time travel doesn't make sense
Interesting. Although since he said he wouldn't be working on an VIII remake it won't really be up to him if either theory gets used.
dude you are a loser
never ever, game doesn't even have a fanbase. Based on popularity I think Final Fantasy X is going to end up with a rebooted sequel that invalidates the original X-2