Nomura is retarded

Time jannies represent the devs of this game.
>Hey look, as promised we are fighting to keep the story of the original intact

Except in order to do that he has to change the story. The lack of self-awareness is trough the roof.

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You know the remake would have been shit either way, user

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Cloud loves Aeris

Stop making threads about this fucking game already, you obsessed cuck.

>Time jannies represent the devs of this game.
I thought they represented us

somebody explain time jannies to me

>Nomura is retarded
nomura is a genius and only redditors hate him. go back.
>Time jannies represent the devs of this game.
no, they represent faggots like you who wanted a shitty remaster instead of a remake.

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This image is better than any explanation anyone could attempt

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>stops hojo from spilling the beans since it could trigger Cloud mind breaking before time, making him unavailable to travel with the group
This is bad because....uh.....

As opposed to following the original scenario of him being totally disinterested in Cloud?

>Promises to make a remake and keep the story intact
>Goes back on his word
Fuck off Rian

The ghosties represent the fans who want remakes to be exactly like the original even though it's not possible, so Nomura makes the player kill the ghosts so he is free to write FFVII in any way he wants.

this leaves me even more confused

does it matter?


obviously it matters or they wouldnt have tried to share the information before stopping themselves.
they made a change strictly to undo that change which just makes no sense

>history niggas literally dragging away spoiler man rather than doing literally anything else to stop the event
This is awful writing.
Time travel is a risky venture at best even with a smart writer


lazy fucking slanteyed nips

>Hojo: wait no I remember now you are the guy that thinks he's a Soldier but in realit-

>Time jannies represent the devs of this game.
The Jannies present the toxic, self entitled fan-base trying to force their personal idea of how things should be, how they believe it needs to be only to eventually be proven impotent.
The devs are the main party overcoming these malformed autists to have a chance at something new and better, even not knowing how well it's going to work out.

The Time Jannies are Yas Forums, and Yas Forums hates video games.

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OG Final Fantasy 7 are some of the biggest fucking babies and hugest fucking faggots to ever grace this board.
Lmao at you all.

Cloud loves TIFA.

>Hojo is about to spoil the whole thing?
>Shut him down.

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if the devs wanted to change shit then they should have just changed it rather than backtracking with this lazy garbage


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This game clearly isn't a remake, it's either a sequel or a fanfiction. We were told this would be a remake of Final Fantasy 7, we were expecting the story of Final Fantasy 7 retold with modern graphics, instead we got Nomura's 23 years of built up autism.

It's false advertising, isn't it?


this. fuck nomura and fuck muh time jannies apologists. You people are just as insufferably retarded as the people who thought Rian Johnson's 'subversive' writing method was 'good'.

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>time jannies are bad.
>dude, it's objectively bad. Believe me

1:1 remakes are boring

>Tifa and Aerith canon date

Wait are they really going down this route? So Sephiroth has a shot with Cloud now

Anything is possible now

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I would have preferred a game where you play as the jannies trying to unfuck everything.

The best remake ever (REmake1) is almost a 1:1 with better graphics. You just need to change small details.

Who fucking cares. Call it and advertise it as something else then

I'm fucking tired of remakes being fucking retarded. Shit games get extremely faithful remakes like what happened with fire emblem gaiden. Good games get fanfic remakes


and episodic time travel themed cashgrabs that rely on turning your critics into literally the final boss reeks of creative bankruptcy and a dead spinoff.

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Cloud is relentlessly handsome

then make/play a different game you paramecium brained retard. Don't rely on an old franchise to carry your autism

What you're looking for is a remaster. Halo 2 Anniversary was for the most part a great example of this.

REmake is completely different from the original.

>Virtually every major event has its outcome determined by a seemingly unstoppable 4th-wall-breaking force that thus constantly invalidates the characters' agendas and actions
>Cloud doesn't spare Reno out of goodwill towards Aerith, Hojo doesn't dismiss Cloud as a random Soldier on his own, they all just get pushed out of the way by time jannies with perfect comedic timing
>Throughout the game all these characters dont even question such absurdities until the big baddie tells them to at the end
>"does it matter?"

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Whale loves Cloud
Cloud loves cute childhood friend
Aeris loves Zack

Fine, then do a fucking remaster instead. Oh wait, they already did a "remaster" with that upscalled rerelease of FF7
Just do a fucking FAITHFUL remake then

No, that would be a remaster. Where it's essentially the original game but updated mostly with graphics and music quality. For example, turning 480p resolution to 1080p.
Resident Evil remake is a complete remake. The game was built from scratch, the engine is new, the assets are new, they re-recorded the sounds and voice lines, etc. They just stayed faithful to the original while adding a bit of fluff that fits with the lore to introduce the G-Virus earlier. It's not a 1:1 copy with better graphics, that's a remaster. It just respects the source material.

>the date was a huge deal between Cloud and Aeris in the og
>kinda like his promise to Tifa
>Aeris doesn't mention it anymore
>Cloud never agrees to it
>Aeris actually asks Tifa also on a date
Things like that made me really doubt that there will ever be a Cloud/Aeris route

So this is the real plan of the time dudes.

Ok you’re baiting but I’ll give it a shot

>visual design is uninteresting
>purpose is to ensure events unfold as they should even though their mere visual presence is enough to make characters question what’s going on
>their method for removing people who aren’t supposed to be in x place at y time is to literally sweep them away, which does nothing to dissuade the character from a given course of action other than if they choose to shrug off a supernatural event.

The only way these characters work is if the protagonists and any characters involved choose to ignore them which is overall lazy writing.

>let’s not forget these are a representation of the fanbase as a means of calling audience expectations restricting to creative freedom and the solution to their presence is for the main character to kill them thus removing their restrictions from the plot and allowing the story to go in whatever direction the writers want

If they wanted to deviate from the plot of the original game they should have had the balls to just do it. Addressing it in this meta narrative way is tacky and backhanded. It insults people for expecting a game which is labelled a remake to actually be a remake. How’s that?

he literally doesn't recognise him it's sort of a plot hole

and that's a good thing.

Reminder that president Shinra LITERALLY says that Cloud is dying and that his body will shut down with time.


Aeris practically shut down that shit when she told Cloud his feelings for her aren't real. Fucking hilarious she'd rather be scissored by Tifa rather than him tho.

Isn't that true of all people?

Reminder that the remake is how FF7 will be remembered from now on.

Hope nomura gets what he deserves for this shit..

Not me

i like how the ghosts have a travel time, they can't stop hojo from beginning to talk, and have to rush over there asap

>hilarious she'd rather be scissored by Tifa rather than him tho.

o fuck

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>Fans whine and beg for a remake of FF7 for years saying exactly how they want it
>You know what they what the same story just expanded upon with minor changes
>But you can't hold back
>You add in the most convoluted fanfic tier plot element to the story you can think of
>The ending is mixed but since it's FF7 people at large overlook it
>Yas Forums bitches about it but still buys it anyway
>The game makes millions and becomes the most profitable game Square's ever made
>tfw your Nomura
If he's so retarded why does he keep winning?

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because the average AAA game player is also an absolute fucking retard

>he literally spoils the twist in fucking Midgar
deserved to be dragged away by the jannies

How fucking dare you

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Aerith has huge fingernails.

We know Nomura can't direct for shit. Why are people acting surprised?

>we were the jannies all along
>and we did it for free
Bravo Nomura, Bravo

Time jannies represent (you) faggots, such as (OP).
Faggots who start seething at any sight of change and go NOOOOOOOOO U CAN'T DO THAT NOOOOOOOOO.

>I sold my soul for money and I won, even though this short-lived success means the hype will die anyway
Yeah retard, real big win for like a year. Fucking idiot.

The disappointment it's gonna be glorious.

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>Fans beg for decades to get a sequel to Twin Peaks
>Get a sequel

>Fans beg for decades to get a remake of FF7
>Get a sequel