ITT: Gamer "Humor"

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i dont get it

I don’t get it. Is that character also called Alyx? Did they travel from the year Half Life was released?

Wheres the fucking joke?


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That is why the thread is called "humor"

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every comic this attention whore uploads is just pandering bullshit with no joke or punchline

Holy based.

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A little... poopie rape?

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una vella

is this real?

well now I want to know what he originally said

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He may be a good boy, but holy shit, he fat.

Unfortunately it's the type of WORDS WORDS WORDS humour expected from Tim Buckley.

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immunity dog bitch

how did they get the cat to do that??

>didn't see the point of this, just a writer having some fun
>until 'localization' is mentioned

Why would these people purposely do their job worse?

that fat fuck won't live long enough to protect anyone

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Fuck you I laughed.

trans rights are human rights

Localizers need to the rope
>let’s ruin the game people worked hard on to load it up with some dumb memes and or own beliefs XD
Fuck off retard how about just do a 1 to 1 job no one wants your shitty memes and faggot beliefs you just know the last one has put in some faggot propaganda before

Spite. They don't play the games they localize so they ruin them for those who do.

>implying tr*nnies are human

You're going to die, user.


Fuck off

Whatever gamer humor is, it's probably the same humor used in children's cartoons on Cartoon Network today.


Who was in the wrong here?

It doesnt matter user this was created so that others can easily and shittily insert whatever they want in there.

It doesn't have a message or joke. It might be an anti-joke, but I'm not sure. I mean, if the last play someone played is Half Life Alyx, we are probably in the present and didn't time travel. Usually, you'd expect a joke from this template like "Half Life Alyx!" and the response "I don't know how far we went" (the joke being that it's such a revolutionary game that everyone stops playing games because gaming has peaked).

Wow this is pretty awful.

Jannies are trannies

RGC is so fuckin good

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Could've been three panels

Because they hate the games that they translate and they hate you for playing them.

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which three panels?

Then why don’t the actual do translation work for a game they like no one cares about some faggot sneedson reference or whatever

incel cringe


That's the beauty of it, though.

you could honestly pick any 3 panels and as long as you keep their order they'd make a joke

It's a parody of a comic where they go into the future and can tell because the guy says Half Life 3.

You think they play games?

Because they're pathetic faggots just look at their disgusting garbage avatars and names. Makes me sick just looking at them

One of them plays dating Sims apparently

Thank fuck the original writers still get paid for localised games, if I wrote something and some faggot localiser shoved memes where they don’t belong I’d go fucking mad. You don’t fuck with someone’s work like that

because they're actually very shitty translators so they can't get any job in the field other than localizing weeb games

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Well,Yas Forums?

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Wtf is this

>Boss, they're time traveling
>We'll take care of it

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You only need two.

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beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice

Almost got me, faggot

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realistically, just one is enough

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but it's not a comic with a gag or joke, it's an overarching story

People really need to tell women to fuck the fuck up more often.

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How come Yas Forums and GG is literally never funny? Is it the lack of life experience and sexual frustration of being incel?

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The joke is that Half Life Akyx is a flavor of the month kind of game and no one will care about it in the near future.

ah. thanks

They think being edgy = funny. Also pic related.

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they joke is that Half Life Alys is confirmed flavor of the month garbage. A month from now nobody will play or even remember this.

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but wouldn't that help them tell an exact timeframe of where they are? if it were the other way around, in which HLA is a timeless classic and the kickstarter of a new form of entertainment, wouldn't people still play it years later on, as they do today with games that are considered good?

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Cope harder, snowflake

Fuxk you!


>Yas Forums "humor"

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