Monster hunter

Who is your favorite monster-invader? pic related

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They can all fuck themselves, every monster in iceborne magnets to each other

gitgud fag

Nice hivemind response automatron

seriously just get better at the game
invaders aren't hard to get rid of

Am I a retard for not understanding why I would slot vitality decorations when I can just use a max pot or eat a meal? I almost never cart and use the free slots for other things. I maybe will have vitality if it's on a four-slot deco and is paired with a good skill.

He's not wrong. World has turf wars for fucks sake.

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post kots

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vitality and maxpot/meal stack to give you a true max of 200 HP

Its helpful for late game Masterrank as monsters tend to due obscene amounts of damage

so is attack boost not worth it or what?

The fuck? Was that always a thing?

>Turf wars
>Does a fuck ton of damage to both monsters in most situations.
>People still complain about this.

>every monster in iceborne magnets to each other
Then pry them apart with a dungpod, dummy.

I'm not complaining, just more saying it is an issue World has. They're like fucking glue. Jho has single handedly hunted things for me. It's funny at first, and convenient. But then, firing shit every quest gets old.

thats not what the retard meant, he is talking about monsters invading your hunts every time
>hunt monster
>suddenly there are 3 monsters reeee'ing in your ear and doing random attacks
>every fucking time
it does get annoying and its whats pushing more and more people to use earplugs

attack boost always worth it because it has no condition


>Missing the point this hard
Are you legitimately retarded?

How much longer is this game going to be around? I would like to play Iceborne but im still having burnout from the 1200+ hours i dumped in the base game. I think ill pick up Iceborne next year or something. I remember trying to play Tri again some years ago only to find the servers were kill, so I couldnt play any of the good stuff. I just dont want that to happen again.

>Seething Bazel

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They're pretty busy still. But I'd play now honestly.


Every time I see the rest of my team get staggered by roars while I still attack thanks to my earplugs I can't help but smile.

It's going to be around, new monsters are still coming.

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crop those fucking thighs out of that picture

Servers probably have another 2-3 years in them if not more. This is Capcom's best seller so I think the online component will be around for a good while.

>shoot second monster with dung
>not 5 seconds later your main target moves on its own into the same area where the other monster ran to

hate when that happens

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>no Coping Bazel
>no Obsessing Bazel
>no Cringing Bazel
>no Dialating Bazel
>no Freely Renting Bazel
capcom wtf

Expect at least a decade of server support. Even then the game is on pc so modding online stuff when it goes offline should be easy. Aren't 3U's servers still up?

Bazel, jho and the rape ape should be the only invaders.

Just make them invade like 10% of the time and buff them.

>Tfw no timecop ghosts to fix world's dumb plot


>buff rapeape
You crazy fuck

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>Aren't 3U's servers still up?
They are. Keep in mind that's wiiu. 3ds never had them in the first place.

Can anyone please help me with story blackveil vaal hazaak? PS4 6Qez HQhd H3tP

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I wanna fight the variants already iwannaiwannaiwannaiwanna

Question: if i have Zorah's set bonus on my Safi weapon and i switch to Raging Brachy armor will it still count towards Artillery Secret or do i need to replace it?

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Play the Game

Do it alone, I know you can.

Like just use miasma decorations
just like step away from the clouds hahaha

Ciel is lewd.

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>2 days 6 hours 50 minutes

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I'm seething
Seething about random idiots and jackasses in GU
For all the flaws of SOS, there are times when I can really appreciate it

What armor?

Looks like azure los

So peaceful...

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Kushala deserves to be flinch shot right then and there for being a faggot

Nergi for slapping Lunashitra around, what a bro

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What's the trick to ramming a monster into a wall with the claw? I've never managed that yet.


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>Clutch face (make sure monster is not enraged)
>Press whatever button/key you use for picking items up. This will punch the monster and push it 90 degrees in the direction you are facing
>Ensure you are facing a wall, another monster, or some kind of obstacle/trap
>Press whatever button/key you use to fire your slinger pod
>Watch as you fire every single pod into its fucking face and send it flying into the wall
Having more parts tenderized does more damage to the monster. And as mentioned, you can bonk two monsters together. You can also force a flying wyvern into the ground without the need for a wall.

it doesn't work when they are enraged so you do it when you start and when they leave rage

ive seen more people cart to shara than safi

Ah, the enrage was what was getting me, thanks. I'm gonna go slam Azure's face into a wall now.

Make sure you have a way to flinch him when he enrages or fakes a landing. Makes him easier than normal Rathalos and won’t punish you for using flinch shot.

I want to fuck monsters.

did you try going into training area? there is a thing called tutorial, do it


*powercreeps everything*

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