Do Americans really

Do Americans really...

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You'd think with corona-chan killing almost exclusively fat people, this body positivity shit would fuck off.

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Does it let me play as a fat woman, though - and how fat?

But people used to be far skinnier in the past. Sure during the renaissance rich people got fatter, but before that even rich people were fat.

I know WoW isn’t based on any time period, but still it isn’t necessarily more realistic.

Why are all trannys Elves?

*werent fat

ever seen a masculine elf?

Kul Tirans are actually muscular as fuck though, unlike the weak, onions fueled fatboy that wrote that shit

Fatties are disgusting, but I wish more games let you play as a fatass.

Only masculine elf in wow is the engineer guy next to kaelthas
He's the only elf that doesnt sound like a faggot

>Be a disgusting fat blob irl
>Wants to play as a disgusting fat blob in a video game too
What the fuck is wrong with fat people?

Exception, Laura Kate Dale thinks becoming trans from World of Warcraft would make her look like Alleria or Sylvanas.

Reality, Laura Kate Dale becoming trans from World of Warcraft looks like Gallywix in drag.

It generally makes people unfathomably upset. I mean, just look at you and your post.

you can play as a fat guy since 2012

Pandas came out fucking years ago jesus christ the state of allyfags

Why is everything political and some social justice? I'm skinny by always make my characters fat and huge when possible

Is WoW the Simpsons of MMOs?

Well you're autistic so that's different.

Yeah yeah fat humans, when are they going to add fat Dranei?

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Not enough games let you be fat or short.

Imagine your biggest problem in life is deciding how you want people to pronounce your gender. This is fucking pathetic

Yeah, no shit, ugly and deformed things usually warrant this type of reaction.

he's not fat, he's strongfat. big difference

It has nothing to do with their diet or fat acceptance. I don't agree with limiting everything. It makes shit boring when everything looks the same. You niggers are autistic for making everything about wokeness

Post chin or kill yourself


Fat old guys are cute so that makes sense.

>Game lets you make a fat character.
>Don't lose weight from all your traveling on foot and sword fighting.
You even get visibly fitter in Fight Night games and the first one came out in 2004.

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I actually think male Kul Tirans look really good in plate armor. Awful in everything else however.

I walk for alnost 12 hours a night straight for my job at amazon but remain fat because I eat and drink too much and at the wrong times.

unironically gonna play a fat kul tiran bitch in the upcoming expansion

>see kul'tirans announced
>expected Norf FC posting
>people yell at SJWs instead

I don't get it, why would you want your IRL defects to carry over to your player character?

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Here in louisiana 70% of the deaths are blacks.
Most in New Orleans.
All they do is eat and drink down there so it's just natural.

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Does Yas Forums not really comprehend that chubby
chasers for women and bear fans for males exist?

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"Men" choosing female avatars in video games confirmed for trannies

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Because they don't think anything is wrong with themselves. They don't try hard enough, they buy into the "big boned" meme and think that their weight isn't actually something that they can control, so rather then accept that fat is disgusting, they want people to accept them and call it normal and the only way to do that, is if they have avatars that reflect their state of being.

Those fat positivity types are the least mobile people in our societies
Corona would need to kill 10000 healthy people before the virus could spread to these obesity fetishists

but its already dead

I wish WoW just had a good modern character where you have some freedom about what body type your character should have.
We should have flat, big tiddy, muscular, chubby, short or tall for all the races, atleast to a degree where it still makes sense.

I have norf FC posting in my KT's RP mod.
>'ate Horde
>'ate Naga
>'ate Old Gods
>Love the Alliance
>Love me missus
>Love me chippy
>Simple as.

Absolutely hate this shit. I had tons of female characters in WoW when I played, because I felt it fit the character, or the lore. Such a female Night Elves typically being of the Priest or Warrior class and males being Druids. Female Dranei mage, but male Shaman. I just can never understand those that absolutely insert themselves as their character, in a 1:1 fashion.

Oh wow I can finally play as an average Amerimutt and die from overdosing on big macs

You could play as E.Honda in the 90s.

>Seething over a nationality

What kind of mental illness is this?

Why settle for being only half pretty when you can play the prettiest race?

Yeah they're called enablers and they are objectively worse than even the actual hamplanets

Go whine on twitter about it, faggot.

t. hamplanet

I like to make my rapists old, ugly and fat. It gives the interactions an extra rapey feel. Don't you agree Yas Forums?

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it's not a nationality, it's a species.

>didn't even bother cutting out the fact that the article is 13 months old

i like games giving me options to play as a fat, but i wouldn’t make a article saying how woke they’re and how everyone should do it. i would just think, “cool, bow to play as a fat man” and that’s it. also making fat jokes is fine and very funny

Never played WoW before, what's wrong with playing a Bloatmaxx character?

>You'd think with corona-chan killing almost exclusively fat people
wait what? oh fuck bros oh fuck im gonna die

if i am a fat fuck, then i want to play as a fat fuck. i don’t want to pretend being something i am not, that’s gay

Generally it is people that are fat tend to have diabetes. Even if you are not fat but have pre-diabetes, your odds of survival drop compared to those that don't.

It's funny that you think I'm "unfathomably upset" Are you perhaps projecting, you disgusting blob? I'm laughing at you.

literally nothing. they have great racials, they're fuckhuge, and built like fucking tanks

well i don’t have diabetes...i think?

Can I play as a fat girl though? I'm asking for a friend

its not even just diabetes. being obese makes the condition worse because it DESTROYS lung capacity.