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Other urls found in this thread:

>Free play week
>Another ape on the front cover
No thanks

>hating Cole Train

I jumped on gears 4 multi very late but still put over 500 hours in. Was anticipating 5 to be my go to multiplayer game this year but they ruined it.

They put that shit game on sale a month or two after it released and that tells you something. It's garbage

>hating Cole Train
Cringe retard nigger.

Dont you ever speak about the coletrain like that ever again.

Remember when Gears 5 charged you money for the privilege of acting as a virtual billboard for that absolutely trash Terminator: Dark Fate movie?


At least the MP director was fired, you can only piss off a small fanbase for so long. It's still bs that overweight fedora tipping fat fuck rod is still working, but at least it's not on this

I don’t remember Terminator: Dark Fate.

The one time I actively grief a player for choosing a character.

No I played through gears 5 on gamepass and the Terminator shit was free.

The fact that this is on Game Pass and still needs a free play weekend tells you everything you need to know.

Not even worth playing this trash for free.

>Another dead woke game
Yeah I think i'll pass


Breh are you this guy that got mad at me on gears 4?

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There was another pack they released on top of that that had the new terminator and the tall lesbo from blade runner

Bad take bro. It's actually not woke at all. Kait is a chill character. The only thing you got is one fag flag which is unironically based because it outs queers. The game is mediocre though and they ruined the multiplayer

Cole Train is based

>Do I fit in yet?

I don't have an Xbox but what did they do to ruin it?

its not even f2p on any stores right now. Did they fuck that up too?

Kek. Nah, but Rod has been ruining the series with his input since gears 2. Why microsoft chose him to helm the series, actually that doesn't escape me, it seems like he's a yes man that is more than happy to have a freemium model in a full price game, which is probably why Activision hired him

Over emphasis on micro transaction model. Promising constant content when the majority is UI cosmetics, drip feeding necessary content like maps and characters, having some of the grindiest objectives to get said characters for free. And this is just cosmetic shit, the real issue is they rather focus on this than fixing server issues, basic matchmaking issues, a ranking system that made no goddamn sense for half a year that they admitted to, starter weapons that are removed because they were a bad idea or they couldn't balance it out, and of course the consistent inconsistency of the gnasher.

It's free but hidden:


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>shitting on the motherfucking cole train
easy way to get (You)s I’ll admit that

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quick rundown on this game?

Fucked with movement. Made it lancer focused. I ain't played since launch but it was immediately dropped after campaign. I unironically loved gears 4 multi. The booster pack shit was fine. I never paid a cent and got every character snd skin I wanted without grinding or doing forced shit in multiplayer.

shit. Multiplayer is crap.

>people tell me Sony is the SJW company
>Shit like this coming from xbox and the cringe as fuck gamer words your allowed to use guidelines
Imagine being an Xcuck

what the fuck did they do to him?

>the punchcard in microsoft rewards still isn't being registered

You obviously havent played xbox or played any multiplayer recently. It's still pretty savage. Some of those Xbox clubs are like Yas Forums

>tfw bought the Ultimate edition of this game on release
>played the Campaign once and a bit of multiplayer
>was so garbage I dropped it entirely after a week
What's up with Xbox and awful exclusives lately. At least they're games and not movies though. Halo 5 was utter trash, Crackdown 3 was too. Seriously considered not even spending time or purchasing the next Halo or Gears of War.

Story is ok for like the first two chapters and then it just goes to fucking trash if you even care about gears story at this point.

Multiplayer is the worst its ever been

1. Standard multiplayer:
>filled to the brim with overpriced microtransactions and a shitty TOUR OF DUTY system that makes idlers and grinders infest every game mode to get their dailies and leave.
>pisspoor mechanics that they had figured out in the last patch of 4 but just dumped all of it
>Arcade mode that is basically class based and ruins the flow of the game if you dont pick one of the broken characters

>Can only pick 1 of each character
>most characters are worthless
>hasnt been updated since release in any meaningful manner

>new game mode that showed some promise
>no meaningful updates have been made to it
>same 4 levels over and over again and barely any new enemies added

Other than that there are just massive balance issues that the coalition just cant handle, and the lack of OG characters is disgusting, but dont worry you can spend 20 bucks on shitty overproduced skins. hopefully now that Turd Ferguson is gone we can get a proper Gears 6

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Ngl, unless they hire cliffyb or give it to another studio, I dont see gears 6 happening any time soon.

Gears has gone to shit but GoW 1 and 3 were some of the most fun I’ve ever had online.

Has to be a new cheevo you fucking dope, as in one added with the recent update.

>not getting gamepass for a dollar to play it
What it like being retarded?

Are you me? Exact same feeling.

Xbox realized a long time ago they cant create quality so they are just trying to do quantity.

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Were they really trash though? Crackdown 3 was definitely not AAA abd that multiplayer was shit but it felt like Crackdown. I had fun playing through it.

>windows account
Into the trash
>nu cole
Burn the coal, pay the toll

they should have never pursued the power of the cloud meme and just made another crackdown that would have cut dev time in half and it would have been a moderate success.
you don't understand user, rod-sama said it would be different this time around!

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the game is good, the problme is "gears community".

>Shitting up on Cole
Why this board didn't die right after 2012 is beyond me

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it's normal dudes playing for the most part, did you get roasted in a gears lobby for being a shitter or sth?

>6 months and three major title updates for the game to be even serviceable.
>fast becoming evident they don't have enough content to keep the tour of duty relevant and are going to soon recycle content.
>SIX FUCKING MONTHS and the game is nearly out of the top 50 played xbl titles played
2/10 made me reply, the gears community is literally the only thing holding this shit heap up

this game is better than gears 4 but worse than the OG trilogy. Lancer is weaker than ever. I know gnasher and movement is broke, but otherwise is good. New Escape mode is good.

fuck gears community and fuck official gears forums community are the worst ones.

I never quit a match, I mainly play koth, guardian, escape and horde.

I know lack of maps is the worst thing. I miss event maps like avalanche and river.

Use LFG or you mates, I can get 1% in Escape leaderboards in a few tries every week, and about koth, I almost win every match, but sometimes I lose 3 or 4 in a row.

Yeah, matchmaking is broken.

there were moments in the og trilogy when you couldn't even play online because matchmaking was so fucked in the ass
fake gears of wars fans baka

>free week
No thanks. Seems like a waste of harddrive space. Would rather save that space for more usefull things such as outdated meme's.

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I played from gears 2 onwards, dont throw shit on me, fucking shit.

I played OG gears onlien a lot, execution and annex.

Also best mode is annex with execution rules in gears 2.

Escape sucks donkey dick and the reason you get 1% is because no one cares enough to play the mode. the issue with that entire class system is restricting it to certain characters, especially since just want to play as their favorite ones without being obligated to play a certain role, that and the fact that they don't balance out the classes so everyone fights over being JD and Del.
As for koth or any competitive mode, two lancers with a decent person baiting out will destroy any team depending on where you set up shop. The problem isn't the gun, it's the meta the game pushes and favors. Cross lancer fire is still king.

gears is running better than ever before
shotty constantly on point, smooth wallhugs, lancer lmao shitters did always did cry about

There like 8 characters in escape and 13 in horde chose another character is not that hard and if you want to play as "classic baird" then make a custom horde lobby.

Gears 3 beta was the best time for gears at "matchmaking" stuff.

By the way, I hate those tryhards faggots that wallbounce all the time and choose sponge character in previous geras like big rid dizzy and savage kantus

Gears tactics is gonna be based af

you keep crying about this faggit shit to me, when I play tdm and have a good time every time

you are a fucking asshole, always insult others, I hope you die from coronavirus.

Or i can just play another game, which a grand majority of horde players have done.
those hitboxes weren't spongy, they were nonexistent.
>x-com plus gears
it's nice to see microsoft skipping the xbox sku entirely and going straight to pc, shows they know where the audience is for that

shitter you ran in here to cry about the "gears community", outed yourself as a scrub, and are now posting death-wishes
lmfao@ur "lyfe"