Implying it won't be peak comfy

>implying it won't be peak comfy

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as soon as a mod comes out to replace the dark skinned npcs with lighter skinned ones then yes, it'll be peak comfy


Yeah. I feel that. Still I'm happy with the progress so far.

Attached: witchbrook-2560x1440.png (2560x1440, 341.38K)

>grown ass "men" play this shit
does the special edition come with a pacifier?

Witchbrook. Made by Chuckleshit, sadly.

Is it not out yet?

>black character with pink hair

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Dude I work 10 hours a day at kinda stressful job. I can apreciate games that let me relax and just get comfy. Not that this is the only stuff I play.

Art is nice and so is the idea, but

Looks like a tranny game

Nah. They take their time becaue "no crunch company" excuse. They changed view into isometric recently.

Classic monkey paw. Also nice digits.

It's Chucklefish. What would you expect?

The environments look beautiful isometric
But I really hate the characters, they look so generic.

It'll probably be shit.

did spellbound turn into this or something?

Looks nice, what genre is this?


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Slice-of-life RPG like Stardew Valley I hope?

Harry Potter setting tho

"RPG", social simulation

They renamed it some time ago. No idea why.

Nothing is more childish than trying to comply to society and other people view of what you should do or like for your age. It is like an edgy teenager that likes gore because he thinks it is mature. Adulthood is having a personality and learning to enjoy yourself regardless of what other think.

>"Oh wow this game looks really cute and comfy. Looks like a mix of Stardew Valley and witches! Cool, I wonder who's behin-"
Aaaaaaaaaaand I'm out

>not calling it cucklefish

W-what's wrong with the laughing fish?


Those fucks have literally never made a good game and constantly try to mislead people into thinking they made Stardew Valley when they had nothing to do with it.
So no, it'll be shit.

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Google their name
Look at how many of them even released
Now look at how shitty the ones that did got handled

Starbound was good though, before they remade it into the generic trash it is today

Mad because starbound is better than terraria in everyway

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fuck off goob
Beta starbound was unironically much better than the trash heap we got on release and showed promise

Any game is trash if you only play it for 15 minutes noob

They have a knack for making fun games that get worse whenever an update comes out, to the point the game is indefinitely on hiatus. Also tricking people into thinking they had anything to do with Stardew Valley, when they 100% did not.

Half-baked. It's only going to be a facade of a game with the promise of neat features but no actual depth.

Downwell is pretty fucking good in 15 minutes

Phone games don't count as real games noob

"Was" better. Updates got sloppy and now it's shit.

Didn't knew they changed the perspective, looks nice

It's pixelshit garbage

You obviously lack creativity, starbound house hundreds hours of content even more, if you don't turbo autist through the campaign missions and do side quests and shit

>playing downwell on a phone
i didnt even know it was on phones. why would you do this? do you have brain problems?


The earliest Starbound builds they released had some interesting ideas that could have eventually been good, but it literally only got worse the longer they worked on it.
They're completely incompetent and have no idea how to make a fun game.

>brown skinned butch lesbian looking character with short purple hair
hahahaha nope

The game didn't even have or need to have campaign missions. On the contrary, the current state of the game forces you to go through missions and the campaign in order to get upgrades. You didn't need to do anything in order to upgrade your stuff before other than actually finding good planets by yourself.

Take a screencap of ur time played on starbound

If its under 2 hours your opinion is irrelevant


Fuck you, and fuck cuckfish, all I wanted was a 2D space sim/planet exploration, not a "save the galaxy chosen one, you are the only one".

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The game is literally a 2D space sim and has planet exploration?

It is literally exactly what you just said you wanted

There is absolutely no way that a game with such good pixel art is actually gonna be fun. This reeks of the kind of game that some artist has made their pet project but they cant figure out how to make the gameplay any fun.

>Playing Chucklefuck shit
It'll be half-baked ideas trash like all their other games.

Will I get to fuck witches? or summon succubi?


Soul Soulless

I have a degree in design and work for a local design firm lol. I have about 40 hours game time and spent most of it just building shit and exploring. Gameplay loop is jarringly obvious and gets boring as shit after a while once you realize nothing you do matters, nothing you create matters, and nothing you find matters. I liked beta Starbound because you could play for a few minutes, build shit and then quit no problem. The inclusion of a story just destroyed the freedom, especially so when item tiers and npc questlines are hidden through completing story missions. Sucks ass and I hate terraria too so I don't give a shit what you think, retard

Stardew Valley was barebones as hell but had nice art
Summon Night, those GBA games about crafting and using the said crafted weapons
Metal Slug games
All KoF games other than the last one

>game doesn't do exactly what i want when i want
>bad game

>premade NPCs
>premade weapons
>premade enemies
I still remember how much they advertised their procgen, fuck them.

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>stardew valley
>nice art

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It's a fucking space exploration game, of course i should able to do what I want, when I want. Also don't reply to me, you're gross and probably have ugly feet

The galaxy is seed generated.. Fix the ship and go explore the fire stars and explore harder planets? It forces you to go through ur gear and re equip stuff

You probably got ur ass kicked on the starter planet.. couldnt figure out how to craft.. didnt even make it to harder stars in the solar system.. rage quit.. and now flame the game as being bad because your a casual noob

everyone has ugly feet. foot fetish = serial killer tier fetish

Hey the character sprites are ass but the world is nice

>they are basketball playing urbanites
I'd prefer not to!

This board is filled with so many idiots like that its insane..

Play game for 15 minutes

Refunds and gives a 2/10 review on steam


Can you build an Apache in Starbound? No? Didn't think so.

Starbound is in a futuristic themed setting with several races.. Its not drug down by combustion engine propelled ships from the past.

You get metal mech suits or hoverbikes


how about competent. nothing is egregiously ugly


So what you're saying is no Apaches......

Starbound WAS better than Terraria while it was in beta, now Starbound is built around its retarded story and everything that was actually great about the game feels like a side feature.

Those are big boy words, hush now and go back to playing terdraria

again another noob who didn't get past the starter planet

Looks like super gay rp

Games made by developers who actually did pixel art because of system limitations at some point don't count, so strike Warioware, Summon Night, SOTN, Metal Slug, and KoF from that list.

Stop samefagging, you're just being pathetic at this point. Btw why don't you post proof of your game time? If you love it so much, I'm sure 50hours should be a nice minimum right?

>implying I won't be playing as a witch with my friends
>for free

I mean there are penguins that drive tanks.. thats about all i got

at least it has apache helicopters

Speaking about Stardew Valley. Is it worth a buy or I should pirate it?

im not sorry but chucklgarbage is a shit company .

get the mod that turns the male romance options into women then yes, its good

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Isometric games are trash and fuckugly.

It's pretty good. Dev is already a millionaire and cucklefish gets a percent of sale price so just pirate

Nigger I've gotten to the point where those retarded "planets keep getting harder!" mods come into play, but the starter planet is emblematic of everything wrong with where the game went.
Before, you summoned dreadwing to your planet, in your arena, and the custom shit you had actually made a difference as early as the starter planet.
Now, you go to a premade planet and fight him in a premade arena.