This will flop like Labo, right?

This will flop like Labo, right?

Attached: 186869.jpg (600x600, 98.16K)

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Hopefully it will so they’ll get the idea to do actual Mario sets instead of this gimmick shit. I’ve wanted an actual Lego Peach’s Castle for nearly 20 years

>Children's building blocks featuring the bing bing wahoo man
>This is definitely video games and belongs on the video game board as opposed to the toy board

Attached: Soyboy Wojak (1).png (644x800, 14.63K)

Can anyone explain why they did this shit instead of regular sets?

This is such a waste of lego. We could have actually had cool lego sets.

Why would anyone want to play with this shit when you can just play the actual games? Making a game out of it is stupid when it’s a toy ABOUT A VIDEO GAME ALREADY

Those arent even legos, those are fucking mega bloks

/lg/ thinks it's shit atleast

Build one yourself isn’t that what legos is?

Because you don't need any specific sets to build mario stuff. They want it to be memorable, not something people build once and promptly break apart to rebuild it into a dinosaur riding on a spaceship.

They should have at least done the minifigs.

Wojak is a reddit meme, user.

As opposed to something that people build once, play with once and then never touch again, since you can’t reuse the parts for anything?

Literally the only thing I want out of LEGO licensed deals are the minifigures.

It has a color detector and a bunch of other shit so you can build your own Mario levels

However it's still a piece of shit. Thank god my daughter only wants Frozen shit and not bing bing wahoo, because I wouldnt buy her this gimmicky crap

It's Lego plus Mario

It will sell gangbusters , screencap this

Slow down Scott Peterson , no one's after your daughters young puss

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Aren't the sets stupidly expensive?

Is this the most soulless thing ever?

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I wouldve taken Mario/Nintendo themed blindbags over sets.

It will sell millions.

I bet Vinny is gunna stream this. Fucking turbo Nintendofag.

Pretty much par on every Lego set.

They need something to clear out the unrecognizable star wars bullshit shelf warming for years.

Attached: images.jpg (251x201, 16.92K)

Labo sold 80% of its stock and some set had several refill.


Like I said, it's suppose to be memorable. It's literally how most of Nintendo brand works. Leaving a lasting memory is more important than anything else. It's why stuff like Rabbids and Necrodancer managed to get access to the Mario and LoZ IP.

Yes, all licenced LEGO sets have a royalty tax on them, meaning that they're more expensive than a non-licenced set with the same amount of plastic

>Talks, gyro, plays music
Seems kino to me

Isn't everything Star Wars related shelf warming?

Labo did alright but I don't think anyone is going to disagree that it's a glorified tech demo for the Joycons, which I think is woefully underutilized. Like, we really didn't need to wait until Nintendo after 2 years to get stuff like RFA. It's a goddamn travesty. I want more waggling type games damnit.

Lego sigmario when

Why is Mario so fucking big?!


Attached: MarioZone.png (160x144, 1.41K)

I feel bad for modern kids, Prequel and OG Lego sets for amazing
Maybe the Sequel sets are good too but who wants a set of Maz Kanata or Punda Bubu or whoever the fuck

>$80 shit that will be easily have new parts for pennies months later
Wow, just like what Mixels did to Chima, Lego Dry Bones looks cute though

Attached: 1555528543861.jpg (1024x862, 155.55K)

Not gonna lie, that looks cute. I might get one as gift for my nephew.

Literally this, I can't even name %90 of the main characters these days. No aesthetic appeal , no cool factor ect

are you 6?

so toddlers don't choke on him

Ironically that stage was a reference to the Lego ripoff Nintendo used 5o make

It's Lego. It's gonna sell a fuck ton.

Here's your Bowser's Castle bro.

That'll be 100 dollars, plus tip.

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>liking ragejak
You obviously are underaged.

T h i s.

No, sorry it wont.

>ultra expensive toys releasing right before the greatest recession in history

What could go wrong?

The castle is $100? The little base set is $60 with a small pre-order bonus.

Attached: 40414_alt1.jpg (1600x1200, 114.12K)

Yeah, even if characters like Maul and Grevious had problems, they were still memorable designs.

>$60 base set
>$15 per additional obstacle
So how much money will you be spending on lego this year?

Attached: pricing.png (647x679, 206.44K)

like overwatch, yes

>overinflated price for plastic bing bing wahoo children's toys that literally says bing bing wahoo when you play with them
Manchildren will buys these until they're out of stock everywhere and no actual kids will be able to get their hands on a set unless their parents buy them from scalpers on ebay who are price gouging the hell out of them.

Attached: 1563141740364.jpg (1200x1125, 217.61K)

And for leafs, the base set is only 17% more and the expansions are 33% more which is cheaper than US prices.

Attached: cad prices.png (662x675, 202.56K)

Is that suppose to be a thwomp?

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The desert worlds is the "new" series have the statues as a part of the level.

Attached: download.jpg (1280x720, 160.87K)

Nah, it's one of those stone heads from the desert world in NSMBU (it might have been in an earlier game, but that's where I remember them)
In fact, all the sets seem to be based on NSMB.

Yeah, someone finally realice the Ring Fit Adventure should be the "Killer App" for the Joy Cons, not the cardbox building bullshit kits nobody used mre that 3 hours

>they killed bionicle again for THIS

Are they still having problems selling TLJ stuff?

Labo gave us a piano. Hate on it all you want, but the sole purpose is to show everyone what the Joycons are capable of. We should have been getting Rockband instead of old un-optimized port #541.

They are doing regular sets. Lego wanted to do a gimmick thing first.

>wahooo bing bing
Now here's your proof that you have to be either a child or a fucking retard to use nintendo hardware.

Attached: typical-nincel.webm (848x604, 2.99M)

Well we buy childrens video games all the time. I see no reason why we wouldnt buy this.

Had a feeling it looked familiar

It's not fair playstation bros.
Nintendo get lego, but we get lousy
Nioh 2
Persona 5r
Final Fantasy 7r
Resident Evil 3r
It's not fair.
Nintendo is the ultimate 'gaming' device.

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