Other urls found in this thread:
>just boring hazmat suits
>as tall as any random truck
A mech. That's it?
Nah, I'll pass.
>enter mech
>everything's the same but now your view wobbles when you walk and there's heavy footstep sounds
>different gun than usual and also shields for protection
woooooooooooooooow such gameplay altering mechanics, how do they come up with this stuff?
It doesn't matter.
He's just going to keep developing updates until you HAVE TO love his game.
It's inevitable, whether it takes another 2 years or another 20.
You're going to apologize.
No Man's Sky will never be good.
When can I exterminate the Gek?
seems like a waste of time but okay
>4 year old flop gets slightly less shit
if that is true i will unironically happily apologize when it happens
I always knew NMS was a good game, Yas Forums BTFO yet again.
You're going to apologize.
You'll see.
Literally the only thing I want and what would keep me playing forever is the ability to ski around like in Tribes. This game is made for it. FUCK.
Why is this user demanding an apology for their apology?
>Hey, we know our game is shit, so we'll be doing free updates
>For example, here, now you can trudge around in a mech that is a slower option than many of the vehicles already in the game
>No we won't be updating the actual planets and exploration, just dumping more redundant vehicles on you
Reddit: "OMG comeback of the century! It's nothing like what we were promised, but there's LOTS of it now so it's good!"
he pre ordered
I think you're a little late user.
They definitely should, it would be about fucking time. Especially discount Molyneux, whatever his name was.
Also, even after all these updates the game is still trash.
I'll be back shortly with another free update.
And then another.
You're going to apologize.
Son of a bitch, Based Sean did it again boys
Hi I am the creator of the game, what do you want in the game?
yeah but what do you do
>E3 trailer out
>looks strange, I wonder how it'll turn out
>it comes out
>hear of the huge shitstorm, don't really follow
>start a save at my friends
>have to collect shit
>have to craft shit
>switch to Blazblue
>fast forward to 3 months ago
>see the game in my friends' collection
>been hearing they fixed it, there's plenty of features now
>borrow it
>have to collect shit
>have to craft shit
>have to build shit
>keep on because maybe the plot will become interesting
>can't progress the plot because I'm not well liked enough by some aliens
>how do I improve my reputation?
>fetch quests
Fuck everyone who said it's good now
variation negro
this, it's so fucking annoying how much ecelebs manage to affect public opinion in this shit board, just yesterday for instance someone made a video on heart of darkness and surprise surprise there were suddenly plenty of threads about the game
such as?
>pilot a mech
To what end? So you can melt some fucking trees so you can make some fuel so you can fly to another procgen world so you can melt some trees?
Fuck off.
Ok but what is there to do in the game?
No seriously, what can I do with the mechs or anything else for that matter? Is the entire game still just about exploring a planet for materials then fucking off to the next one?
Are they just putting them and the myriad of other things into the game purely for the sake of putting them in with nothing to actually do?
I've fallen for Starbound's trick before. I'm not falling for it again until you convince me it's not the same scam with a different shade of paint.
>That's it?
No nomanssky.com
>I've fallen for Starbound's trick before
The genre simply isn't for you senpai
elite dangerous is still better
I bought this game last month when it was on discount and it's a fuckin blast. The story is the worst written story in human fucking history, but it's so fuckin fun and I love space lads. I've sank 50 hours into it already.
Heart of Darkness deserves to be talked about though.
Always online games can't be better than anything.
i don't negotiate with liars.
Ok shill.
Stop enjoying things retard
>it's literally just mechs
>nothing new to do except building fucking powerlines as a key new feature
Pointless, why even bother. There's nothing new to do.
never forghetti
spilled spaghetti
>Fuck everyone who said it's good now
has the actual game changed from hopping to foggy blue planet to foggy red planet collecting the same resources but with a new coat of paint?
What is it that you want?
What kills Elite for me is how unfun the ingame economy is. Just feels like a grind with too many frustrations to prevent you from accessing the fun stuff at a decent pace.
so he's going Cloud Imperium, but incrementally instead of one giant load explosion in 5 years?
Goddamn, they're still adding stuff to this? I guess I eventually got my money's worth after being a day one sucker.
Last time I played was right after they added multiplayer and (I think) 3rd person viewer. I remember picking a wierd alien face for myself. What else has been added since, I vaguely remember some talk of a big under water update a long time ago?
Nigger you can make over 200 millions per hour just mining Low Temperature diamonds in the Borran system
Give me my three hours of life back cunt
SM interview about multiplayer
anything other than that.
wrong game, try anything other then this.
>todd howard ain't got shit on me
I haven't played since like 2016. So they actually made the game fun to play? Didn't mind getting mugged by players, because that's part of the experience. But the frequency of pirates in every system that immediately swoop down on me in droves when hauling cargo was just plain harassment. Almost as if the spaceport authorities sent out unencrypted radio broadcasts about my cargo storage contents every time I took off.
>Advertised features still aren't in the game
Are there space battles yet?
No, it's still the same shit
Yeah there's a gold rush right now, look up on YT on low temperature diamonds.
It will get nerfed soon, so be quick and capitalize on it!
That's horrible.
If the enjoyment of a game hinges on glitches/bugs or bad gameplay design that will definitely be addressed because the developers hate the players actually having fun, that's still a bad game. Hard pass for me.
im so bored of games
Sure, but don't forget there's a massive expansion coming at the end if the year called "new era"
That might get your interest back.
Apologize to Heart of Darkness for comparing it to No Man Plays
What do you even do in the game now? Do you just build bases, survive and explore or are there systems to like trade, fight factions, etc, also how does the multiplayer work? is it 1 big universe for all or is it like matchmaking?
I criticized your game at release. It was terrible then.
Played your game back in Feb when it was pretty fun, but still lacking. Doesn't change the fact you lied and the game at release was a big steaming pile of shit. Thanks for your apology though.
Ok, but why?
Not much i can see to be done with them.
I'm sorry Sean. I bought your game already. It's a good game actually.
If there was actual enemy variety and super dangerous worlds a lot of the shit that they add would be great. Instead it's the 4 same types of robots flying around on every planet and some retarded looking monster that charges at you.
super robot > real robo
based middling IQ poster
This announcement was fucking retarded, like why? Why would they put this in the game? Just something slower than a car that we're gonna have to pump thousands of oxygen into to keep going. Not to mention the animations are shit and they aren't even as big as the walkers already in the game.....
Call me when space battles are more than four pirates taking shots at huge fleets that cannot aim their gun emplacements right.
Everything NMS tries to accomplish is done better by other games.
when it's the cute anime girls kissing each other update?
>posts a real robot
Rather than adding more ships, houses, and vehicles, how about making planets to explore that aren't repetitive and boring?
Also, make the game run better!
Just please optimize your game and make better terrain generation. Mods on nexus literally managed it.
Asking the real questions
You do build bases, survive and explore and there are alien factions to trade with and fight with. You can warp to a random system and find other players there, but lobbies only hold 4 people. it's not like DayZ where you would have to look for them, there is an icon always above their head and it shows where they are on the planet like as if you're looking for your home base or a space station. You can connect to random people if you want and join their party (up to 4) without looking for them though.
He sold a lie at the beginning, but now it's pretty much just a comfy space minecraft.