What game do French play?

what game do French play?

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league of legends

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Hide and seek (but almost exclusively on the hiding side)


indies. We make them, we play them.





Monster hunter

Strategy games

they eat baguettes with fromage, snails and they dunk them in wine as they play Le Tour De France simulator

Hahah surrender monkies XD they invented surrender hahahha
Warum sind die Franzosen so langsam?, weil sie nur Schnecken haben

you sound seethe

Sexy women sims or stealth games. Are there any games were you can win by surrendering at every opportunity?

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I have never seen a french person on Yas Forums. Considering their obession wuth japanese media thats a surprise.

I play porn games I find on F95zone

J'en ai tellement marre d'entendre les mêmes 5 acteurs dans la VF des jeux, pourquoi on ne peut pas avoir des castings variés comme aux states?

Hon hon omelette fromage honhon baguette hon hon wee wee

Attached: FB_IMG_1586268473907.jpg (701x864, 47.67K)

We exist, my friend. But without flags, it can be hard to identify the country of other anons :^)

letting in millions of arabs, blacks and muslims and demolishing 2000 year old churches and roman temples for mosques and housing for africans and muslims

That's kind of hot

Absolutely basé

those ugly big nosed cowardly lovers of arabs and blacks refuse to speak English or even understand it and are too dumb to do so lol


sounds cool, does this game exist on PS4?


I heard UBI soft is French Nintendo
Everyone plays their games

Absolutely baisé

What’s worse a mudslime kike or frog

les voix US c'est de la merde, les gens s'en rendent juste pas compte parcequ'ils parlent pas anglais et sont gavé de film et de séries avec ces même voix de chiasse sans emotions.

Bloodborne and the Sims 2

Pourquoi est-ce dans la nature des ricains de parler d'interracial?

my bench but I’m a little pissed on

>>Yas Forums

La loi du bâtard

I have the hardest kind of boner right now

trackmania, unironically. french developed, more french players than anyone else and more than any game i've played

>Japanese making French games

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mostly popular games, you'll get more french if your interface is in French of course (League of Legends for example).

Football games such as FIFA are pretty popular too (for obvious reasons)

Plague, Inc.

>des castings variés comme aux states?
are you actually fucking deaf

>Football games

Simmilar shit taste that other europoors have : fifa, league of legends, counter strike glibal offensive.
Nintendo is more popular in France than in other European countries but its still a strong Sony country in general.

Same games as anywhere else + trackmania, like said.

Attached: fr twitch.png (484x929, 97.83K)

What ?
ok user, what di you meant to say, let me help you?

I am playing the new Bannerlord and some Dota. But yeah, most french play LoL though, and Dofus obviously \O/

>frog doctors are so bad they have to let other countries heal it's "people"

Currently ?

1. Not respecting the curfew.
2. Having a different curfew regulation for natives and niggers / mudslimes because the latter won't respect it either way
3. Bowing down to islam (but that's like the whole year every year so nothing new).

Attached: paris 2018.webm (404x720, 2.95M)

Oh and

4. Getting stabbed.

Powerful. Such rich culture!


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>Having a different curfew regulation for natives and niggers / mudslimes because the latter won't respect it either way
Fucking what that’s not funny people are dying

>walk through chinatown
>be upset that there are chinese people around

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I've met a shit ton of frenchies in tekken (they always refuse to rematch for some reason)

We're just very good at blending in
Also, to answer OP, I play a lot of Ace Combat

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>All the durkas dont follow curfew
>half of them get cornonaaids and die
>rightful eurotrash sit at home watching anime and live
How is this not the best case senario

Playing Granblue Versus and Maiden & Spell mostly. That or some random indie games.

God, I'm still angry

Pardon, user
I was a hunting horn player so I can guarantee it wasn't me who failed you, still don't know what the other lads saw in the glaive

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>c-c-consanguins MAIS PAS PEDES

I used to play spy in TF2 for hours upon hours. My solo games are mostly old school rpgs (Fallouts/Deus Ex/Thiefs) and some of their successors.
I'll make my own 2d zelda-like game with bitches and hookers, and the world's gonna like it

>m-m-muh nègres dans mon barbès, comment est-ce possible? Oh ma Jeanne please oscour
Choppe le corona et crève vite, crétin des alpes