
I don't get it, this looks really bad compared to CS:GO.
Who tf is going to watch pro tournaments of this thing?

Attached: valorant-closed-beta1.jpg (1280x720, 122.1K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>this looks really bad compared to CS:GO

>require more skill than counter strike
>requires more teamwork than LoL

I'm thinking Riot has a hit on their hands

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now this is bait

It looks identical to cs go only grenades are called abilities now.

Someone's mad that the dev who made the most popular game in the world made another gem

it's not the most popular game in the world, just the most profitable.

league is the most popular though, by far. it's not the most profitable though, that'd be fortnite.

1.5 milion chink bb-bbots

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>league is the most popular though, by far.
No, that isn't correct.

i don't want to fucking talk about it chang, negative attention is still attention

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Riot made Pokemon?

>i-it's not the most popular game in the world, just the most profitable.

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It is though. Hundreds of millions of players every month. It's not the most popular in the US, but who cares about that dead market?

Wrong the 2 most profitable last year were gacha.

Is there only one gamemode, the 5v5?

Candy Crush would like a word with you retard

Do you have any idea how big League of Legends is in China? It could literally not exist anywhere else in the world and still be the most popular game in the world.


why does riot copy all of valve's games... feels a little weird man...

>Team-based tactical hero shooter
No thanks


>candy crush
what is this? 2015?

league is still more popular.


Same as overwatch

Fucking nobody.


kill yourselves, shills

>every csgo pro, even ones not streaming it are talking about how jealous they are of 128tick servers, hoping that it's successful to boot valve into action like overwatch did for tf2
Idunno man, winwin for everyone. If itdoes well, valve tries harder and updates cs again instead of just adding more fucking cosmetics and gamebreaking horseshit like new charmodels. If it does poorly then oh well, cs is still there.

This shit looks like a korean knockoff FPS

i think this has killed overwatch
a majority of their players are jumping ship to this

they have the overwatch audience

I enjoy video games, so I'm going to give it a try. Could be fun, and I've been needing a break from my Dwarf Fortress and Silent Hill 1 - 4 marathon.

If I enjoy it, I shall recommend it to my girlfriend as something we can play together (her reflexes and prefrontal cortex are not refined enough for CS:GO, and though she tries, it is unfair to her to force her to play it)

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every arena shooter (or whatever people call team fortress clones these days) is unwatchable for the same reason; too much shit on screen. CS is easy, guys shooting each other, sometimes theres fire or smoke in the way. with all the random particle effects flying around its unreadable

The problem with competitive OW is that the game mode is fucking boring to watch. Valorant is standard plant/defuse bomb round shit. It's inherently more entertaining just from that fact alone. Because the deaths actually matter and you don't have to be a super duper mega expert to know what the fuck is even going on on the screen.

if her reflexes aren't good enough for csgo why would you think this is any better? It's the exact same gunplay. Right down to weapon damage.

imagine thinking overwatch has players

its spike what bomb are you talking about user ?

>valveshills seething because their $200 knives are gonna be worthless by the end of the year

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Why are riotfags so insecure?

SEETHING. sorry your baby ps4 games ain't the most popular.

>only variety streamers are streaming this game
>no cs go pros to be seen at all
So, this is the power of RIOT games.

>playing arcade games
imagine playing a game made for esports lmao

>implying I didn't hawk all my shit just on the offchance
I'll buy back some of the skins I like when this launches and prices slump, just to have for sentimental reasons but yeah no way I'll be holding on to that volatile shit. Rather have the $8000 in valve funbux than skins that'll be worth shit. I learned my lesson from artifact.

stewie, n0thing, pashabiceps, kioshima, soaz, a couple more I don't remember. I know all of TL and c9 had their rosters playing last weekend in that technical test.

Because they're currently playing tournaments? You're not seeing any pro LoL players play it either. If you care about ex-pros. Here's a major winner.

Why do CS:GOtards seethe at the idea of a game entering their safe space?

If it sucks, it sucks, and everyone with bad taste will stop playing the superior game to flock to it. If it's good, CS:GO will either fall because of it, or be forced to improve.

You literally cannot lose.

>attacking LoL for becoming more popular than Dota2
>defending Artifact when it crashed and burned
>attacking Epic for bringing competition for steam
>shilling VR for half life alyx
>attacking Fortnite and now Valorant for being more popular than CSGO and TF2

Damn, Valveturds are having it rough

its a worthless fps game. i wont tell you to not play it but i will say that it wont b able to touch overwarch or csgo, and as far as im concerned overwarch is barely a game worth playing to begin with

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You only care about what's popular, valveturds happen to prefer games that are actually good.

>>attacking Epic for bringing competition for steam

>only way to play the game is to watch streamers and hope to god you get a key drop
why did they do it like this?

>installs rootkit on your system

>Dota thread starts
>some faggot spams how the game is dead and how lol has more number
>CS thread
>some autist spergs out about how the game is going to die
>Yas Forums is swarmed by shills who rage at somebody complaining about abilities
I wait to get my key but jesus fuck, you autists are fucking insufferable. Even smashfags are not THIS autistic.

>their players
All 6 of them?

>exact same gunplay
This thing is like 5 times slower than CS

>less strain on servers during beta
>free shilling for their game on twitch
They literally have 1.6 mil viewers right now. It's generating so much hype. It was actually a really smart decision.

>Half life alyx

Top kek

these characters couldn't be less charismatic if they tried. holy fuck. how boring.

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You're the victim of a marketing campaign. Ignore it.
If everyone else did, this shit would flop so hard.

>valve's games
lmao it's a literal mod valve bought

I hope you don't have steam installed.

It wouldn't have 1.5m views if true.

If there is one "dev" that is ok to copy from, that's Valve, honestly. It's not like they come up with anything original themselves.

Plus when LoL was developed DotA2 wasn't even there, and LoL had literal DotA developers to begin with.

Also the graphic designer for Valorant is literally a guy that worked several years at Valve, so it makes sense.

I'm interested in the game but this has to be the worst fucking beta access ever.
It's literally no different than randomly getting chosen for beta by giving them your email, except now I have to leave a stream on for like 10 hours to see if i'll randomly get a key.
The worst part is that the viewership has been so high because of this other games are almost certainly gonna follow.

>attacking LoL for becoming more popular than Dota2
Only among trannies, women and chink fake numbers. Dota2 dying right now is Valve fucking up, not Riot being great
>defending Artifact when it crashed and burned
Nobody EVER gave a shit about Artifact
>attacking Epic for bringing competition for steam
Fucking kek nigger are you for real? Epic store was never really threatening and the chinks did even worse by throwing money to buy cool titles and FORCE players to use the epic store. It will never recover from this shit
>shilling VR for half life alyx
Nobody really gives a shit
>attacking Fortnite and now Valorant for being more popular than CSGO and TF2
Fortnite has literally nothing to do with CS, Valorant isn't even out yet and TF2 dying is, once again, Valve fucking up, not competition,

I do love Riot for forcing the Valve boomers to get off their fat asses and actually do stuff because of competition.

In what way? Movement is 1.6 speed, gunplay otherwise is identical.

don't forget that, one of the project leads is volcano, a classic cs map maker (although his maps tended to suck nut. crown was a joke, and the valorant maps aren't exactly top tier since they all have a "gimmick" ie the teleporters or the 3site or the shitty rope things in the new map)

I'm just here being cautiously optimistic. They basically admitted at one point that they hired people who actually know what the fuck they're doing to do the work for them using their pile of infinite money instead of trusting bluehairs who love Overwatch to make it. That the first thing out of their mouths about the game was "we hired industry professionals to write the best netcode possible", and that none of the people actually working on League have been shown to have touched this, tells me they have their priorities straight.

It'll flop anyway, the harder it's marketed the heavier it'll flop. It's already proven to be a terrible game with 0 soul. I'd love to market it for free just to see the implosion.

Riot never really learned games need to start small and grow, rather than start huge and downscale.

lmao are you even trying

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Overwatch is a bag of stinky dicks. Once I score a beta key I'm out of that sinking ship. May Jeff Keklan burn in hell.


>everyone is sitting in afk waiting for a key drop
>so much hype
yeah right