A BLAME! + Silent Hill style survival horror game was announced a few days ago.
Actually looks pretty sweet, i like the fact that they used pixels with 3D models instead of it being 2D.
Only for PC so far but i hope it comes out soon.
A BLAME! + Silent Hill style survival horror game was announced a few days ago
not only will I pretend like op isnt shilling his own shit im going to take a neutral stance here and merely say that its pathetic whenever someone wastes their creativity and effort only to then completely shit the bed in a few aspects so people can point at it as a blatant rip off of something else
BLAME is shit, your epic OC characters look like blatant rip offs from that dogshit and somehow I doubt this has literally anything in common with silent hill
Although ill add to this that it seems like youre actually ripping off GANTZ too for some fucked up reason when all of these things are not only shit to begin with but such blatant points of comparison that youre only devaluing your own effort by making something so blatantly unoriginal on the surface
Stealing concepts is a good thing but blatantly trying to ape design work and trying to pass it off as something new and OC is just laughable
Looks cool, but I won't get too excited until there's concrete info about a release date.
I hate that pointy feet shit some devs insist on doing in games, it looks awful.
More like im an actual artist and I grew out of this "i want to make THAT but my own lol!!1" phase when I wasnt 16 anymore
You dont have to make something "original" conceptually but it certainly shouldnt be a direct rip off of something else either. Visually that character design alone instantly screams direct shoplifting from blame and gantz. There is nothing "autistic" about giving actual advice and telling you not to directly steal from other artists because youre just going to devalue your own effort and be seen as an inferior rip off. When you take similar concepts but do them better than someone else you get something like bloodborne which is hailed as the peak of its niche. Concepts can be reshaped and done better or worse but directly stealing scenes from other films, visual designs from other visual media, directly lifting prose or anything remotely similar from another book or anything comparable really is just sad and will get scoffed and laughed at.
Looks interesting. I might give it a try when it releases. Does it have a release date?
All i wanted was show this game to people since i saw it yesterday. I just think it looks cool dude
you really did just sample a numbers station and put piano under it
music sounds like bo burnham
Post art then faggot.
You won't.
what the fuck are you talking about retarded autist? first of all, nowhere did I even say "artist" as in someone who makes visual art, secondly, youre genuinely fucking retarded if you think literally anything I just said has fucking anything to do with whatever I make or the "quality" of whatever is in the link. The game looks cool and its devalued by almost directly stealing designs from something else especially when that something else is uninspired anime shit to begin with. Good job, you certainly uplifted your game by making the main character a faggy looking anime guy with black hair and a fucking vaguely sci-fi rubber wetsuit. Not only did it take zero effort to design, it has the added bonus of instantly looking like a copycat
I already have it in my wishlist. Im tired of people bringing in cool games and people just scream shill, if you think someone is a shill bring proof or stfu. This is a videogame board, what the fuck are you supposed to talk about if not games.
you misspelled autist
>first of all, nowhere did I even say "artist" as in someone who makes visual art
So you're full of shit, got it.
Post your art or shut the fuck up.
user, it's a video game board. If I found some game I wanted to talk about, where the fuck else would I post it.
Looks kino
>More like im an actual artist
>first of all, nowhere did I even say "artist"
It looks really good, animation and aesthetics are top notch for AA. Only negative impression I got out of that was that they really wear their inspirations on their sleeves. I mean wow, you can't get any more blatant than that. But I can forgive an unoriginal story if the gameplay is good.
Coping nigger tranny shills
Looks fine to me, I'll pirate it when it comes out.
>we have no creativity so we ripped off this iconic actually creative work and made it a video game haha!
Fuck off
are you fucking retarded?
are you fucking retarded? artist can refer to anyone who makes art from music to literature to any type of visual art. I know youre probably illiterate but the sentence you just tried to paste there followed up with "as in someone who makes visual art", I said im an artist and I grew out of my phase of desperately wanting to ape pre-existing things
are you fucking retarded
the guy only told you to post your art, any kind of art
he did not specify drawings or other visual art
Is there a release date? Looks interesting
>the guy only told you to post your art, any kind of art
And I laughed at his retardation since I see quite literally zero reason to post anything ive made for mouthbreathers on the videogame board of Yas Forums when talking about the fact that these developers are directly stealing designs from pre-existing media
The games not even out yet and we know nothing about it and its already got a crazy autist upset about it. Might be a good sign
Looks like a trannybait.
looks cool i guess. the only thing that reminded me of early nihei was some parts of those character designs, though.
is that a copy of the king in yellow in the game
niggerman help me
So you're still full of shit.
ignore the posts above me
yeah, looks fucking boring and doesn't feel like nor look like blame or silent hill at all
just another generic "i'm an artist and this is my game" game
>rips off your favorite mango
>you rike?
Garbage. Why are so many indie vidya devs completely devoid of coming up with something original?
Shut the fuck up you backpedaling piece of shit faggot
i can tell whatever "art" you make is completely awful with how desperate you are to be "unique" and "different"
wouldnt want to be "aping pre-existing things"
kill yourself retard
>literally just tracing Bleach panels
I like how there's no background, just like in the comic it rips off.
Holy autism
You can go ahead and refute all the things that have been said instead of desperately trying to get me to post something ive made so you can deflect the points and move the goalposts into somehow "critiquing" things ive made which have literally nothing to do with the game in the link
>Shut the fuck up you backpedaling piece of shit faggot
show everyone where im "backpedaling" mouthbreather. I said that the developers are devaluing their own work by directly stealing obvious things from other art. I said im an actual artist and grew out of that long ago when someone called me an autist. Now youre acting like that has literally anything to do with my point because you are in fact a retarded autist who doesnt know how to argue and is probably literally a shill for this game
>i can tell whatever "art" you make is completely awful
I couldnt care less what some mouthbreather on Yas Forums is speculating
>with how desperate you are to be "unique" and "different"
good to know youre such a seething brainlet that you literally couldnt even actually read my posts
>wouldnt want to be "aping pre-existing things"
I said there is nothing wrong with taking existing concepts and doing it better, I said its pathetic to literally rip off existing designs to the point where someone who doesnt know thatare different IP's would confuse them for the exact same thing
>n-no my art is just too high-class for you, you wouldn't get it
This looks great. Anyone screeching is just mad they could never live their dreams and is trying to bring others down when they see it's a new developer
Actually the problem is that I dont work for free and that includes giving off work for literal mouthbreathing retards telling me to obey on the most underage board on this website
>No mask?!
Why bother? You've been autistic as fuck since post number one. I've been getting your cheap (you)s all thread long. I bet you write MLP fanfics you big gay.
>you are "autistic as fuck" for actually saying something useful that isnt just "haha cool" "haha ew" "when is the release date lol"
okay? come back when youre 18
This is not how i hoped this thread turned out
I've never read Blame or Gantz. Are you autists just bitching about OP's game having bodysuits?
Aw fuck you reminded me of that guy who read all of gantz because he thought it was blame!
Holy shit!
You cant help the petty demons to come out of the woodwork wjne they see a new developers game. They'll wish for its failure as they cower in the shadows hating themselves for not having the will to follow their dreams
That game was fun
>i hoped
Should've abandoned any hope for this place a long time ago desu
Hello tranny. Learn to regulate your emotions and actually deal with objective reality. Someone saying that its not a good thing that you directly steal designs from your favorite anime isnt a personal attack on you or some witch hunt for your epic indie game
>they used pixels with 3D models
You fucking wot, m8.
dead on arrival
you or whoever is trying to make that doesn't understand blame at all
I'm so fucking tired of this place.
>Claims to be an artist
>Gets asked to post art
>Suddenly denies claiming to be an artist
>doesn't understand blame at all
it's not a blame game moron
>female MC
dropped faster than the speed of light, didn't even watch the video the image in the OP was enough to trash this for me
no, refute the points or concede tranny
>n-noo dont talk about anything objectively be blindly hyped for thing!!11
I might be if it wasnt for the blatant stealing, good indicator that its probably shit ive seen a billion times already except with epic indie "graphics". At least games like axiom verge had the decency to look different AND better when aping shit like metroid
looks great. but indie games are impossible to discuss here anymore. too many bitter failed agdg cucks preying for threads to kill off competition
The game uses a pixelated artstyle but those usually happen with 2D games, This game uses 3D models and enviroments. Like how Silent Hill 1 looks like
Soulslike fits much better the blame! setting than SH survival horror style.
>doesn't read posts
>calls others autists
>ironically, is by far the most autistic retard ITT
>he lies on the internet
Intriguing. I definitely dig the tone and the artstyle
"lies" about fucking what retarded autist? I know youre a completely illiterate mouthbreather but I actually said im an artist for the exact reason that I explained instantly after saying it, i grew out of the phase the developers of this game seem to be stuck in and its why its so easy to spot. Youre a retarded tranny and a shill because you couldnt eat that objective piece of criticism so youre desperately deflecting the goalpost and trying to somehow "beat" me in an argument without engaging with the actual criticism (which is that the game seems like a literal rip off)
I have no idea why do I keep actually trying to "argue" with people who are LITERALLY under 15 years old. I would know because back in the day when I started browsing this pile of shit I was underage too and I have literally zero doubts that that applies to 90% of the fucking userbase here based on the complete dogshit that your average post is. Go fuck yourself faggot kid and never reply to me again before you actually refute the points or take your tranny shit elsewhere
Kill yourself you insufferable cunt
Nah I disagree. :^)
Im happily born male and am male who has nothing to do with this game. How many games have their influences on their sleeves? Many great games do. I'm assuming (maybe not rightly so) that at least a few of these cynics shitting on what seems to be a good game because of a similarity in aesthetic is petty and pitiful. Every day on this board is a bunch of miserable souls dragging others into hell by the ankles as they themselves drown. I guess it's just human nature to envy and hate. No way around that
>silent hill gameplay
Fucking trash created only due to limits of it's time.
What's with your obsession with the word "mouthbreather", user? Not to mention the tranny memes you keep posting.
Stop giving this retard attention jesus christ
Looks like this is literally an organized shill raid by some trannies discord, pretty easy to tell with those canned nigh NPC posts begging for release date and the coordinated attacks on anything that questions the shill narrative ripe with tumblr webms and screeching a mantra of "haha autist!!1". Try again trannies