Name a single Japanese game with good writing. You literally cannot

Name a single Japanese game with good writing. You literally cannot.

>MGS is garbled nonsense with some interesting ideas
>Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and all other JRPGs are anime garbage
>Mario/Zelda have no writing
>Remember Metroid Other M?
>Souls games barely bother with voice acting and just have some lore "hinted" at
>Resident Evil and Devil May Cry are embarrassing corny schlock

The Japanese suck at writing and it just gets excused as "anime" or "B-movie cheese" by Westerners because "muh Japan so quirky kawaii!!"

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rent free

The japanese rightfully consider video games, manga and anime low brow entertainment and therefore treat it as such.

If you want good japanese writing you read a book.


Video game writers in general usually suck. Get used to it.

Came here to say this

take your meds schizo


Danganronpa V3

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why are you here if you don't like video games

Lollipop Chainsaw.

I never said I didn't.

you don't need to consider your form of entertainment the highest of arts in order to enjoy it, you are a retard if you think videogames are anything other than time killers most of the time

Radiant Historia, Tales of the Abyss and Symphonia, The world ends with you, Trails in the Sky, Trails to Zero and Trails to Azure, Devil Survivor. These while not masterpieces are fairly decent stories.

Name a single video game with good writing. You literally cannot.


Bruh wtf you talkin about?

Mario Sunshine had dialogue. If that ain't writing idk what is

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I always put this down to shit translations making narratives sound more retarded then they actually were. Turns out that Japs are just fucking retarded.

this, the writing was so good it went over the heads of 90% of the smoothbrain ironic weeb fanbase.


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Name a single game with good writing.

With good writing?
Fate/Stay Night (sex scenes are kino)
Persona 3 FES
Fire Emblem 3 houses
Any Zelda game really
Dual Hearts

>Name a single Japanese game with good writing.
persona 2: innocent sin
persona 2: eternal punishment
pokemon mystery dungeon: explorers of sky
the caligula effect: overdose
trails in the sky trilogy
silent hill 2
deadly premonition
ghost trick: phantom detective
mother 3
nine hours, nine persons, nine doors

Super Mario Odyssey

What is good writing?

Unironically our cultures are way too different and incompatible
They also think all non JP writers fucking suck

There is no solution for this

Text with views I agree with

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Labyrinth of Refrain

>They also think all non JP writers fucking suck

There's one, but it's non ethical.


Luminous Avenger iX

All riddled with shitty anime tropes, the only originality in their main premise which is always some wacko retard fever dream bullshit

What do you mean proof
Go ask them yourself
Its what I encounter when I talk to them or lurk in their boards, they laugh at western writing the same way we laugh at them

Japanese writing in a nutshell
>you save the world but then you don't oops
>biggu tweest
>silent protagonist to emulate the submissiveness of asian men
>females act like anime or actresses rather than realistic humans and it can feel extremely uncanny
>muh sword

Western writing in a nutshell
>all the strings are either tied up nicely (until the sequel) or it's a tangled fucking mess and left that way "on purpose" to seem deep and meaningful
>protagonist uses ebonics regardless of if he is or isn't a nigger
>females act like realistic humans and can be offputting because they aren't like actresses
>muh gun

The Quixote, the first (and still the best) modern novel. That speaks volumes about this "writing" business.

You made such a sweeping generalization that I thought you at least had something. Oh well.

Pure cope

Whatever you think of the game, RDR2 has good writing. Can you imagine Japanese writing something like that? Especially the dialogue? I cant

ghost trick

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>Souls games barely bother with voice acting and just have some lore "hinted" at
How does voice acting determine the quality of the writing?

Of course its a generalization its the only way to talk about entire cultures is to generalize.

I'd rather play a game with shitty writing and good gameplay than the other way around.

Dragons Dogma has excellent writing.
It has a weird plot.
But the writing itself is excellent.

So what? Western games have equally shit writing in vidya.
Like this user said gameplay is paramount followed by music and visuals.

>Can you imagine Japanese writing something like that?
no, because the japanese don't write woke soi movies.

Ironically, when it is written by someone other than Kojima, Metal Gear can shine.

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This. Should be an actual novel

The writing of MGR was just as fucking retarded as the rest of the franchise.

>implying Western writing doesn't suck rat's ass
>muh edgy lesser evil
>muh everything is grimdark
>muh swearing and being piece of shit

>lesser evil being worse than good vs evil

Life isnt as simple as star wars

Mods, ban this poster

Forbidden Siren

Wow, weabs sure do get mad when you criticize their Chinese cartoons.

honestly name a series with better voice-acting than Souls you faggot

Are there actually people who play video games for the story?

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Any sony movie and red dead 2

Metroid Other M was a western job
Rent free btw

>tfw even the most convoluted Kojima script easily gets BTFO by based, redpilled Kino no Tabi

I'm not even saying this ironically, this young adult light novel series literally destroys entire vidya game plots in just one chapter.

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Not directed by Suda, he was slapped on the project to sell. Gotta go low if you wanna end up high.

I agree with you but that has squat to do with writing. Also those aren't Japanese voice actors anyway so what's your point?

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Nah, life is simpler than star wars, you do not need to deal whit tall naked furry aliens.

Steins Gate, Baldr Sky, Utawarerumono. Also FF 6 & original FF tell decent stories. That is 3 compared to the only western game that tells a good story, Planescape. And maybe Kotor 1.
You know, the medium designed to tell stories.
tl;dr: you are an idiot

my point is the OP is cherry-picking specific arguments and is too stupid to even get those right

No it doesn't

Silent Hill 2.

*original FF7

>any Sony movie
weak bait, champ

Why do you think people praise Disco Elysium genius?

literally all of suda51's work

Everything you just said was a lie

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wow you named every japanese game thats crazy how did you do it

my nigger

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Because SJW contents?

NieR Gestalt

>persona 2: innocent sin
>persona 2: eternal punishment
Demons and shit
>pokemon mystery dungeon: explorers of sky
>the caligula effect: overdose
>trails in the sky trilogy
Anime shit
>silent hill 2
>deadly premonition
muh abstract writing
>ghost trick: phantom detective
>mother 3
If it's so great why was it never translated?
>nine hours, nine persons, nine doors
Saw rip off

Dumb ass

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>>MGS is garbled nonsense
if you cant understand a series like metal gear you have serious braindamage
it might not be spetacular but i REALY isnt complicated at all

Even Sine Mora? lol weaboos don't even like that one, it's the most euro trash shmup Japan ever made.

where did the Japanese can't wright meme came from?

>(skyrim dragons)
Every time. They are wyverns tho.

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