I'm not asking if you think it's true

I'm not asking if you think it's true.
I'm asking if you'd play it.


Attached: Capture.png (752x676, 449.78K)


>has been redesigned



>Snow setting
>First Person
>RE4 inventory
>Witches and werewolves

Yes, sounds awesome. And people complaining about supernatural elements are dumbasses, there's obviously going to be some classic dumb RE science explaination behind it.

Well it looks like in this instance they're trying to make him look more like Remake, 5 and 6 Chris instead of the shit new design they jumped to in 7.

That sounds awesome, yeah I'd play it.

The characters have been redesigned since the PS1 original. I dont know why its such a big deal.

Maybe I can get trips.

Also, Chris was mildly okay in code Veronica. Stick with that.

Chris looked godawful in RE7, I hope they just keep his chad look from 5, 6 and the movie

Just watch, they're going to add werewolves to RE and ruin the series forever.

Attached: 1584290029598.gif (640x360, 332.94K)

>The characters have been redesigned since the PS1 original

And i'm fucking sick of it. Every character is like 5 different people at this point, i'm fucking amazed every other main character in a major serialised franchise maintains the same/a close enough design through each installment. RE's lack of consistancy is fucking infuriating.

No. I think I am done with the Resident Evil series.

Honestly the one consistent thing about the characters is that they get redesigned, ironically if they weren't redesigned they'd stick out more.

I agree with you but they probably want to remake him more similar to nu-claire, bc they don't look nothing alike

Imagine thinking after Resident Evil 6, Operation Raccoon City and Umbrella Corps that the series is either still to be ruined forever or is even capable of being ruined forever.
If you think the series has up until now had a consistent tone, vibe or quality then you're clearly just a retard.

Might be cool but I wish it was third-person instead of first-person. Also why Chris instead of Leon if they're basically doing 3.5 with a 4 style inventory?

I think it's easy to redesign someone like Leon over and over because he has an iconic hairstyle but Chris is basically just a brown haired guy with few iconic characteristics.

I haven't played a single RE after RE4 with the ironic exception of 2 & 3 remakes (which is essentially the older games). Doubt I'll play this one but I'll keep my eyes piqued for the alleged "series departures". RE4 was the best RE game and it propelled serious series departures.

Im not answering, im telling you that this is a reverse engineered attempt at fake leaking the plot and gameplay of a video game solely based on the fact that the roman numeral 8, VIII, was haphazardly paired with the word VILLAGE even though VILLAIN is infinitely more obvious.

ethan is the protag again

Honestly, it would be better if the supernatural elements were just supernatural. The universal "muh virus" explanation for everything in RE is getting to the point of retardation. They could really try to break the RE mold with this new game, kind of like RE7 did with the gameplay.

I’ll play the shit out of it.

im calling it. its a re4 reboot or some shit

This shit better have werewolves and be weird as fuck.

This. Never liked Chris. He is literally just a guy

>Witch stalker
>Village in the middle of nowhere

This is literally Outlast 2


Except mixed with Capcom kino and combat?


Boomers too scared for first person will seethe eternally as they spam in Yas Forums fixed camera shilling
The franchise confirmed to be first person survival horror
It will be glorious

As long as it isn't some hide and seek bullshit, or in the vein of RE7. I don't mind it being first person, but for fuck's sake don't make it some walking simulator bullshit with unskippable boring cutscenes.

Except instead of hiding in a barrel every 3 minutes you're playing a videogame.

Why can't they settle on a design for chris? The dude has literally never looked like the same person between games

The combat in 7 was shit though

They won't be literal werewolves they'll be hybrid bioweapons like hunters
I don't know why you fags are crying about them when you think shit like this is perfectly fine in an RE game

Attached: hunter.png (400x320, 196.91K)

I will, but i'm not entirely thrilled about it being first person. It seemed a good idea for 7, getting the franchise back to its horror roots, but it being a constant thing isn't that exciting. I'm not even against Ethan being a main character, but them now just seeming keeping the classic cast to either remakes or npcs is kinda crap.

Where do I sign? Also, while we're at it, switch Chris with Leon.

And for the werewolves/witch stuff. It's resident evil, there is always a scientific explication (think of the girl appearing here and there in re7)

And it can't be worse than some enemy design from 6 and 5

Where the fuck is my Ethan vs Werewolves game that I was promised?

Attached: disgusting.jpg (600x800, 63.85K)

Play 7 you fag

>Also, while we're at it, switch Chris with Leon.
You mean Ethan right?

It's resident evil. I'd at least give it a pirate even if it's a giant turd.
I'm practically married to that fucking franchise, just like a lot of people here.

no VR no care

I'd pirate it I guess. Maybe.

So they finally take the only good thing about RE4 (and arguably the whole franchise) and make a whole game with that vibe. About time.

It will be a virus that turns them into werewolf-like monsters, like Bloodborne.

Goodbye Ryan Gosling Chris. I will not miss you.

Attached: origin.jpg (1920x1080, 238.63K)

This. If they can experiment with frogs to make new species, then they can do the same with wolves, not like their science is very grounded in reality anyway.

Central role =/= main protagonist, Ethan will still be the main playable character but he'll work with Chris and we'll probably switch over to him at certain points in the story

>Chris in a small village
Why? Whats the point when he's a fucking boulder punching god? I'm pretty sure he could tear any village building down

re7 and re1 are the best ones don't even @me

actual survival horror>>>>>>action

big fat fake

I am personally fine with any kind of monster or abomination.
If anything I think human enemies (but with superpowers because virus/parasite) are the most dumb.

Just create a whole new universe for fucks sake, why do they feel the need to keep bringing back old characters and stories.

I swear, if all of the supernatural occult stuff just turns out to be "muh spooky virus that can do literally everything" again then I'm done with this fucking series.

It almost sounds like they are trying to revive hookman RE4.

>First Person

No. First person games are about going fast, I've got no interest in slower paced horror using that perspective.

Hope this mean he actually looks like Chris again and not some retarded scanned in actor.

RE1 had action as well. RE7 is the only one that's real survival horror and it's the worst one as a result.

He was just redesigned why would they do it again

Combat in 7 was the best in the serie

no it's the best one, fuck action

Q1 2021 feels too early for another Resident Evil game. I don’t want this to become a yearly franchise.

humans are a species of tradition, IPs that have strong roots survive long

>B-but not the survival horror
>Oh no my diaper

I hope the stalking witch is hot

Different teams working on the mainline games and the remakes. It's been 2-3 years since RE7.

>if all of the supernatural occult stuff just turns out to be "muh spooky virus that can do literally everything" again
That's the charm of the series though it's been like that since the very first game
You're retarded if you actually want real supernatural elements

It's too late, RE7 and RE2make were too successful. Not sure how well RE3make did but it probably made more than enough profit considering its smaller budget.

Unironically sounds pretty cool. Like, European folklore that are really mutated zombies + a surreal isolated feeling would be God tier

I'll probably play it, but I get more and more pissed off the further they depart from the old characterization of their cast.
If they want to take the series in a new direction, I'd rather they created new characters and stuck with them. Don't hot-drop Chris in as bait to all those people that loved the old games but won't like the new ones. Continue making the revelations games for those who want the old style or something?

Attached: chris-re5concept.png (494x400, 172.2K)

I wouldn't hold my breath, Capcom was very happy with RE engine and scanning people, the most you can hope for is that they get better at it.

I really liked 7, so why not.

>first person game
>protagonist is a widely popular and iconic video game character

You people are fucking retarded.
They won't do a first person game with Chris as the main character.
Or Jill, or Leon, or Claire.
If they've got them they'll want to flaunt them

>I'm not asking if you think it's true.
>I'm asking if you'd play it.
why would we talk about a non existing game? fucking larping autists need to fuck off back to /mlp/

I'm retarded for wanting something different than the standard RE schlock that we've had for the past 20 years? Maybe an actually decent story?

Resident Evil 7 was perhaps the most scary and in that regard the best one, since it is doing its job

More interested in this than those two shitty remakes.

Not saying much really.

Calling it
A team now works on 3 years long mainline series development cycle with devs and knowhow for first person games
B team will remake the CV, 1, 4 as ots games, all releasing after RE8. All the REmake series assets will be used to update Resistance as live service multiplayer

Main series entry that plays differently from other games released doesn't necessarily qualify as yearly releases. Like said, 7 came out a few years ago now.
Yearly releases for a franchise as big as Resi would be absolutely fine so long as its different teams working on different projects and the quality of content isn't compromised.
You have main series games running alongside what looks to be a series of remakes, alongside the revelations games, potentially, if they're still alive. Then there'll be outliers like Resistance, operation Racoon city, shit like that.
In reality, quality will be compromised, but it won't be specifically because of release schedule, it'll be because Capcom are greedy, and somewhat creatively bankrupt.

Attached: the sequel.png (868x605, 441.97K)

7 sucks cock. Period. If they're going forward with another Oulast clone first person game, I'll just wait for the CV remake. At least this means that rumor about 8 being a direct sequel to 7 starring Ethan again was bullshit.

>giving your game a subtitle just so you can do the same promotional art you did with the last game
the madmen

What characterization? Most RE characters have as much personality as cardboard

It's literally the the re4.5 clips we saw with the hookman

REsistance is not going to be routinely updated. It will be dropped, and quickly. If Capcom want to venture into the MTX world of online shooters they'll do it with a game that has stronger foundations.

>Maybe an actually decent story?
You're playing the wrong series mate

Will Chris finally come out of the closet officially?