WTF did I just finish

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SMT Digital Devil Saga 2

welcome to hinduism bro, enjoy your stay in samsara

This was probably the wackiest Megaten game I've played so far

Hindu symbolism.

What are you gonna play next?

>What are you gonna play next?
Probably Raidou 2

This is what I've played, in order:
>SMT Nocturne
>P1 (PSP)
>P4 (PS2)
This is my current backlog:
>Strange Journey Redux
>Soul Hackers
>Raidou 2
>Persona 2 Duology

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Go play the Persona 2s. They're the best megaten games by plot. Play the old PSX fantranslation of Innocent Sin and the original Eternal Punishment.

So why doesn't Yas Forums shit on DDS for having trannies in it?

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She wasn't a tranny, just an intersex.

They explicitly say that shes both, she didn't transition.

>WTF did I just finish
One stupid futanari angered the God, and now the sun is evil. To save the world you have to turn into a futanari yourself.

bad game part 2 in the games that were never good series

What are the main differenses between the PSX version vs the PSP version?

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playing nocturne now, will probably hit up raidou afterwards and then DDS. how does DDS compare to nocturne??


Because almost every character in the whole game is just data.

>how does DDS compare to nocturne
Much, much easier. While still challenging sometimes, it's a breeze compared to Nocturne

Nocturne has one flaw compared to DDS, once you learn a move and delete it, you can't get it back.

DDS is different from Nocturne in the following ways:
>heavier focus on story
>voice acting
>more cutscenes
>no demon fusions
>three party members instead of four
>less comedic/less dark
>more linear
>shorter (I finished DDS in 36 hours; Nocturne took me 65 hours to complete)

She's not a tranny though.
Angel has both fully functioning dick/balls and a vagina/uterus. She literally inseminated herself with her own sperm to create Sera, she's based as fuck.

PSP is remasterd version. Play EP on PSP and IC on psx since the psp version isn't in english

user EPP wasn't translated

Isn't it the reverse? You play IS on PSP and EP on PS1

Would you still be considered a virgin if you fucked your own pussy with your dick?

the people who care about that shit don't play vidya from before 2007.

My bad i reversed the order. been a while since a played them


you know what to play next

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cry like a bitch about it retard, you've not touched it. Still an enjoyable as fuck experience.

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As a Personafag which of these should I try first

I always hear Nocturne but is that a meme or not?

>but is that a meme or not?
No, its the usual introduction to Press Turn system though the story is not like the usual mainline games since other are more cyberpunk-ish with characters being humans using computer device to summon demons instead of them being the demon

>more difficult than Persona
>press turn combat instead of One More
>minimalist story
>no voice acting
>demons as party members
>negotiations, same as P5/P1/P2
>fusions more in line with P3 than with P5
>Kazuma Kaneko art direction
>open world
>alignment system
>side dungeon like Momentos

>2D battles due to it being a DS game
>3D world
>press turn system with extra mechanics than Nocuturne
>modernized fusion system
>alignment system
>open world
>voice acting

>linear/narrative driven like Persona
>skill trees
>modular skills
see -> Raidou:
>simplistic action based combat instead of turn-based (quasi-real-time-with-pause)
>demon fusions and loyalty system
>control demons for special skills
>alignment system

I personally enjoyed Nocturne the most, Raidou for the aesthetics (not the combat), and DDS the least (mostly because Nocturne's minimalist approach to story telling is way better). Play DDS is you want an introduction to press turn, while retaining Persona's story telling.

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I meant SMT IV

she wasn’t shoehorned in.

DDS storytelling isn't really similar to Persona at all. Only P2.

a blatant shark jump and bad writing

How do you think we got Jesus?

Did you enjoy the soundtrack? DDS I&II have an incredible soundtrack, it’s up there with P4 and Raidou Kuzonoha.

I was comparing it to Raidou and Nocturne seeing how it has a larger focus on characters and features voice acting.

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Nothing major. The PSP release remixed (worse) music and an added "make your own dungeon" feature that absolutely no one uses. The translation isn't as good as the fan translation, somehow but is fine. Play whichever is easiest for you to emulate.

Well everyone in the games even outside of the junkyard is data because the real world (in game) is made of "Solar Data". In the Junkyard, everyone is Sera's idealized versions of the people she knew at the Karma Org Hospital.

You didnt like it?
A shame, that duology is one of my favourite SMT spin offs

>drop the word "cyber shaman" very early in first game giving away the whole A.I. twist
real shame, other then that good game

cool thanks will probably start with nocturne then play DDS

I was pretty lukewarm on DDS1's battle music, but I think the environmental music in DDS1 and and DDS2, as a whole, were good OST's. Raidou, Nocturne and SMT IV are my favorites with honorary mentions reserved for Persona 1 (PSX/PSP) and Persona 5.

It's no that I didn't like it, I guess I just hyped it up after playing Nocturne. Plus, the story in DDS2 is an absolute mess, that goes in a lot of unpredictable directions. The final boss was pretty wild though.

You're welcome

Thanks for the info

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>make your own dungeon feature
Stupid EoP lmaoo, shut the fuck about shit you've hired third hand of Reddit or whatever

Play Soul Hackers. Personal fav.

Fuck I'm ESL jap give me a break weeab

you dont even need to collect cards or manage personas, just press a to win every battle

Actually really interested in this ever since I played the demo. It's QTEs the game, okay, but it was so much spectacle it was enjoyable. I heard the true ending is locked behind a DLC, though. Is it worth getting both?

Devil Survivor is great too if you ever wanna add that to your backlog

The best SMT story wise with the best characters of all the franchise

She was a futa hermaphrodite, not a tranny.
Tranny are mentally ill and want to hide their masculine traits. Angel was both and for an actual plot-purpose to create Sera

>fusion spells/combo skills will never return

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Hey Atlus General, how was Catherine: Full Body? I saw that it seems to be completed easier by people, which I tried to take as people just replaying it, but eh.

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>enhanced port is shorter

how could this be possible?

It makes the gameplay easier and hence faster

The main game puzzles in Full Body are quite a bit easier than the original's if you play on Normal difficulty.
There's also a new Assist mode that basically plays the game for you, so even if you are awful at the game you can still get through just fine, making it a lot faster to complete for most people

What the fuck, bummer. I mean I guess I could play on the hardest difficulty.

You niggers got any decent smt discords?

seconding this

>on Yas Forums of all places
OH MY LOOK AT HIS LIPS I'd probably join it too. Actually discussing video games you're playing and enjoying sounds like a bresh of fresh air.

just remember to shit on chaosfags and lawfags

Damn, the steelbook should've had this art as an outer-sleeve and the regular steelbook art.

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go away