1.4 million people watch a chink game that could be a mobile game. What went wrong with PC gaming?

1.4 million people watch a chink game that could be a mobile game. What went wrong with PC gaming?

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I do not understand appeal for Valorant. 2016 was the last time people I knew irl were heavy into counter strike. After that everyone moved on.
With league of legends the appeal is there since it has so many characters and is strange if youve never played a moba before

Valorant is counterstrike but with characters way less interesting than league or overwatch

there's no appeal for it mate people are just hooked on the hype machine right now shooters in general are for zoomers.

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Fortnite only has 89k tho?

Those are console bros that can't play the game tho

>Mobile game
This phrase loses meaning every second.

>2016 was the last time people I knew irl were heavy into counter strike.
Literally the most popular game on steam with double of dota2 numbers.

Smokers aren't getting infected because no one wants to be around them. Can't get sick if everyone avoids you.

Is this how volvo russians will cope for the next decade? First riot killed dota now they coming for csgo lmao.

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who is that grandma on the csgo cover? is cs woke now?

>After that everyone moved on.
PLEASE don't tell me you're one of those fucking retards on Yas Forums and reddit who genuinely believes a game "dies" because it's no longer the most spammed topic?

>1.4 million viewers
>next highest viewed category on entire site is 150k
>believing there are ACTUALLY 1.4 million real people watching this literal what garbage
you're retarded

>Thinking Twitch means anything

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looks like a cheap mod someone made for Counterstrike trying to make the game look like Overwatch

Because lol devs have a long recorded and documented history of using bots to inflate stream numbers, to the point where they refuse to put an in game tournament viewing feature like dota has just to inflate viewers numbers on twitch.

I mean hell its tencent so its 100% fake in some way.

Anyone who made that image should fucking neck himself.

>What went wrong with PC gaming?


It could look amazing but then it would not run on chink cafe toasters. That means less money.

>that could be a mobile game
game's made for keyboard + mouse so no

Unironically the internet itself.

graphics arent so much the issue its more that it has no style

You have to watch the game to get alpha keys
Which is super lame but like some sort of fucking cuck I am gonna play the game when it releases properly anyway.

Its mid season atm. Those numbers skyrocket during events then stagnate between.

Link 3 sources.

Thats a selling point though, they need people to take one glimpse at it and know its just another f2p CS clone. Thats its entire reason for being, its a f2p chink cs clone BUT MADE BY RIOT OMG

Your credit score has improved by 10 points.

coof coof

I feel like it's going to be impossible to get a beta to drop so I may as well not even try.

Yet it fucking sucks.

Yeah that's probably it. Especially with how reluctant the US is to actually test for that shit they aren't gonna be bothering testing the bottom of societies barrel.

Ah so nothing but retarded Yas Forumsroach paranoia.

Much like Dota 2 it's a game for 3rd world slavs

I think it's some sort of rainbow 6 siege type mode they have added.

>the csgo & dotard cope in this thread

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sponsored streams and bots.

Why the fuck are pcbros crying about graphics. It's mostly cartoonish artstyle, if you look at actual detalization, it's really good, much better than csgo with its flat surfaces.

Imagine being such a cuck that you fall for the OMG WAITING FOR EPIC KEY DROPS WITH MY TWITCHBROS POGGERS instead of just waiting for the actual release.

The fuck is wrong with you people? The worst part this isn't just zoomzooms. A quarter of thise are probably old ass russians farming shit with bots.

Isn't it just knock-off Overwatch?

The only way to play it for normal plebs is to watch it on Twitch. Riot gonna Riot, they find ways to artificially inflate their games' perceived popularity (until it's actually popular).

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I lose more energy for live when people like you reply to me.
I said people moved on because I knew a hundred people at college obsessed by it in 2016 and they all stopped playing and MOVED ON
>Yas Forums

Giveaways and multiple accounts farming for a drop. Classic case of "I don't have it therefore I need it."

pick one

The funniest part about all this shitposting is that for CSGO this is just another bump in its life. But Overwatch? Hoo boy have you lads scene how much of a clusterfuck Overwatch became after the Valorant hype started? They're fucking shook.

Why would anyone watch for a drop if no one likes the game?

Tell me more.

Yep riot totally doesnt do shady shit. Everything is normal. Please dont also report
to the thought police, I need the bump to my social credit.

>nooooooooooooooo I can't be real
suck it up valve drone its over.

Where is your source, Yas Forumsroach. You made a claim and said that claim was documented. Still waiting.

>Can't have thing
>Want thing
Gee, I wonder what Riot stumbled onto there. Hearthstone was the same, except they didn't drop keys.

mods you faggots let me post images again you butthurt niggers.

don't forget about the bounty board

it's 1.4 million bots

Apologize for the leddit cap but I think that's the only place that has this shit. Basically the Overwatch League is in full doomposting mode because it's scene is comepised of washed up CSGO pros who jumped ship in hopes of success are now all trying to jump to the next big thing in hopes of salvaging their career. Meanwhile the actual CSGO scene is sitting pretty.

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kek OW is done and OW 2 is DOA

haha oh wow blizzard really is getting the boot from tencent as their golden boy riot is going to take the lead

riot is much better as a tencent tendril, blizzard has too rich of a history (beloved) to get away with shit.


Holy shit i actually just thought you were some retard who couldnt see the obvious bullshit being peddled but now im fairly certain you are a winnie the pooh lackey.

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>blizzard has too rich of a history (beloved) to get away with shit.
Blixzard threw it away years ago.

how does riot get away with blatantly ripping off everyone else? First dota, then hearthstone, autochess, now overwatch and counter strike? Why are people okay with this?

Because they are a chinese owned company.