HP (Health Points) Bars

whats the best color?
green to red master race here
anything else is stupid and pretentious

Attached: HP.jpg (1712x1691, 246.83K)

no hp

healthbars are for mixmaxing fags only
>10% hp left oh time to use the 100% health potion
>80% hp left oh time to just eat an apple
remove health bars from games

Which game uses white > gray?

No Man's Sky

One of the MGS games I think.

from the top of my head mgs3

Depends on the style of the game, how colorful it is, how simplistic, etc.
If it's a colorful game, then green
if it's a more "serious" game, then red

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Metal Gear Solid 3 I think. I don't remember but I think Nier Automata does this as well.

My fav health bars are when they use objects or other weird shit, like the pixel heart in No More Heroes and the Honeycombs in Banjo Kazooie

These are mine

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>5% hp left
>(x99) 100% Health Potions in inventory
>"N-no I can't drink it now what if I need it later?"

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Green > White Recoverable > Transparent

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>t. failed 2nd grade math twice


Rondo of Blood will always have the best cuz it looks like delicious koolaid.

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11th post best post.
Better if the green turns red with less than 33% remaining.

Soulless and cringe


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Disgusting colour vibration
Pretty great


>semen health bar
uhh, cringe?

All of them are terrible. It should be a colour going into BLACK. Nothing more.

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I'm dichromatic color blind and when games use the first healthbar it's almost impossible to see. Or when you're playing a shooter and friendlies are green and baddies are red, better hope there's no friendly fire...

HP stands for hit points, idiot

A number from 0 to 255.

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Green and red, anything else is pretentious crap.

only real GAMERS agree

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ah, so you are also a MP = Magic Points fag right?

2 is alright, 1 kinda sucks, 3 is for psychopaths.

epic filter

The fuck else would it be

This. HP is a ridiculous mechanic that only exists because tabletop games like DnD had no way of simulating proper battle mechanics. It makes no sense for someone to die because they receive a large number of relatively harmless damage that takes away 1HP each time. People die because of organ failures, blood loss, blunt-force trauma, etc.

Large numbers of 1 HP damage simulates gradual blood loss and blunt force trauma. Use your fucking brain.

Because poking someone with a stick 100 times is going to cause someone to bleed out, right?

Hitting them hard enough to deal damage would yes.

It doesn't matter if it's not realistic, it matters if the game is fun. The amount of games that would be improved by actually putting in realistic death would be so small that saying HP is ridiculous is fucking retarded.

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Having a game where enemies react differently based on where you hit them on their body would result in far more enjoyable combat. You could try and disarm the enemy first or knock them down before landing the killing blow. But having a health bar is much easier to do and requires less imagination/effort.

Mana points

Red > Grey


bar changes color from green through yellow to red as you lose hp

Attached: Health_meter_Jak_3 (1).png (241x221, 78.51K)

Red=Lost HP
Blue=Air meter, starts from the beginning of red and if it envelopes all of green you die
Purple=HP lost due to poison, can't be healed without drinking an antidote first
Gray=Armor, nullifies damage lower than its value, any excess damage is dealt to HP, ineffective against Purple/Blue, can be reduced through sundering attacks
Yellow=Overheal, takes damage before HP but only for normal damage, does not affect Blue or Purple, diminish slowly with time
Flashing green=regen/healing
Flashing red=bleeding, continuously lose HP as long as the condition persists
Flashing yellow=Aegis, works on top of Overheal, nullifies any and all attacks that are below its value, similar to armor, if a single hit is powerful enough to break through then you both lose all overheal and receive the excess damage to HP
Orange=Fury, fills starting from the bottom of HP, when it completely covers the Green HP bar then you can unleash powerful attacks, increased by taking damage in a short time

Yeah some games it would be cool in, I don't dispute that. Though the two things you listed can be achieved through just adding in mechanics to the game. Also effort is limited, you have to choose where to spend it when making game. You really have to ask if it's worth creating a really complicated system so that enemies react to getting hit in certain organs differently. You would also have to do things differently for non-human enemies or made up enemies. This also wouldn't really work in stuff like Castlevania, or other game similar to it. HP bars exist for a reason user, they're not ridiculous.

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No health bars.
Model/Sprite should show progressive battle damage be it torn clothes or scars and blood

>HP bars exist for a reason user
Because it's the easy way out. Even if you want to continue using HP as a mechanic, you don't need HP bars. You could display how much health the enemy has based on their animations and appearance. We aren't limited by CPU power or graphical fidelity anymore, adding this sort of behaviour to the game is entirely possible.

Green to Transparent/empty


realism tism needs to stop


or health visualization like in DeadSpace


If a green health bar has red behind it I instantly assume that means it's recoverable health.

Sell me your shitty idea user, whats benefit of having this shit when i can know their health in less than one second by looking at the healthbar?

In most games that have hp you need to know how much you have at pretty much any given time. Making it clear exactly how much health you have through an animation/appearance just doesn't give information as well as a bar or number does. Even if it can work in a certain game/setting that doesn't mean it works in every game/setting.

>Having a game where enemies react differently based on where you hit them on their body would result in far more enjoyable combat.
That depends entirely on the game. Yes it would be cool in certain cases. That doesn't mean HP as a concept is ridiculous.

Blue to empty.

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Most modern games do exactly that, but also show a HP bar because communicating things to the player is important. If a player can only read their health off cues rather than an exact meter, it becomes a measure of frustration. Are you meant to be able to tell if you can survive a specific attack by how fast the character is breathing? These kinds of things can only serve as threshold markers.

Player action is all about reaction to the provided stimulus and if the provided information is not clearly communicated, the player will inevitably become frustrated.

I don't want to know if my character is between 20 - 40% health. I want to know exactly their health so I can play considering that.

Play SS13, you'd fucking love it dude.

That's a really good idea if the character/enemies is not wearing any armor or clothing because then you get the weird disconnect like in Silent Hill Downpour where the blood stains and damage your clothes took during a battle are magically healed by the healing juice you took

This isn't an American produced game.

No it stand for Heart Power
MP stands for Mystic Power.

>play R3make
>Know when Jill is Fine from model animations
>Know when Jill is in Caution from model animations
>Know when Jill is Critical from model animations

Not once did i have to open the inventory to look at the healthbar and see how close to death I am, and never did I have to glance at any corners to see my health bar, thus allowing some cheap zombie placement to fuck my asshole

it ain't easy being cheesy

numbers, baby

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please be bait

blood vignette master race

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