JRPG Thread

Lockdown Day 7 Edition. What are you playing? Still going on with FFXII and had a fight with Doctor Cid. He's such a great character

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Still playing Caligua Effect Overdose, just finished the Ike-P arc, think I'm somewhat close to the end? The backstories of the characters feel like a P3 lite version.

Also just started KH3 on Xbone Game Pass too

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Any rpgs like langrisser and growlanser where you can be evil ? other than smt and ogre tactics

Continuing with DQ3, recently defeated Baramos. I also started DQ11 (2D mode), I'm in Hotto.

Finished FFXII. Debating whether I should go back to Xenoblade II (I left it at the cave continent with the Australian village) or if I should start DQ XI. What does Yas Forums think?

What are the best JRPGs available on Switch? I am always by people arguing whether or not something is truly a JRPG or not. I pretty much only enjoy turn based/tactic RPGs.

DQXI is the better game.

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XB2. You just have to wade through tens of hours of absolute anime dogshit after which it picks up in the end and has a cool ending. DQ11 is pure fucking trash and will literally make you fall asleep with the worst repetitive fucking music you have ever heard in your life.

Currently going through the final dungeon for cold steel 2, I missed getting rank A0 by 9 points, not bad for my first playthrough but dammit.

>The backstories of the characters feel like a P3 lite version.
it's way better than p3's characters. especially the musicians.
fwiw, this game was written by the same guy who wrote smt if, p1, p2 and the dds games.

The best music in the game are from dq8

Doing a hard mode playthrough of FF7R and then going for the plat. After that I might replay the original or play IX again.
Looking forward to XBC next month

Just started my replay of Persona 5 through The Royal and so far I'm not really all that impressed by this enhanced version. I'm cautiously interested though in seeing if the new scenes and third semester could actually make me care about the Phantom Thieves like I do SEES and the IT.

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Yeah OST is awesome too. I doubt they'll show it but with the different endings I hope we get to see a glimpse of what real life is like for all of the characters if they leave Mobius.

Just finished XII yesterday, I feel like I should go back to DQ XI to finish it up but I started playing xenogears and am looking to try out vagrant story after.

Why is she in Persona Q sprite ?

Getting my ass kicked by the first Oni in Nocturne's Ikebukuro Tunnel. Cautiously grinding in order to suck less at the moment.

I was going to start Mana Khemia later today

Depends on your taste.
You might want to get Disgaea 5 given what you like.

if you got suckered and played the beta of dq11 thats your issue

Vanguard Hearts

Shit taste

I've already played DQ11 and Xenoblade 2, what modern jrpgs are good Yas Forums

Don't say Persona 5 I played the VN for like 30 hours it's not that good (I don't like VNs)

Best characters hands down in any final fantasy and much of vidya in general. GOAT voice acting too

Unlucky hero/mage

Fire Emblem Three Houses is the only exclusive tactics game on the switch, but there's Langrisser I+ II, Disgaea 5 and tons of eshop games if you don't care about that.

I played DQ11 on 3ds so take it with a grain of salt but I was pretty bored at a certain chapter of the game and was just not really having fun. Something happens, it's not BD but it's bad. Though to be entirely fair I was dragging a bit before that happened already so it's not like that was the one and only factor.

Royal exclusive cosmetic DLC

Played a couple hours of Xenogears and shit looks interesting.
By the way, where's Unlimited Saga user? Plan on playing it afterwards but I want some tips
Buffs and Debuffs are your friends

I'm still playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2. The AI still bothers me and it also bothers me that because of this I'm forced to do a lot of things on my own that I should have been able to depend on AI for, and doing that limits my freedom with choosing blades severely. As a result I'm extremely unsatisfied with my team comp but I can't do much about it because "whops, can't depend on the AI so I'm forced to have this here, can't remove".
Other than that, still having a lot of fun. The team comp thing is just a constant thorn in my side. Also the story is trying to be very, very mysterious and I'm worried that when it comes to actually solving all these mysteries they are setting up, they'll drop the ball. But I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Despite the issues I have with this game, it's still criminal amounts of fun.

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>I want some tips
Ask and I'll do my best to provide.

>Buffs and Debuffs are your friends
See, that's what I thought too. 'Cause I mean shit, this is Ikebukuro we're talking about, at least eight other bosses appeared by this point, so the concept of "use buffs, retard" kinda stuck, right?
But apparantly, expecting everyone to fall to the might of Focus + Lunge was a mistake when, y'know, physical-resistant bosses exist. With Beast Eye, Dragon Eye and debuffs of their own at that.

This game really knows how to make me feel like an idiot sometimes, user. I'm not sure how to feel about it.

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Currently playing FE 3H. I don't care about exclusives as I only game on the Switch. I'll check those out. Thank you.

Finished EOV. Nexus is next.

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I liked Nexus but not as much as V. Hopefully you like it more than I did.

What they did with Pug in Nexus is a crime

The AI is consistent with what it does and mostly useful. It will always try and break > topple >launch > smash combo if possible, and always switch to a blade with the next level of a combo available. Before you get to the trials I don't see how you could want any more specific actions than this.

Which character is the best for a new player, what kind of dumb shit to avoid since its not like your usual jrpg

>It will always try and break > topple >launch > smash combo if possible
If only that was true. The elemental combo is true and I thank god for that. But for driver combo, the AI can have break. Everything else and it must be me because they do not cooperate. I wanted to play Meref but guess what? Axe Rex doesn't launch. Nia has a knucle but she won't change out of Byakko despite we not being in a combo that needs water. So on. I've had Rex actually change to axe at the right time for a rise and NOT do rise. As if to spit on my face.

As long as it doesn't have something like the 3rd stratum of EOV I should be fine. I don't think I ever found a place more annoying in an EO game than that one.

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However you might think of the gameplay gimmick in this stratum, surely you at least agree that the setting is marvelous, yes?

Ventus' campaign is explicitly designed for newcomers as it's the only campaign with unlimited quests, which means you will never have a problem with building your characters or ending up with just the last quest available and subpar characters.
Moreover, Ventus' party is arguably one of the strongest and easiest to handle, you get several focused characters that have excellent stat ratings and are extremely easy to build, not to mention how pretty much all of them also have large LP pools, on top of it all Ventus has access to the Dragonheart and most of the game's map, it's simply impossible to fail his campaign.

Ruby's campaign is a close second thanks to her gimmick being surplus Tetraforce availability compared to anyone else, which is almost as good as Ventus' carrier quest, her party is also really good outside of a couple of weak links which you can still ignore.

Avoid Armic, Kurt and Mythe as they're all harder campaigns in several aspects and meant for veterans.
This varies on personal opinions, but my own ranking from easiest to hardest campaign is:

I thought so when I entered it. I think it was either the third or fourth floor when this fucker appeared and my enjoyment plummeted. I didn't even mind the tiles that much, especially once you figure out the day/night interaction with them, it was really the enemies that screwed me harder in it than at any other point of the game.

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I don't remember the enemies in there and I can't remember this guy despite looking at the pic you posted. I wonder if this is a good or a bad sign.

DQ is a much better game.

XC2 is a much better game.

Thanks man

No problem.
Remember to save often and on separate files.

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I’m replaying Devil Survivor at the moment, and man, I forgot how overpowered the NG+ options made you. Still having a blast, though.

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I played it on the Switch with the orchestrated soundtrack and it still made me want to rip my fucking eardrums out. Doesn't help that there are a seemingly grand total of three tracks in the entire game. Pure shit when JRPGs are for a large part also about the audiovisual experience and I actually seethe thinking back on it. Fuck anyone thinking this is remotely acceptable.

Playing Tactics Ogre LUCT, chaos route (will go neutral though). How do I avoid losing my primary archer once she gets her massive loyalty drop at the end of chapter 2?

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It's the Coffin Demon. Him and the Wheel skeleton were the ones that dismantlement my party over and over. The bloody boss wasn't as damaging to my parts

Feed her cards.
Or simply don't use her, it's not like has special bonuses or anything outside of her unique RT, any generic can be just as good as her, if not better.

Just started Octopath, but I have to finish Zodiac Age, Vesperia, and the VIII / IX remasters. Latter two aren't a priority since I already played the original digitally and on PS1 but...

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I miss Devil Survivor, man. Still hoping for a DeSu 3 to come out one of these days. Maybe after SMTV releases.

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Spreading yourself out is the surefire way to make sure you'll finish none of them. I mean, just between these three games we're talking at least 120 hours of gameplay and you would need two weeks to get through that if you are a master ranked neet

Playing DQXI. Erik just got one hell of a power spike.

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any jrpgs (or jap games in general) with custom character creation?

Playing FF7 remake, having a fucking blast, Tifa is the best paryy member by far and it's cool they took tiime to fleshout the characters from Avalanche.

Dragon’s Dogma and the Souls games come to mind.

Out of the top of my head and also recent, that vein whatever game that copies dark souls with vampires.

I just looked at the catalog and there's an absurd amount of threads about it. Is there something wrong with all of those that you had to come here?


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There's a sale on the 3ds eshop right now. Is 7th dragon any good? Also, which smt games should I get if I've only played persona?

Most of them are dominated by time janny memes

Not him but FF7R threads suck ass. Nothing but waifu wars, shitposts on all sides, shitflinging contests in whether or not the game is even a remake, etc.

>Is there something wrong with all of those
Why don't you check those out?

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>which smt games should I get if I've only played persona?
Any. Get whichever you are more interested in, you don't need a degree to play SMT.

Finished DQXIs and now playing original Final Fantasy VII before playing the "remake"

yeah and I'm playing other shit too. Just gonna gonna stop Octopath before I get in too deep and focus on Zodiac and Vesperia, cause DQXI will be next eventually. Can't really complain since I always intended to turn the switch into a jrpg machine

Depends on what you’re looking for. I’d say SMTIV is a good starting point if you want to get into the franchise some more and see what makes it tick. If you’re interested in a mix of mainline and Persona-esque side events and characters, I’d say Devil Survivor is also a great starting point. Overall, though, I’d say pick whichever one appeals to you the most.

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all the 3ds smt games are good. mainlines (4 and 4 Apocalypse) are more straightforward jrpgs closer to what you're probably used to. SMT Deep Strange Journey is a dungeon crawler more like OG smt. Devil Survivor games are srpgs like ff tactics and the like. Starting with 4 and 4a (the sequel) probably makes the most sense for you coming off persona.

Post your 3x3s
And play Knights in the Nightmare.

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I'm also curious about the 7th dragon game on sale. Also Radiant historia on the 3ds, is it any decent?

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It's mostly shitposting from people who don't have the game and spam metacritic scores, it's juts a cesspool of bitterness, TORtanic has forever ruined this place

>graces f xenox TO and devil survivor
my absolute knigga. looking into knights in the nightmare rn, I gotta check to see if its compatible on the 3ds ds emulator I use