What Yas Forums thinks about "Tales of" series?

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Symphonia, abyss and vesperia are full of soul.
Everything after has been okay to poor.
I havent played much before symphonia.

xillia 2 is better than any of those games you listed

Good games but each flawed in their own ways.
Looking forward to Arise.

I think we can add the first game Phantasia to that list as well, I played it and liked it. I didn't like anything after Vesperia as much.
To me, the series died with Vesperia, especially so when some user linked an interview a few years ago where they were talking about how there won't be a game like Vesperia again because "it's too much work" or something like that.
Seriously, fuck people with this mentality. The series will never be anything more then below mediocre neutered corridor "rpg".

I'm trying to play vesperia, but game feels so empty and dull..

I played it when it was released and I didn't feel that at all, and I'm not sure what you mean by that.

the new one might be actually good

Shut the game off put the disc in the case and throw it away. You don't deserve to play this masterpiece

Yeah okay faggot no world map and lol ur in debt. This game sucked. Just because you jerk off to some of the cast doesn't make it good

Pretty much this. Eternia was good from what I played, but never tried the other 2D games.
I also really like Legendia even though it's shit aside from the soundtrack.

I can see where you're coming from - it did feel kind of hollow. Honestly, its the last Tales of game I played; it helped me realize that I don't actually like the series.

Can't wait for Arise it looks great
i'm playing Tales of Berseria but i'm not liking it, some parts are good but over all i'm finding it tiresome and repetitive

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There comes a point where you get hooked. It was my first Tales and I expected it to be the FF7 of the series considering how much praise the fanbase gives it. Didn't feel special at first but once I unlocked more artes, costumes, and got the rest of the party members, it just clicked for me. Eventually I fully completed the game which took forever. Keep in mind this is the 360 version I'm talking about and not the expanded PS3/Definitive Edition release.

The definitive edition release was my first time playing the game and I still adored it, but I also had to contend with trying to master manual cancelling for the duration of the game, meaning I was always improving with each encounter. Even the snappiest Tales games start out very limited and I'm certain many new players heard about how amazing it was and expected it to be the greatest game ever made right from the beginning.

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I gave Vesperia a fair shot. 25 full hours, it was boring as FUCK and I regret playing it almost as much as I regret ys viii.

Will xenoblade just never be topped?
yeah yeah sure thing kiddo

Berseria is probably my favourite game of all time

Actually, I love all three series.

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Estelle is for hardcore rough anal sex

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how? I went from xenoblade into ysviii and difference in quality was immediately noticeable. Ysviii was like a budget xenoblade that failed in every department. You seem like someone who play any game as long as they have oddly colored hair and cute anime girls.

And you seem like someone just trying to start an argument for the sake of it.

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Tales of was great until Graces F. Then it dropped sharply.

I will admit I'm being a tad aggressive. I'm unironically coping from buying ys and tales. Can you at least explain why you like ys and tales? Specifically ysviii and tales of vesperia. The only thing I found good in tales was Yuri.

The story can be a bit dull, I'll give you that.

im with you. I got scammed by Yas Forums shills to buy tales of vesperia and holy shit, is it the most cliche, uninspired, SLOG of a fucking game.

correct opinion

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Cute girl, and funny too.

Have you people never played a good JRPG? How do you think Vesperia is a good game? Is it nostalgia? The game is average incarnate.

Both series have around a hundred other games. There are two other completely different gameplay styles in previous Ys games. I like Ys VIII because there's a shitload to do and combat flows extremely well once you learn most flash guard timings and feels great to excel in. I like Vesperia because of the variety in gameplay between characters and the level of control you have in combat once you master the more advanced techniques, especially once you're able to equip all skills for 1 SP in new game+. But just telling you why I like those games isn't going to make you suddenly enjoy them, it doesn't work that way.
If you like Xenoblade then you really ought to understand how games within the same series can be radically different from each other.

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And still better than the following shit.

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>Symphonia, abyss and vesperia are full of soul.
>Team Symphonia games

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Older games were pretty fun, then they changed the battle system, which was the biggest draw of the series, for no reason and everything went to shit.
Berseria had everything set to do well, but then some retard decided to degenerate the system even further to to the point where you mindlessly mash those fucking buttons and watch the enemy iron stance through everything. I have no high hopes for Arise and decided to just move on.

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Tales of Graces is one of my favorite games ever. It has its flaws but regardless of them it's so fucking good.
I tried the rest of the series and didn't like it. Ended up dropping Vesperia and Berseria after a few hours because I just couldn't get into them.
But Graces is so good.

Nice, fun simple ARPGs that are pretty all over the place in terms of quality.

Ys and Tales have actual good gameplay. Xenoblade is just a bad version of FFXII

Boring shit like most weeb games are

Not the best series in the world but gets more hate than warranted.

Vesperia is one of the worst in the series.

It's the only one I got so bored of, I couldn't even bring myself to finish it.
Think I made it until Judith joined.

Proper console Tales of crossover game when?


It needs a new writer. The stories are lame.
Keep the gameplay, keep the skits, keep the artstyle, but bring in a famous western writer like Trey Parker or Taika Waititi

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But how would the Japanese react to western writers working on a Japanese anime game?

Do the Japanese hold Tales in a super high regard? I always assumed it was a lesser series there just like it is here compared to something like Dragon Quest.

It is a lesser series, but it's bigger on fanservice, so it relies on more than just it's game to get sales.

stop replying to yourself

imagine having a garbage and wrong opinion.
the debt system is irrelevant because giganto monsters give you enough gald for it.

Some of them are cool and others bore me.
Vesperia and Abyss are the ones I enjoyed the most story wise with Graces being my favourite when it comes to gameplay.

Xillia 2 had cool ideas but the debt was annoying in the early game.

I don't see how the debt system was annoying. The game throws gald in your face. If anything, it was wasted opportunity instead of annoying.

WHEN IS THE FIRST TALES OF FIGHTING GAME. Make that shit like Gran blue or any hyper fighter and you have a god like game.

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PSP and Japan only.

i forgot all about tales of versus. Those have great fan service. but i meant traditional fighter.

With Rita masturbating and crying in the corner?

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I used to like it so much, but now I'm just kind of indifferent. The last few entries were kind of shit.