Ace Attorney

Why did this series die?

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Capcom thinks the Switch is radioactive.

last game was 3 years ago, relax

Didn't that second one set in victorian era japan come out? I didn't like the first one as much as the mainline series but if the sequal gets translated I'll play it.

Was proffessor layton vs Ace attorney any good. I remember it took fucking ages to get to the mediaval fantasy setting it took place in. Barely any mystery solving or puzzles in the time I played before moving on, just faff dialogue and only faff dialogue.

It's been the longest gap ever, without any news (AJ had been announced a year before it released). So yeah, time to panic.

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Maybe we'll finally see a big upgrade since the game is being developed for consoles now.

Because there are plenty of better fan cases instead. And they have the superior 2-D aesthetic. Although, I suppose SoJ was pretty good.

it was a fun game. however, the ending was the biggest asspull of all time

don't forget the release of the trilogy HD collection on PC/consoles. i think the next game in the series may actually be released on most platforms, but i'm not sure how the hd collection did?

>Because there are plenty of better fan cases instead
>namefags will actually believe this

Just relax, he just had the HD trilogy too
> think the next game in the series may actually be released on most platforms
I think the same
>but i'm not sure how the hd collection did?
I think it did well

the only good fan case is turnabout holocaust, the rest are cringe

Zoomers don't want to play a game with a boomer MC.

There is nowhere to go with the Phoenix arc and not a single soul cares about Appolo.


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Who cares about Phoenix arc or whatever? We just want more cases

I don't most disagree, but I thought the last game was the worst. It's the only game that I couldn't finish. The final case, which is always the best case even in the less good games, was so fucking predictable that I didn't even finish.

Hey anons, zoomer here. I just completed Trials and Tribulations ten minutes ago. Started with this series half a year ago. Boy it has been a wild ride. I've never enjoyed a video game series more in my life.
I've heard that sequels exist, like Apollo Justice and Investigations 1 & 2 and some crossover. Should I give it a try? What order should I play it in?
Also is Dual destinies any good. I don't have a 3ds so I'd be really bummed if it's a good game and I don't get to play it.
Thanks in advance.

>was so fucking predictable

play everything in release order
the layton crossovers suck

new shu main game when


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I think he's talking about the Elise Deauxnim case. Everyone could tell Godot had something to do with it cuz he was missing on the first day.

>he's talking about the Elise Deauxnim case
bro that's not even remotely the last game, and SoJ's last case (if that's what he's saying) has some of the most surprising twists in the series that you can't really get unless you're spoiled

Hmm, shouldn't I play Investigations first because it occurs before Apollo chronologically?
If we're talking about the same game (T&T) , I have to agree with you. But the method that was used was pretty ingenious. Also the DS exclusive case in the first AA game is probably my favourite.

I see, too bad I don't have a 3ds. Is there any way I can play it otherwise? I have Citra and an Android phone if that matters.

dual destinies is available on android and iOS

Where can I get Phoenix Drive?

Not that guy, but I found SoJ's final case to be painfully obvious by the time you're doing the final trial and when all the twists actually start to occur.

When they showed the Queen prosecuting and she went mega evil bitch incarnate, it was so fucking obvious it was her that I couldn't believe we were continuing on with the damn trial. The final case also had an awful habit of copying other "high points" from other cases that when they tried to spring them on me again it didn't work. Maya being kidnapped AGAIN, a person pretending to be someone else that you have to prove is someone important AGAIN, the prosecutor is the culprit AGAIN.

Maybe I've just been part of this series too long, or maybe I just disliked Apollo but that final case just felt so damn weak and didn't have anything unique beyond a few instances, I honestly can't remember how I felt about that case except it left a bad taste in my mouth.

hai, this one's going in my baka gaijin collection

>bought the trilogy months ago after years of knowing bits about it thanks to Awkward Zombie
>finally been playing through
About to finish Case 1-4, the twists in these cases are crazy engaging. And the characters are engaging, like I'm digging Von Karma during this case, dude's relentless. I'm excited for Godot's arc in the coming games, love his design.

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2 and 3 are a thousand times better than 1. You're in for a ride. Especially 3

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>Nana was Amara
>Dhurke was dead
>Khurain was channelled

It's true that the villain was frustratingly obvious, but if that's your metric for it then you're playing the wrong series

Enjoy the rest, user, but be aware that those games are very old now and spoilers are everywhere, untagged. Leave the thread and come back after you're done.

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nigga the
Dhurke was dead
plottwist was great and call me a retard but I totally didn't see it coming

Holy shit, turnabout holocaust was fucking hilarious

>blame legit purchasers as pirates
>never release part of the series (AA:I1) to where fans have to translate the game to maintain continuity in the series and references for the next game (AA:I2)
>Wonder why your sales decline
Gee, I dunno: Maybe because Capcom is retarded?

It's been a while so I may have forgotten a lot, but from what I recall. I remember the first one being quite obvious after a certain point. I believe it was when they showed the picture of her with the child, and the book in the background was something that caught my eye and I just assumed that perhaps she was alive and was probably someone who seemed "mysterious" and knew it was her from that point on.

2nd point I'll give you, a good twist but I felt it should've been shown instead of constantly talked about before actually showing it. It just sort of ticked me off that everyone was saying "OH MY GOD IT MUST BE TRUE" and others going "NO IT CAN'T BE TRUE" instead of just, you know, showing it. Again, I chalk this up to just being part of this series for a long ass time that things like this really take me out of the moment whereas others would probably find it very engaging.

I actually don't remember the last point. Was it that Dhurke was being channeled the entire time or something else?

It was that Amara channelled Inga for a while. The game even has a can of L'Belle hairspray in his room to make up for the hair colour difference

Oh, I forgot about that. I honestly can't given any input on how I felt about that. It was probably a decent shock though.

I wish DGS2 was finished translating, but no rushing good work, I suppose

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Dude I finished I started with the trilogy half a year ago and finished T&T two hours ago. You're in for a very wild and satisfying ride ). Playing investigations now.

it's on the app store. not sure how well it runs though but I wager better than citra does.
>2 and 3 are a thousand times better

>tfw you see the l'belle hairspray and dismiss it as a gag callback/joke about Inga going grey
they were smart not to add it to the court record

>Any DGS case above shit tier
Actually there needs to be a tier lower than that for that dumpster fire

I don't think so, the game is very charming even if the cases are generally kinda bad.

All game series will either stop when they're ahead, or jump the shark
In AA's case, that happened in the mainline series with 3, and in the spinoffs with AAI2. Everything since has been shit

Wrong, the last game (DGS2) has been amazing

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How many episodes are translated so far?


I liked DGS but the cases were really bad. And knowing a certain character comes back in DGS2 honestly kills like 80% of the emotional impact DGS wants to have. I was honestly kinda disappointed but Sherlock is kino. And the music is top-tier.

To be fair, the "emotional impact" of case 2 of DGS doesn't work even IF he'd actually be dead

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Fucking hell Lang is so cool I want him to have his own spin-off

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Zenfg Fa police stories

Where the fuck is the dgs2 translation

These things take a while

I stopped caring after Apollo Justice butchered his character.

Apollo happened

like clockwork

AA4 is kino.

what is this

>only three years between T&T and AJ
Feels like it was considerable longer for some reason