What made Persona 3 so much better than either 4 or 5?

What made Persona 3 so much better than either 4 or 5?

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It was innovating for the series instead of rehashing what made it successful before

3 was worse than persona 2


but 4 was the best of those three


Good main party cast that played well together.
4 had very unlikable characters in the cast but collectively they went well together.
5 had good characters but as a group they didn't really fit well together.

>250 identical tartarus floors
no thanks

I've tried to play 4 countless times, but I always get bored and drop it. The characters are just so damn boring and nothing interesting ever seems to happen.

Your nostalgia.

>nothing interesting ever seems to happen.
because p3 is a fountain of excitement for the first 9 months

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It's not. It's a chore to play. The only thing P3 really does well is the final month and ending are handled brilliantly. The early and middle part are a collosal drag, Tartarus being the only dungeon makes the gameplay painful. It gets broken up by Full Moon Missions but none of those are actual dungeons they're just a room or two with a boss and the full moon boss are balanced for never having set foot in Tartarus so they're cartoonishly easy while the generic mid bosses in Tartarus are brutally hard. The social links all suck and it frankly feels like they're a pointless feature only existing to create a fake grind.

But the ending really is so good it makes up for a lot.

By having a far better resolution than any of those other games.
Even after 2 games and 2 console generations 4 and 5's endings don't hold a candle to Nyx and Kimi no Kioku.

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I like the cast in 3 the most they feel more like real people with there own shit going on the 4 &5 cast are archetypes with one thing about them


I will start:
The creepy and mysterious atmosphere set the tone perfectly for the game, the suicide introduction to the game was. 10/10 move

Baby baby baby baby has never been surpassed and never will.

The party feels like actual human beings, not fucking retards(p4) or Mary sues(p5), they go through actual developments through the game and you can safely say that most if not all the characters aren't the same person they were when the game started.
For example: yukari stopped being an asshole to you, akihiko grew up, fuuka grew confidence in herself and those around her, shinji was buried, the kid learned he was retarded, etc.
P5 characters have no development at all besides futaba. P4 had some development but it wasn't as compelling as p3.

Mystery story full of twists is more interesting than a straightforward mystery story with no twists, or the looney tunes storyline of p5


You played it first so it feels more "special" to you. As a whole, P3 is a very mixed bag when it comes to plot, gameplay and presentation. I feel like 4 did itself a favor by stepping back from the grandiosity P3 tried to go for and stumbled with until the end.

>Baby baby baby baby has never been surpassed and never will.


Contrarians. Anyone who says P5 doesn't have the best gameplay by a country mile outs themselves as a truly irredeemable contrarian.

100% agree. Except I did finish it on my 11th attempt, the plot is retarded.

The fact it copied Jojo was dumb too.

I'd like to see Persona games go lower to the ground in general, & maybe even dispense with the obligatory battle against God in favor of human enemies being the true final ones. By far the strongest part of P5's story was the opening Kamoshida arc, which gave the game a profound sense of raw emotion thanks to how plausible the stakes were. I want more like that.

One of those you list is from the same game retard, it's also fucking awful. The other one is cringe, don't reply to me again.

The only characters that have significant character growth are Junpei and Aigis.

The rest or the cast are the same minor character growth P4 and P5 cast both have, difference is the P4 and 5 guys get their character growth moment when they join your party while the P3 cast join your party then change later on, but it's all superficial shit like you said Yukari stops acting like a bitch with daddy issues. How is that any different than Kanji stopped worrying about people thinking he's gay or Haru stops letting herself be used as a bargaining chip in corporate politics. Aigis and Junpei actually have what you would call a character arc with a proper beginning middle and end but the rest are the same shit.

Literally nobody itt has said p3 had better gameplay. Read the thread

The cast also grows and develop without their magical wildcard MC's direct interference.

P3 spergs are the worst, who gives a fuck bro just go play your edgy no-friend simulator.

The ending. The ending and the month leading to it are so fucking good that it retroactively turns the entire game into a masterpiece.

I said p4 did have some development too.
Chie, rise, and yosuke just suck major dick balls. Kanji and the tranny girl can't carry the entire cast on their own.

While in p3, only the development of the dog sucks.

Yeah 5s biggest weakness is the first ark as way better than anything that comes after. You really fucking hate that peace of shit and it never really gets that personal after

I did, thanks phoneposter. OP asked "what made P3 so much better than P4 or P5". If one of the games has far better gameplay than the other two, since we are talking about GAMES and not VNs, I think that alone disqualifies saying tha another game in the series is "so much better" than it.

Pretty much this. They did new things with P3 and all of them were built specifically for P3 and the kind of story they wanted to tell and gameplay they wanted to have. 4 and 5 just reused the systems while barely iterating on them.

In retrospect not having social links with them was a very good idea because it doesn't tie their character development to how much you specifically hang out with them.

Yeah, as much as I enjoy the overall 5 story I think they needed the stakes to be much higher for the threatened party members in subsequent arcs. You really hate Kamoshida because you can see that he's an extremely real danger to both Ann and Ryuji, but especially Ann. Madarame and Kaneshiro just didn't feel threatening in the same way.

Stop oversimplifying the major growth all characters go through.

Yukari would have literally left you for dead at the start of the game if she could. In the end game she is the leader of the group that is trying to recover the Mc from the door.
Akihiko lost his best friend and completely changed as a person.
The child made a complete 180 from when we met him to after he fucked up.
There are literally copy pastas about how well done fuuka's development was.

I don't remember if mitsuru had such a good development tho, if she didn't then she would be the one that's p5 tier.


I wish 5 had effects like characters getting tired if you fight for too long and randomly getting sick where they can be used for a day or two. Definitely going to replay 3 and 4 after I finish 5.

Excellent rebuttal, very well argued.

>copy pastas about how well done fuuka's development

I'd like to read it.

I'm on the phone tho, gonna try to find it.

This is working hours user, I can't just browse the archives like it's nothing.

>In the end game she is the leader of the group that is trying to recover the Mc from the door.
Because she started wanting his dick. If she didn't want his dick, she'd have been fine with him becoming a Door. One thing Yukari never grows out of is being self-centered and self-serving.

If you want to talk about her growth, it's overcoming her daddy issues. But then again she sort of projects them onto Door and Mitsuru, so it's a work in progress.

nostalgia goggles, might want to try taking them off sometimes

But everyone in P4 and P5 makes a 180 from when you first meet them, you're oversimplifying all of them. The difference is they change when they get their persona while the P3 crew start the game with their Persona and shift a ways into the game.

Your opinion?

I actually agree about this mechanic, I have no idea why they took it out since it encourages you to change your party around on off days, since it takes two days to challenge a boss in 5 they could easily have it as a rest day so everyone is always in good condition for the boss.

They took it out because stopping people from playing the game with the characters they want was stupid. In any case, P5 doesn't need forced mechanics to mandate party switches since Atlus finally stopped being retarded and realized that EXP share and easy on-the-fly party swapping would massively improve the dungeon-crawling experience by allowing you to use the entire ensemble cast in an ensemble cast game.

Persona 4 and 5 added too much shit. persona3 was pretty simple in comparison

Because mementos sucks and doesn't really fit in the game the only reason I ever went was because i knew I'd need to get to the bottom at the end

>>The child
>doesn’t even remember Ken’s name because of how boring and irrelevant he was
so much for your well written characters P3cuck

>tell me what’s interesting about Fuuka
Fuuka starts off as someone that doesn't think about herself, merely attempting to become useful to others. When she's getting recruited and she's told she has a special power and can play a role that no one else can fill, she jumps at the opportunity without thinking twice.
Spending time with her gives more insight into Fuuka's mindset, how she always puts others before her and is terrified of ruining her reputation (a fear instilled on her by her parents, who went as far as to not report her missing when she disappeared for 10 days because it would "ruin her perfect record")
As the game progresses she slowly stops feeling like an employee and more like an actual part of the group, scenes like when Mitsuru talks with her in her room and tells her that she's irreplaceable chip away at her shell and help her feel more comfortable in SEES.
In her S.Link she shows how preoccupied she is with being useful to others by trying to learn to cook, she attempts to make a whole lunch by herself despite her lack of experience. This of course ends badly, but it doesn't deter Fuuka from trying again.
This shows exactly how Fuuka's personality is. She is willing to go out of her comfort zone and try to do things she's never done before if it might be of some help to someone, which is well intentioned, but can end up being more troublesome than helpful.
After a second failed lunch, Fuuka takes another approach by starting small. She cooks a riceball, which she says aren't hard to do, but that making them flavorful is the tricky part. This attempt goes very well and gives Fuuka newfound confidence.
Later on, she makes a whole batch for the dorm and has Yukari try some. Yukari is amazed by how well they taste and grabs a few more, asking Fuuka what she made them for.

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Nothing, it was significantly worse than 4 and 5

5 > 4 > 3


Barebones you mean, it has a half-assed random dungeon and a half-assed VN side quest

Mementos is just there for people who like the combat as much as or more than the social stuff, so they also have something to do in between palaces. Remember, in P3 and P4 you could go do battles whenever you wanted, but without Mementos that wouldn't be an option in P5.

>dude woman can't cook lmao
>good plotline
There's a reason they finally dropped that trash in 5, thank god.

Fuuka responds by telling her that SEES have been such great friends with her that she needed to pay them back somehow, Yukari laughs at the silliness of this and tells her that friendship isn't something you owe, it isn't a debt that needs to be paid. This comes as a shock to Fuuka, her whole mental image of how friendships work comes crumbling down, and for the first time she realizes how dumb it was.
After that she gives up on learning to cook, and focuses on her own interests like technology, computers and robotics. Even going as far as to try and open a school club by herself dedicated to technology. No longer preoccupied on her reputation or how it might look to others that a girl could be interested in gadgets and electronics.
This is a good first step in her growth, she went from putting her own interests aside to try and be useful and being preoccupied with "paying back" SEES for being her friends, to having confidence in herself and what she likes, and letting go of her misconceived ideas of what friendship was. But she still yet to fully come to know herself, what drives her, where her desire to be helpful in the first place is born from. Why she is so kind and charitable in the first place.
Outside her S.Link, Fuuka has to deal with Natsuki leaving the school, Fuuka had managed to turn someone who had tormented her in the past into a true friend, and now that same friend was about to leave her life for a long time.
On the roof, Natsuki tells Fuuka her father is deathly ill, and they can't afford to go to this highschool anymore.
She mentions how she's suffered from parental neglect too, and that there's is so much Natsuki wants to tell her father, but it will be a long time before she can have a heart to heart with him.

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She warns Fuuka about this, and tells her that if she accepts things the way they are, they will never change. If she doesn't feel comfortable or happy with her situation yet doesn't do anything about it, things will never improve.
Fuuka takes this to heart and begins questioning herself for the first time. Her motivations, her actions, her mindset. She tells Natsuki she always worried about what others thought about her, she always tried hard to fit in and always tried to please everyone, and never worried about what she wanted for herself. To which Natsuki responds that "If anyone doesn't like you, screw em, because I like you, even if you don't like yourself"
Natsuki walks away, and after she's gone she sends Fuuka a text message, "Even if we're apart, we'll always be connected." Fuuka reads these words to herself and finally comes to understand who she is.
Her passion isn't just to be useful, but to help people stay connected, both with herself and with others. this is why her Persona is a navi type, her biggest desire is to help people be happy. A simple wish, but a very genuine one all the same. She punctuates her motivations by saying "It makes me happy to see everyone else happy too"
This selfless, altruistic and innocent phrase is the whole core of Fuuka as a person.

Seeing Fuuka go from someone who just mindlessly follows orders and does things from a fear of not fitting in to someone who is confident in herself, her passions and her skills is satisfying to see.
Yes, Fuuka is still soft spoken, she is still only interested in supporting people, she is still honest and innocent, she still tries hard to help others. Her core remains the same. But her motivations, her self-image, her mindset have changed, she has grown. And although it's not as obvious or apparent as the outer development of other people in SEES, it's just as valuable in her development as a person. And I find that it brings a very wonderful contrast to the rest of the cast.

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It still had that super weird SMT influence rather than "US WACKY HIGH-SCHOOLERS, AMIRITE?" Persona has now become Happy Harry's Akira parody.

>no characters allowed, only anime stereotypes. How dare tee characters try to be people?!

It's not that he was irrelevant, but that I hated him and never spoke to him.

How could he be irrelevant when he is a primordial piece to help akihiko grow?

The cast felt the most realistic compared to the rest of the games. In 4 and 5, only Yosuke and Ryuji are your friends.

Makoto is literally the same the entire game, what are you on about? Best bro riuji never even changes.

You can play as a girl :3

Best soundtrack characters and story

You were younger when it came out

>They took it out because stopping people from playing the game with the characters they want was stupid.
Stopped reading there. Peak cringe.

I played persona 3 after 5 and 4
Its the best

>persona 3
>no anime stereotypes

Akihiko grew on his own, it was he who helped Ken grow not the other way around. Unless you’re referring to how Ken is somewhat responsible for Shinji death, in which case he’s still irrelevant because Shinji is going to die from those pills he took. Akihiko would’ve had to dealt with the inevitability of his friends death either way

>le old good new bad
Fuck off, Reddit.

>dude woman can't cook LMAO
>not an anime stereotype
What did he mean by this?

Okay user, what's your argument for why it's good game design to stop people from using the party members that they want to use? Surely you've got one and you're not just posting tired memes, right?

Name 10 anime that do that.

I will wait. Hell, give me 5

Mitsuru is a walking stereotype. Shinji too but he hardly has time to even develop a character

>party of 9
>they are suppose to fight all together
>developers want you to use them all
>b-but muh favorite characters!
Lmao fuck outta here with that shite. It's a party, use it.

>why it's good game design to stop people from using the party members that they want
It made it the charters feel more rounded because is showed they had commitments away from the main story although an exp share system would have helped the games not perfect

Is this game still worth playing if I know what happens to the protag at the end?

I admitted I don't remember mitsuru growing. But then again she is the adult of the party so... Can't blame her. Can you?

How have you developed in the past decade? Protip: you haven't.