Finished Death Stranding yesterday. Kojima, you goddamn genius

Finished Death Stranding yesterday. Kojima, you goddamn genius.

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Love it, its very charming

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kojima, you creatividad

Did you enjoy the movie?

I hate those fat BTs, they take two grenades just to disperse. Is there even a difference between level 1 and 2 grenades? Because I used a level 2 and it still takes two to take down a fat one and the range doesn't seem any better. I'm not even sure if I should be using the handgun rather than the grenades either. The stun bomb also seems completely worthless compared to the Bola Gun. 25 headshots before it breaks compared to 5 grenades with an okay spread? I don't get it. Also, what's the point of the Speed Skeleton besides just being faster? Because there seems to be no purpose to it compared to the Power Skeleton, it's a direct downgrade in weight capacity by pretty much half so you can slam yourself into the ground twice as fast as if I'm not already using a bike to get around everywhere.

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I completely stopped using blood weapons after I got the cord cutters, at least on regular BTs
The speed skeleton was pretty useless anywhere that could be navigated by vehicle, even the rocky areas where it was presumably intended to be used, I just clumsily flung myself over on a bike. Maybe it should have been combined with the terrain skeleton

Can the cord cutters reach everything reliably though? I've been keeping it in the back of my head since I know they exist but don't have them yet and watching the cords it feels like they're out of the way compared to just throwing a grenade. I mean, a grenade is 5.0kg but usually most die in one throw and don't require me to wander around.

Speed skeleton is great for combat and timed deliveries with few cargo

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BB, it's okay.
Don't worry. I'll always be with you...

But when I'm in combat I'm always sneaking in the case of BTs (Or even throwing grenades to clear a path to drive past) and shooting guys with a Bola Gun in the head in the case of Mules. I've never had an issue in combat where I've had to ever run from a situation, I usually just strafe in Mule encounters because the time slow when you reload makes it super easy to line up another shot.

Timed deliveries with low cargo also doesn't require it at all, I have every LoL rank barring the one to the Weather Station via the Engineer for the tutorial area and everything up to when you unlock the Junk Dealer/Chiral Artist and I never once needed it because they expect you to be using a bike all the time to reach those times. In the case of the Engineer one it clearly requires ziplines due to it taking 2 minutes via road + 2 minutes to get up to the station + 2 minutes back to do everything via bike and you have to make two trips because of the 544kg load.

If you got this right at the start of the game I'd understand their purpose, but they're absolutely a downgrade in every respect compared to the Power Skeleton.

At first it was scary, but it's actually extremely forgiving with the distance. It's easy to be consistent, but It does take extra time. I noticed that you get likes from BTs for cutting the cord, which doesn't happen when you kill them with blood. It made me feel bad

was thinking about getting this at some point, what should i expect if i decide to take the plunge?

A shitty opening, a good middle, and a great end

pretty much. i only ever use the cord cutters on BTs and only carry hemetic grenades just incase im in a BT area that has the giant ones. other then that, the only other weapon i use is the non lethal AR. and i also agree with you, the speed skeleton is shit compared to the all terrain and big active skeletons.

The first 8 hours or so are a tutorial and it's pretty bad there. You frustratingly slowly unlock new weapons and items to help you along, Sam feels like a drunk man unable to walk, and the BTs and Mules will feel like awful obstacles that take an absurd amount of time to clear. If you can come to terms with the actual gameplay being a walking puzzle where you maneuver around various obstacles to get to a destination as safely as possible then you will most likely enjoy this game because it really is basically a puzzle game.

Once you get past the tutorial area by reaching Port Knot City the game eventually opens up, you get items that really help deal with both BTs and Mules, you get vehicles to help facilitate exploration without tripping over your feet, you get the Power Skeleton to help you run with heavy loads without tripping unless you have absurd 200+kg loads, traveling to deliver stuff is both cathartic and really enjoyable when aiming for the Legend of Legends rank, and you get to see gorgeous sights.

I'm like 40 hours in and haven't even gotten past episode 3. I got to episode 3 at like 12 hours in. It's just so fun fixing up the roads, delivering cargo, helping out other people by building stuff for them or upgrading their stuff, sneaking around BTs, and learning about the lore. The world in general is just very interesting.

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Its just more options for the player. I really like the speed skeleton and being fast as fuck even on foot

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I would say it's a love/hate kind of game. It's slow and painful as fuck to play in the beginning but really opens up and gets more "fun" when you get to Lake Knot City. You kinda start getting addicted to delivering cargo and making it more and more effecient. I poured 110 hours into the game before I finished it.

I don't know if I would say it's the ICO of this generation, but it kinda is desu

Lay BB to rest

based as fuck. im 130 hours and its still enjoyable to challenge myself to make deliveries without the aide of skeletons or vehicles, pushing myself go different ways and make new paths and stuff, all while managing BTs and MULEs/Terrorists.

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>Ame is French for soul
>A soul that is a lie

that shit hit me hard...

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"Come on, Lou. One last delivery."

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Shitting on Kojima thread? Shitting on Kojima thread.

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>Bridget Strand
>Strand is a kind of thread
>Umbellical cord = thread
>Strand means beach in Danish

See the sunset
The day is ending
Let that yawn out, there's no pretending.
I will hold you and protect you
So let love warm you till the morning

2 months PC bros, GOTY is almost here

Never played and will not play (no time), who can sum in the story/ending/bruh moment?

I'd rather have the weight capacity than speed personally. I'm constantly ferrying 250kg+ at any given time because I always take on as many deliveries as possible so dropping back down to default weight is dreadful to me.

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>walking sim

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How big is the multiplayer part? Does it make the game too easy or is the game unplayable without it?

Cliff is unironcally one of the best parts of the game. based mads kino

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>black goo shit everywhere
Bravo Kojima, GENIUS.

They help you along but it's like small objects or facilities scattered about along with some random item drops you can pick up and deliver. They also don't unlock until after you cleared an area without them. Shared carge from other players helps save you some resources but it's not like resources are that annoying to come by. Even if you turn it off you have NPC-constructed facilities and cargo anyway.

I like how everyone's ignoring the guy trolling

Based and Ungerpilled

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Unironically how the fuck did Kojima manage to make DEADMAN and DIE HARDMAN such good characters?

>Make extremely effecient zip-line network
>some retard put up a timefall shelter in between two ziplines

just plat'd it like 20 minutes ago
spent over 190 hours in it

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How is the new Photo Mode? Haven't had a chance to try it out.
Also is PC worth double dipping?

This is the best game of 2019 simply because of how pro-life, pro-fatherhood, and anti-roastie it is

>slaps "omg it's Hannibal" actor face on a character
>the character is so based, how is the character so good
Bravo retards. It's impressive how little is needed to sway people's opinion in your favor.

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they always do this. also why did it seem like i was the only one adding materials and finishing roads?

Deadman turned out to be such a bro. Ended up being the one decent guy to you in the end. Only one that deserved a hug.
God the music hits so fucking hard sometimes


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How dare you forget about Heartman?

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I think a couple of roads got completed by other people in my game, but I did like 80% of all other roads. Fuck me, the roads from Distrocenter north of Mountain Knot and then to Mountain Knot were so expensive.

Heartman was a good character. But he was not your bro to the end. Just a cool dude.

It felt a bit like Kojima just binged EoE before making Death Stranding. Same message and all and I don't mind, because it's a kino message that's in two kino projects.

i loved this game, there was something so relaxing and cool about planning your route and choosing your gear wisely.
If it got frustrating it always felt like t was my fault for being underequipped or doing stuff wrong
As someone that loves to trek up mountains this is the first game that ever captured the challenge to climb on the top and then see the whole valley below you in all its glory.
This game looks so fucking good even on vanilla ps4

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Kojimmy you goddamn hack

What's the message.

>Kojima contacted Joost for the role of Fragile
>she never followed up
>got Lea Seydoux instead
>tfw no Joost Fragile
im conflicted to which i would prefer, because i think they are both cute

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Looking at his interviews and talks, it sounds more like he was influenced by Akira than EoE.
Or he's just a bigger Akira fan.

Don't push people away and that life is worth living, even for a single day.


keeps you playing, hoping to do better

Just popped in to say...


i played the first 9 chapters and over 100 hours offline
only turned online on after i made all roads and my world zipline route

glad i waited, online stuff would have made everything too fucking easy

>literal who
>literal who
yeah, yeah, whatever

It really is. It has a very feel good vibe about it.

Hope she is a bit more on the ball for his next game, because she did react fairly well to stay on good terms with him.
I hope Kojima takes Mads on his offer too of being just a phone call away from returning.

>Those people who put bridges over water that's blue tier even on foot.
>Those people who put bridges that require you to come from a very specific angle and rock face just to even make them usable.
I've got a guy in my game who put a bridge down crossing the river at Waystation West of Capital Knot City, but you can only use it if you hit a bunch of bumps coming FROM the Waystation and it leaves you having to go down quite a way to the right of it and then cross the river. It's useless yet has tens of thousands of likes.
>Shelters right next to places you can rest at if you just get 5*.
>Postboxes in the middle of nowhere that you have to go out of your way to reach yet somehow are loaded with items.
>Climbing anchors down hills that aren't even steep let alone a cliff face.
>Ladders that aren't even aligned properly so you fall when you reach the top.
The Collector is a nightmare because of this.
>Fifty signs requesting a ladder with hundreds of likes but no ladder so you have to put it down which also gets no likes after a week.
>Timefall Shelters every five feet.
>Timefall Shelters across red tier streams.
>Watchtowers right next to other watchtowers.

Have you played Animal Crossing before? If you haven't you have to donate money to projects like a bridge in order to build the bridge. If you wait daily your villagers donate really small amounts of money to the project but ultimately you have to pay the vast majority of the lump sum. I think it works the same here because I've seen some roads with some investment (Like a couple thousand ceramic or a couple thousand metal) but 90% of the roads I have available to me I built and get thousands of likes for.

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i just hope i can zoom in on Joosts feet like we could back in MGSV if she is in another game
>somewhere, at konami, someone has the sole scans of joosts feet.

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>implying he didn't smuggle that out when he left

am i th only one hating how the interface computer in the bridges is smack dab in the middle? I trip over them from time to time cause they spring up right as you are walking nto them and i forget they do that shit

kojima does it again
>ywm be able to look at joosts succulent soles on the daily

>>Watchtowers right next to other watchtowers.
Honestly, what's even the point of watchtowers? I felt like they were the most useless kind of structure you could build.

Fuck off Phil

if you're getting thousands of likes doesn't that mean your roads are showing up in other people's games? i feel like i only saw completed roads in the very beginning of reaching the central region. on the other hand, it was pretty satisfying building them and making it easier to get around.

You can stop baiting now. No one on this planet is so retarded they think Death Stranding was good.

They let you know where memory sticks are if they're in the vicinity, tag all Mules if you place one near an encampment, mark the location of all lost packages, the worms, crystals, sandalweed, and if you have a miscellaneous goal like find X of an object (Example being those gorilla figures for the Collector) it'll mark them all off without you needing to get close spamming your Odradek. I've found them quite useful personally but it's hard to find decent areas to set them up in.

I think it shares the progress with other people because there's no way you're going to make a road on your own with no intervention from anyone else. If you contribute mats to someone else's construct it shows who gave the most, right? I think it's the same deal but whoever put mats into the road gets the road progress shared rather than the entire road because otherwise everyone would have a complete highway 100% of the time.

They did a Christmas update and event. Will they do any more?