>one hour of content
Do you like your new weapon?
>one hour of content
Do you like your new weapon?
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So I can easily get my relic weapon in 5.35 when the actual grind starts and I won't miss out on anything, right?
I like the look of Bozaj, shame we'll never see it in it's entirety. Pissed I spent all my poetics last night like an asshole. Wasn't expecting them to go back to the poetics grind well again after Eureka.
Yes. The first step is a one hour solo trial and I think 1000 poetics for each extra weapon.
fuck you yoshi
im unsubbing
Good, thanks. My sub ran out yesterday and there's no way I'm resubbing for this shit then.
Does the new trial drop coffers or only idols
Fuck if I'm running that 10 times to begin with, much less 162
>literal BAJS in my weeb game
It drops three random coffers.
Ok, I ma convinced that the Varis fight was originally concceived as an actual Garlean boss fight. The idea being that he would be one of the last bosses you go against when you storm into Garlemald.
But then when the story of Shadowbringers was being written, a chance was made so that Zenos returns and kills of Varis, but they are left with the Varis fight concept and thought it would be a waste not to put it in the game, so this is why he is instead implemented as an Echo memory boss instead.
Am I right?
>please look forward to the actual content in 6 months, that will be 12.99 plus tip
How tough is it? Can't imagine it's harder than Eden 5-8 given the coffers are 480.
>Varis trial so we can have Varis mechanics reused in the same fucking patch cycle in one of the weapon fights
So this is how the game will end
wow he really is a manlet
>hard as balls extreme fight is just for 480 dyeable AF gear
I don't get it.
About as hard as Ruby but shorter.
It's all standard stuff you've seen a hundred times, it's just that it can actually kill you.
Is that breaking boundaries remix actually in the game or was it just patched in to be used later
please don't tell me it's gonna be for the 5.3 trial
>ShB boss theme for the Trial
>even for the Ex Trial
Soken what the FUCK
Sweet Hydaelyn how much money does he owe this bitch?
Prease understanderu
>Ugh I have to play the game for gear?! I don't get it
But it's trash gear. Shouldn't there be at least a mount or something?
everytime he gets paid big he drinks it all away
its his mind's way of keeping him perpetually in debt so rowena can always get to him and he gets to be with rowena
The mount will get added to the Mogstation at a later date.
Sigh. Going to be annoying dealing with shitters just to dye GNB AF. Good thing it's the only ShB AF I care about.
I'm 90% sure this fight is recycled from some half finished concept they had for a Varis fight before they killed him off
Wait, if the new relics are new models, how do you dye the ShB AF weapons?
I just found out about the Yokai Watch event and that it might come back someday. I've never played this game but if that came back, I would probably give it a shot
No. You'd probably get the mount and then whine about having the mount so quickly.
Redpill me on tanking - is endgame fun?
I've mained melee dps for a long time and the autistic parsing and rotation is getting tiresome.
>Wake up
>Every PF group is already "Phase 2 prog will kick if you don't know phase 1"
Meh I'll do this with my casual ass friends tonight
is ghimlyt dark the fastest way to get poetics?
Don't tell me you already forgot about poor old Rihtahtyn
What, Gabranth's not a Garlean?
It's the same as DPSing, autistic parsing included, but with much easier rotations.
He's probably a traitor Dalmascan
Do Leveling/Alliance/Normal Raid roulette on a class that isn't 80 yet
That Jew make him owe her a debt that she knows he cannot pay it no matter how hard he try. Its her own way to make him to never disappear from her again.
That's my plan, PF is fucking aids.
>just wanted these new NPCs to tell me about stuff
>get pages-long treatise about so and so
Yep, it's Matsuno alright
But doesn't taking hits and popping cooldowns feel more 'reactionary' versus dodging circles and doing your melee combo as a DPS?
Tanking looks less "scripted" even though I know the tank buster timings are all the same, if that makes sense. But I might be wrong.
>Dalamud was a fakeout
>Cid dying was a fakeout
>Scions returning to the Source was a fakeout
I don't like this, YoshiP
Zenos on the first was a fakeout
And the starshower. They need to knock that shit off.
What equipment (ilvl, slot) drops from the EX trial?
All it's telling me is that they are absolutely gutless when it comes to actual story happenings, so afraid to piss off waifufags and fanboys they settle for "merely pretending"
Same as Ruby
Of course I should have known that since ARR and them walking back the Nanamo thing like chickenshits
It's exactly as scripted as everything else I fear. It does add a different layer to the gameplay you might enjoy however. Have you tried SAM? Good usage of Third Eye also requires that reactionary gameplay you're looking for.
So is imgur.com
You're setting yourself up for disappointment by expecting anything interesting from this game. Stuff like 5.0 is the exception.
Artifact Weapons. The trial is just for farming totems to get the AF armour.
they're not going to re-use the Goorlean gimmick again
>scions returning
We've known it would be impossible once 5.2 msq was done brainlet
Even better, we speculated it might be placeholders for actual players, and we were right, sort of
There'd have to be new music for a gwyber LMAO
It's gonna be a long wait for 5.3. God damn.
I think we'll still get Combat Data berserk overrides but it won't all be the same as Stay Puft Marshmallow Nael
He was a traitor mutt in the original game and Rhitamins was a Roegadyn legatus so it's not like there's zero precedence
Rhitatayn wasn't a legatus
How long, another 3 months?
>high quality Relic model
>awesome as fuck trial with cool music
>great relic quest
>thought provoking dialogues
>crafter relic
>hurrrr one hour of content
If you don't like it you should go back play your shitty classic. XIV content is always top.
Why was this even delayed? It's the most underwhelming relic launch ever and the storyline wasn't particularly lengthy either.
>>one hour of content
The next time some faggot tells me this games budget ISN'T getting siphoned off into other projects, I'm going to savagely raid their asshole.
Why is he named after an ADHD drug?
All resources were diverted to FF7R. Not joking.
thereabouts, barring any corona delays
If you've expended every last first time bonus you can, yes, because it's piss easy in comparison to other stb/hw patch dungeons, and the alliance set is also actually pretty decent glamour wise
This, this show how ungrateful the current zoomer playerbase is
>cool music
>literally reused SHB dungeon boss theme
maybe I'm just really tired but I'm in absolute stitches over Stay Puft Marshmallow Nael
i don't have any class that isn't 80
that theme is pretty cool though