
Attached: ISYI8IC.jpg (1260x709, 122.42K)

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rename the song at this point

Probably won't be the only version.

>one winged angel plays on the very first episode


don't fix what isn't broken

it's ok the time jannies come in the last part and steal the orchestra's instruments to play the real version

the game is JUSTed as fuck

I hope you like advent children and kingdom hearts

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Did they splice it with The Sorcerer's Apprentice? Sounds like some Kingdom Hearts shit.

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Why is the final fight scene of Advent Children in here?

Those Chosen by the Planet was always a better fit for him

Here's your bahamut bro.

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because this is a modern square enix game, what did you expect? a remake? hahahaha

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because it's AC Sephiroth.

Yeah, that was to be expected. One winged angel is such an iconic song with decades of covers and remixes. Whatever they came up with was almost guaranteed to be a let down.
Kinda like the entire game

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delete this please

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>believing this to be the only OWA version in the game
>believing this to be nothing more than a cutscene song
>being this cucked

>defending nomura's corona turd
>calling other people cucked

Why is Sephiroth firing Star Wars laser beams at Cloud?

>original sephiroth grows 6 wings and one growth in place of his arm because he's a mutated abomination
>all later sephiroths look like human but with one black wing for some reason
I hate this.

this is the music you hear when her dick flops out

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where get ost?

But it sounds exactly the same from 5:25
The first half is just a remix

when it started repeating i thought for sure it was gonna be a Silvagunner.


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Wow wtf how do you fuck up a song that bad? Sounds like generic Hollywood trash. Nu-game dev’s should stop remastering old games. Just stop making games just stop existing please.

>that which lies ahead... does not exist yet
Oh god they really DID turn this into Kingdom Hearts.

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all I wanted was to share FF7 with my wife who was too young to play it when it came out

why did they do this? just to make us suffer?

Is this all CGI? Does the weapon change according to what you equipped?


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Because characters are still too weak for their endgame FF7 feats.

Alright, now I'm mad.

No, it doesn't.

He’s a beautiful magical shapeshifter though, not an insane undead corpse being consumed and mutated by an alien parasite. He’s hotter this way!

Wtf where's my

Play the original

Its not awful, but definitely over-composed and manages to have less impact than the PS1 version. The best parts are when it sticks to the original, then it throws new sections in to make it more "epic" and goes to shit.
A FFVII remake was easy money, how did they fuck up this bad? I like KH and even I hate Nomura at this point.

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Not CGI, ingame. You can tell because it doesn't look THAT good. The weapons do change, and so do the materia in them

And that means the party is AC level? Fuck off.

>when you're such a great villain that you use a remake as an opportunity to change your destiny
can anyone even compete at this point?

Quick reminder that review copies != payments or sponsorships. Besides, game companies don't bother with petty things like direct bribes, they prefer pressuring big reviewers by withdrawing advertising money.

>Shinra false flags their own reactor when AVALANCHE's bomb fails.
>when cloud meets Aerith there are fucking time jannies harassing her.
>Sephiroth shows up to fuck with Cloud CONSTANTLY.
>the meeting with Avalanche in the secret room under the pinball machine in Tifa's bar never happens.
>Cloud meets a Sephiroth clone, there's at least 49 now.
>they go on some stupid mission to steal blasting agent from a Shinra facility and meet Roche
>Time jannies attack the sector 7 slums
>Cloud is about to kill Rude when time jannies whisk him and Aerith away
>OC donut steel guy in Wall Market.
>Jessie gets killed by time jannies lobbing her grenade back at her
>Hojo spoils the main twist
>President Shinra is alive when the party get to him before Sephiroth kills him.
>lots of new music from Hamauzu which has a totally different vibe than the original's music.

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This guy is a scatter brained spastic. I'm not saying he isn't right about some things but he blatantly disregards bigger problems just to fucking whine about the episodic nature of the games release, like it's the only thing he can focus on.

Sephiroth defeats them anyway. Everything they throw at him is useless.

Attached: Seph3.webm (640x360, 1.42M)

To be fair, the main twist of FF7 is the 'Rosebud was his sled' of gaming at this point.

There's nothing in that webm that Cloud hasn't been doing since the start of the remake.


he's talking about you right here

>original sephiroth grows 6 wings and one growth in place of his arm because he's a mutated abomination

Original Sephiroth looked like a white-haired fuckboi. He still imagines himself that way down to the last mind battle with Cloud. He still made his Jenova clones look like that.

His final boss forms are attempts to make the strongest possible killing machines from Jenova cells to stop the party.

rotting pizza is even worse

>when you're so pathetic you get your ass handed to you by Cloud's level 15 ass before he's even left Midgar

These whispers look fucking weird.

Nobody remembers that Cloud was in Nibelheim or that "Sephiroth" was a shapeshifted Jenova the whole time.





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>And that means the party is AC level?

Do you even understand that AC nerfs the characters? It gives some excuse of them not using their materias, but even without materia the original Cloud could summon a rain of meteors or swing his blade hard enough to create a tornado.

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>Cloud was in Nibelheim
To be fair, Tifa does.

it just doesn't hit like it used to. especially for a younger person.

oldschool jrpg mechanics really have no value today, basically just extends the visual novel pointlesly

It's the natural result of trying too hard to surpass that which was already nearly perfect. Often, what differentiates a good artist from a middling one isn't the ability to make great work, but the sense to stop working; if it was simply a mechanical and graphical update of the game with a few extra bits, no one would be worried, but that's clearly not what happened.

I mean, it's not BAD...but it's definitely a downgrade from the original. I'd take the distinctive drum beat and strong synth over that any day.

At least try to make your baits sound vaguely like something that actually happened.

>people are surprised that nostalgia bait is filled with nostalgia bait

can someone explain what the absolutely fucking retarded single wing shit is
when did that start
WHY did that start

Why does he look like a gay cat man now

>only a third of the game? what a scam!

Nah, it still keeps the original mostly intact. Worse would be like having Those Chosen by the Planet and have it missing the death bell

I want to punch whoever it was that decided all future depictions of normal human mode Sephiroth should have an actual single angel wing.

It started in advent children. It looks so stupid

This. The problem is that standards for gameplay and visual storytelling have risen immensely (although the quality of the stories themselves may not). The simple polygons that were revolutionary and moving back then just look clunky and dated now, good for nostalgia but not much else.

Squenix really wants this franchise too die.

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it's nearly 12 min long you doofuses, listen starting from 5:30 and it sounds like it should. no shit they're not going to make it sound the same for 12 mins traight.

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This sounds more like stealth music than the original. Like imagine cloud and party having to sneak into a shinra lab or something

Has J-E-N-O-V-A been ripped yet?

i warned you about remakes bro
i told you dog
i told you about remakes man

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No she doesn't. It takes until disc 3 before she realizes that he was in Nibelheim the whole time.

The final boss theme was called One Winged Angel. This is because Sephiroth's arm was transformed into a humongous, hideous wing.

Then Nomura decided to make it a literal angel wing in Kingdom Hearts, Advent Children and Crisis Core because he's a fucking retard.

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It actually doesn’t sound that bad.

Sure beats this


lol dont bother tists wont accept it.

its funny because the Trials of Mana remake is nearly 1:1

hell, you can even have the option to use the original SNES music too

Tbh sounds worse than the advent children one and much worse than the OG IMO

Everything Square touches they somehow manage to kill I don't think they are capable of producing anything anymore, they should just do a Konami and sell the IPs, what the fuck do they even make that is good anymore?

overproduced as fuck, jesus christ

Since Safer Sephiroth had it. It's a trait of his final form that just got stuck onto his 'normal' form because it looked cool.

>Yas Forums is one person

But it doesn't look cool. He'll fly himself in a circle. Homosexual circles.

I actually kinda like it desu
And I'm a big rotting pizzafag


You think THATS bad?

Check THIS shit out!

Attached: DEFEND THIS.webm (1280x720, 1.32M)

made it better?

except they're not going to make the last 2/3's of the game

FF7"Remake" was basically Nomura giving himself permission to do whatever the fuck he wants.

I mean, this is a JRPG. Goofy design choices are inherent in the genre. Besides, it's still less egregious than the overdesigned glurge you see nowadays. Whatever happened to clean, effective designs?

How do you turn the story about dystopian megacorporation finding a literal The Thing and creating a monster who nearly destroys the life on entire planet into time travelling meta bullshit?

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I hate that you can't dodge most moves and that basic attacks don't really matter as long as you hit them to charge up your specials. It makes your input feel meaningless.



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Because that is literally all Nomura can make.

>let's take this unique and special trait of his final form that only exists in context and make it generic and retarded looking and slap it on his regular form for no fucking reason
even george lucas wasn't this fucking stupid
what the fucking nigger is wrong with nomura
why hasn't someone firebombed him and square enix like kyoani yet

Then that'd make him a huge liar for his claim that the Remake would follow ALL of the main story's beats. If he really was audacious enough to scrap the OG script for his own creation, I wouldn't rule out someone KyoAnime-ing Square Enix in retaliation.

>we will never again get the proper eldritch horror Sephiroth form

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It started in Kingdom Hearts, technically.

Jenova and the Cetra were noted to have time-influencing abilities, so it's not COMPLETELY out of the blue or Nomura's rear, but it's still perplexing, if not outright uncalled for.