
>79.99 evropa money
What the fuck is Blizzard thinking?

Attached: Hearthstone Screenshot 04-07-20 14.17.55.png (1920x1080, 1.57M)

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You get 90 free packs. That alone makes it worth the money.

they're thinking they just need to target whale gamblers and not small players, that's what

fuck off Chang

that people will still buy it because they're gachasluts
>tavern pass
how nice, the one good thing left has been corrupted

Its not worth it if I don't play constructed. I play some Arena, and some Battlegrounds, and some of the Tavern brawls.
The ladder is too samey and dull, everyone is playing the same decks and if you aren't., you are at a disadvantage.

Attached: Hearthstone Screenshot 04-07-20 14.18.23.png (1920x1080, 1.4M)

HS is like 50%+ of Blizz yearly revenue. We just need to kill HS to kill Blizz

>hearthstone autobattler is 20$ subscription despite being less of a game and taking blatantly less resources to develop than all the fully f2p autochess
That's the biggest dickslap to the face of a community I have seen. I genuinely wish for Blizzard to bankrupt.

How come Yas Forums doesn't sperg out like this about Gwent or Magic Arena?

It's Activision-Blizzard user. HS barely matters compared to candy crush and cowadooty.

>>What the fuck is Blizzard thinking?
blizzdrone will eat shit and ask for seconds.jpg

i hearthstone popular still?

>i can't even emote without the premium pass
lmao the absolute state of battlegrounds


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Gwent has been dead for like two years now? nuGwent isn't worth getting buttblasted over.
And Magicucks have been conditioned to lock in the cuckshed by themselves when WotC comes around to fuck their wife WAY before the online version was even a thing.

Monetizing Battlegrounds is really shitty on their part. That's the only game mode that's actually keeping players around to play their shit game, and putting a pseudo $20 pricewall on top of it really doesn't bode well, especially since the main game itself has waned a ton in players anyway.

>Gwent has been dead for like two years now?
Hearthstone's latest patch notes have 22 comments. Gwent's latest patch notes have 84 comments.
For whatever that's worth.

According to last earnings call:
>Blizzard had 32 million MAUs (monthly active users)
>Activision had 128 million MAUs
>King had 249 million MAUs


The only way Blizzard is important is if their fewer users are elite whales. Maybe thats what they want.

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A small price to pay for snake titty

Preorders cost money?

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is this game still a grind to ladder and get gold/dust/cards? redownloading it right now. i haven't played in a few years and i wanna play again but I don't know if the time/money sink is worth it

>not having an argentinian account
dumb paypig, it costs me like 15 dollerinos to by this shit

Yes, I mean every card game or any multiplayer game with a ladder is like this.

You'll get a free deck since you're logging back in post-March 17th.

>is this game still a grind to ladder and get gold/dust/cards?
It's still as grindy as ever, however you can't get duplicates on commons/rares anymore.


>virtual "items" that have no real value or scarcity
>worth the money

How did you have acode?Even proplayers dont have them.So your like ben brode?

Woah how did you know?

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are they good decks? i picked priest

>Pay money
>I-it's free
You sound like a retard who falls for phone gem pack shit

They're targeting their primary audience: whales. The average player isn't going to buy this.

Attached: FREE.png (760x270, 416.58K)

i stopped after the dragon expansion. Its still the same. They are pushing out new cards and not changing the system and implementing something new. Battleground is shit and they could do a much better autochess system in my eyes. Just look at tft in League of legends. ITS GREAT. Every 4 month they throw out a new set with different playstyles.

Imagine a autochess version of WoW where you choose different warcraft heroes with different scenario's like doing quick Dungeons in the process and getting valuable items.
Different themes like Classic, Burning Crusade, Wotlk, Scourge, Light heroes and more and more.

but well we got a shitty combinationgamemode.

Hearthstone is done and they should let it die. It happened after Ben Brode left. Damn i miss this guy



I don’t think you understand what free means

I don't think I've ever seen a game from a big developer being THIS p2w.

When is someone going to create a free version of this game with all the cards so I don't need to take a massive loan just to make one deck

LMAO throw it into a trash make a new account and take rogue or mage

Artifact had a price tag of 20 dollars and a price on each individual card, while having literally no way of earning cards without spending money. So yeah: it's quite reasonable to assume that it cost too much for a lot of people.

How P2W is it if I start today?

I hope you like playing aggro decks.
Or Arena (which is pretty great DESU)

It's not p2w, but its expensive to have fun.

I don't know how much competitive artifact cards cost, but surely more than $0 you spend in hearthstone as a f2p player and have competitive decks.

im using my old account

what is meta rn?

Back in the days you had grind every single day for weeks or months to craft one viable deck, I doubt changed. I'd just play Gwent if I wanted to play an online card game, it's objectively much better.

you're fucked

If you expect enter the game and be on foot with players that been playing it for 5 years, then it's very P2W. Around $500.

I haven’t touched the game since Ungoro
Has it changed much or is the same bullshit as ever?

same thing

bunch of highlander bullshit and rogue because rogue is bullshit in general.
highlanders will lose many cards today so rogue will probably rule meta with demon hunter

But don't they ban cards that are older though?
Or old players can use their cards from years ago

Who the fuck still plays this? By all acounts it's been a shitshow for years now. People have been nothing but nonstop bitching and quitting since Journey to Un'Goro and by Boomsday Project everyone considered the game a fucking wreck and even the people making bank from streaming started quitting because it was too shit to bear even when getting payed for it. That's literally half the expansions since people actually liked the game.

even more RNG now and dust costs for decks are higher to make people buy packs
otherwise pretty much the same

Wild is a mode where every card ends up once they are rotating out of Standard, 3 sets every year.
Today new rotation, 3 sets are going in Wild, 4 are in Standard.
So to have decent collection you need to buy packs from last 3 expansions + Classic set(which doesn't rotates).
So $100 per expansion + $200 for classic will fill your collection as if you were someone like me that opens ~100 packs every expansion as a f2p player.

Other than that, as a new player you get a bunch of packs(around 30) and a semi-competitive deck with which you can actually have more than 50% winrate on ladder.

It's kinda a good time to try, but don't invest too much if you don't plan to stick for long.

>if you were someone like me that opens ~100 packs every expansion as a f2p player.
People always neglect to mention that you need to have a good deck in a given season to achieve this and the mindnumbing amounts of grind to get there, especially when you don't have a colossal store of cards already and need to play the seasonal version of Retard Hunter or Warlock for several months straight.
Also, you still have to play Hearthstone and who the fuck would want that.

>a semi-competitive deck with which you can actually have more than 50% winrate on ladder.
What's this deck exactly? Mage?
And what's a good website that will spoonfeed me some cheap F2P friendly decks?

I don't even need to have played the game in years to tell you that it's Warlock or Hunter, or more specifically "Play Creatures, attack lifepoints directly, trade when absolutely necessary, repeat"

>People always neglect to mention that you need to have a good deck in a given season to achieve this and the mindnumbing amounts of grind to get there
You don't. Just complete daily quests and do the events.
Grinding hearthstone in constructed is the worst kind of thing you could do in this game.

>Also, you still have to play Hearthstone and who the fuck would want that.
True. :^)

I don't think that free deck of Mage is going to be viable anytime soon, it has good neutral legendaries though. Rogue would be the competitive choice.

>cheap F2P friendly decks?
You can try reports from competitive sites to see the meta and cheapest competitive decks(hsreplay, vicioussyndicate), other than that, hearthpwn is know for having budget deckslists(don't believe when they say to have 70%+ winrate though).

I fckd up the link

wtf is this new rank system

>Just complete daily quests
When I quit, which was years ago, you only had constructed and arena. Arena cost gold and was a losing game for most people, which only left constructed and dailies mostly required you to win, so it was still a fucking chore to complete them.

Currently only one rare 100g quest requires to win games. Other are either require you to 'play' 3 games with one of 3 classes(you can reduce your hp below 15 and concede, that will work) or to 'play 25 cards'/'draw 30 cards'.

You're making me feel like a shill, explaining all the positive changes. Game still has a lot of problems, for sure.

I wonder how much would a F2P Hearthstone account from open beta would be worth if I sold it.
I only keep playing due to inertia, I don't even enjoy meme deckbuilding anymore.

>Maybe thats what they want.
that's exactly it, they want huge spenders, not a ton of small ones

Go kung-flu yourself

Remember not to give money to Blizzard's corpse.

>worth the money.

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Just calculate how much someone would have to pay to have what you have and negociate from there.