What games?

What games?

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none, you're just shit at games

>there isn't a single bad mechanic in vidya existence

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any game with an instakill mechanic (sniper headshot etc)

Doom Eternal's ammo system

SAMP combat.

What about games where that's the whole point, like Rats Instagib?

fighting games and people should just get good instead of complaining about motions

Nier Automata

I bet you're the faggot that made unarmoured bannerlord units tank 3 shots to the face

I'll concede but only because fighting games are inherently so shit the only reason you'd play them was as some kind of endurance test and having bad mechanics just adds to the experience

This guy's up there with Dobson in webcomic cringekino.

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too true


It's amazing to me that this easily abused cop out in game design is applauded by so many people. Well, mostly just weebs because it's only really Japanese games that have this abomination of shitty game design be widespread. Most western devs know it's stupid.

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it's pretty shit, but dobson is out there with Loss-man

This but when I mention switch and people come talk smack, nobody seems to realise here that people can play on multiple platforms at the same time.

Seethe bowtranny

Speech skill in most RPGs. It's only used for skipping content.

you didnt get good, you just blamed the game for your mistakes
>try to dodge
>miss the timing
>get hit

>press the dont-get-hit button
>surprised you don't get hit

Western games prefer realistic physics. iframes is just a lazy way to look 'cool' without having to playtest your shit for what's actually physically possible in your gameworld.

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why does he have shit smeared on his face?

I was a crossbowfag in warband but they're holding my baby hostage.
Tried chucking javelins and it's the same shit

war paint for the onions wars

holy fucking shit, what a cringey comic. Guy should be embarassed uploading that at all.

yeah I know I mean playing videogames what a fag

Every competitive game to ever exist. If I wanted to compete I'd go do some shit in real life which mattered.

No seriously. it's got terrible 'style', it takes no effort to draw, the 'jokes' are pathetic and junior tier level.
The joke here is basically fanwank saying 'Haaah I like [title] you guys too? Pls like me!'
holy shit what fucking cancer.

I wish this page was still active, this one NEEDS to be on it.

victoria 2

and I forgot 'inserting yourself into your comic'
Holy fucking cow, how intellectually lazy and dishonest. Anybody that reads this cringefest must have room temperature IQ.

Dark Souls unironically.

U sound upset


read and laugh
then delete your shit ass web'comic' and enjoy actual fucking comics by talented writers instead.

of course he's a smashfag

All fixed by HPM :)

while you're here could you tell the resident retards that Alex permanently banned my entire IP range from ever posting on /vg/ and /qa/ because I linked the /qa/ thread on him? I thought they deserve to know.

No seriously you sound really mad at finding this webcomic, newsflash; most of them are shit

i don't post on vgsg anymore, sorry me mate
i also don't know who the fuck you are, not enough clues

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I am not mad, I'm just making fun of how pathetic your taste is. LEt me grab my calvin and hobbes or my Perry Bible fellowship compendium and enjoy actual comics instead, hmmmm ahhh the luxury of having taste!

I got a better idea for a comic

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Doom eternal, specifically the marauder
The rest of the game is amazing though

the fuck?

>find some old discussion on paradox forums about how easy Victoria 2 is
>screengrab it, post it here
>victoriadrones accuse the guy in the screenshot of being a paradox shill paid to destroy the good name of Victoria 2 so eu4 becomes more popular

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What's fatass up to anyway? Last i seen he was calling anyone who hated TLJ nazis.

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it's just offensive to even consider v2 not to be the best thing parakikes ever produced, even if it's a steaming pile of dogshit in the end

my name is not important
just link that post on /vg/ why don't you?

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stop user

lol who makes these

>having a high speech skill early in the game gives you a friend later in the game that allows you to skip right to the end of the bad guys fortress
>but afterwards you still have to fight your way back out against all the enemies that you would have killed on the way in so if you are out of either healing gear or resting gear you are fucked

It's at the top of a cliff for christs sake why not let me rappel down

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oi man

So based. Truly, why have any kind of i frames? Nay people shouldn't want dodge buttons, and this based western dev understands this. Now excuse me while me and everone else in town brings a little black culture to his wife 2 balls at a time

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ok I got it you can stop posting now

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I said "that" not "this" ESL-kun
meant but thanks for trying I suppose

Reminder that this guy drew comics for the Nickelodeon magazine

>yummy yummy in my

they're all map painters without any actual substance or thorough mechanics. victoria 2 was the only one that had an interesting mechanic (the economy) and that's why it's the best thing they produced.

ah come on man, it's late evening, i'm fucking tired and my brain is on economy mode

can you not ?


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can you seriously not imagine dodging any other way than to make the actual "dodge" useless and having the magical invincibility that corresponds to it be the only saving grace?

These are pretty average. They are nothing like Dobson. Dobson is different in that every comic is about himself or his insecurities.

what about darkest hour/hoi3/svea rike 2

what the fuck

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Can your wife not stand having a dick in her for 2 seconds?

>this thread

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no it's 14:00 you should be at your peak right now
now go and link the right post