What Nintendo franchise can make a comeback in the future?

Fire Emblem and Xenoblade are both examples of Nintendo franchises that rose from the dead before being axed entirely. Is there the possibility that an existing Nintendo franchise can make a comeback, despite it's failures? If so, what changes can be made to make it popular again?

Metroid is gearing up to make a comeback if handled right with a Prime Trilogy, Prime 4, and Metroid 5 release in it's anniversary next year. Maybe Star Fox or Paper Mario won't fuck up for once and actually make a good game. Perhaps Advance Wars get waifu faggotry shoe horned in that makes all the weebs support the franchise.

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i really liked tiny metal
would i like advance wars?

>Advance Wars

Give it a hip take on retro war imagery with a good art style. Put in the FE relationship stuff and market it as FE set in alt WWII.

Also give people powers so that they actually fight, hard to lush over pairing people up when they only sit inside tanks and shit where you can't see them. Make their world some "tanya the evil" type shit were even kids have to use magic in a military in war times.

How about no

>Rose from the dead
Thanks to the staggered worldwide release of the original game the series has never had an inactive period of more than two years since its inception.

worst idea of all time

Xenoblade hasn't come close to dying yet, it's nothing like FE.

>Make the story mode less cheesetastic than GX
>Put in online
>Keep GX's custom machines
>Track editor for the first time in the west
>File share for custom tracks
>Actually advertise the game, none of this abstract shit like pic related

Attached: F-Zero GX ad.jpg (319x500, 18.78K)

Fans had to nag nintendo to bring it (Alonge with Pandora's Tower and The Last Story) to the US with Operation Rainfall.
Xenoblade gets a lot of love nowadays but back then Nintendo USA had no faith in it.

I'm pretty sure Xenoblade Chronicles was never meant to be released in the US if it wasn't for Operation Rainfall. And even if it was planned, it had abysmal sales in Europe and Japan. The whole mess and news outlets covering the lack of a US release for Xenoblade made it such a sought out game, that it managed to outsell both Europe and Japan combined.

Don't see either of you fags suggesting some better way to bring back AW without changing genres or some shit.

Come on, I'm all ears.

AW WILL be back eventually, especially given the success of Wargroove. It is only a matter of time. I'm sure IS can figure out some way to add "supports" with COs if that's what they feel is necessary to revive it. The series already has top waifus, so we're covered there.

AW doesn't need any fundamental changes. Wargroove was a solid success despite being indie, so a Nintendo game should do much better. If they insist on supports they can add a much higher number of 2+ CO missions & put in supports based on that.

Star Fox is 100% capable of making a comeback, Miyamoto just needs to get his head out of his bum.

Star Fox is still a popular series, but fails because Nintendo keeps trying to 'fix' something that isn't broken, rather than trying to grow the series as a whole.

Something like pic related, that focuses on multiplayer, could seriously revive the series. With or without the on-foot stuff tho.

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So valkyria chronicles

The problem with Star Fox is that Miyamoto is simultaneously the person preventing it from growing and also the person preventing the franchise from dying entirely.
If you keep him around then Star Fox will continue to get games, but they'll be shitty. If you don't, Star Fox just won't get games at all.

Koizumi expressed interest in doing Star Fox at one point and I would be on board with him leading a new title. He's basically Miyamoto's protege and has actively gone behind Miyamoto's back to add cool shit in games that Miyamoto would never approve of.

>it had abysmal sales in Europe and Japan.
>that it managed to outsell both Europe and Japan combined.
(citation needed)

Man, 14 year old me had the fucking hots for Rachel


I know. vgChartz is a fucking meme but it's a good place to at least get a frame of reference.

Not a source.

In short do FE with tanks. Fuck no

No. Not at all. Unironically Wikipedia is better, as it sources its numbers.

Definitely not picture related
IS and Nintendo's higher ups have their eyes only on Fire Emblem ever since Awakening, and indie competitors like Warframe faring well isn't enough to make them change their minds and have another take on Advance wars
which is a shame

Just add waifus to AW for fucks sake, they're even there to begin with. I'm getting sick of FE.

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>No Golden Sun

Golden Sun is ripe for a comeback.

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People think waifu shit is the end to a franchise, but they can still effectively pull it off while keeping the franchise respectable. Pic related.

Attached: a50.jpg (600x648, 65.11K)

every time you use "waifus" to refer to cute 2d girls in general a puppy dies


more like reddit

Metroid could be turned into a gritty but yet somewhat teen FPS game, similar to those on the gamecube. Give it a deep plot, with shit you actually care about.

Cut the Mario shit, its so fucking lame and isn't what people want, at least tone it down. This goes for the legend of zelda.

There could be more done with Splatoon, specifically a single player story based game which expands on the lore.

A new F-Zero title.

IS is dumb user, adding relation shit to AW is easy as fuck but they are lazy

Europe had no problems of the sort, though.

That's becuase Nintendo of Europe is based and got us all the good games.

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>Make Paper Mario game with the level design of 64 with the combat of TTYD, with a story in the caliber of SPM, with the humor of Color Splash
Sticker Star was actually so bad that I never bothered with Color Splash. From what I've seen, the dialogue is pretty silly, but that's all I know that it has going for it.

advance wars is axed by yamagami.

You mean story like TTYD.
And bring along some fucking companions who will talk and interact again, goddammit.

What bothers me is fixing Star Fox is such an easy thing to do and would fill a great niche in gaming. A game the style of what your pic conveyed would be such a perfect evolution to the original concept, it's absurd Nintendo hasn't even tried.

>NA never got this
I'll still never forgive Nintendo
I don't see why we can't have a little of both. SPM was definitely the peak of the series in terms of storytelling, but TTYD had a lot of highs to it with that grand adventure it was working with. No reason we can't draw from both.

I like your idea.
Don’t listen to these armchair critics who don’t know how to contribute any creativity of their own

you won't like, you'll love

Ace Combat 7 filled that niche for me. It's not exactly the same but a lot of the elements are there

I kinda want to see Wayforward do an Ice Climber game or a Startropics game.

Set in a huge open world consisting mostly of roads, there are smallish hubs (think Deus Ex: HR's Detroit) that allow you to get out and do side quests and stuff. The general idea behind the hubs is reverse/parody GTA, Captain Falcon can help Granny's cross the roads or whatever, I trust Nintendo could nail this aspect, with some beat em up combat. The core focus of the game is racing and driving on the miles and miles of roads, which would include impromptu races and all kinds of jumps, loops, broken segments, variation in locations and road conditions. You can play as one of several characters or make your own, each with a unique but basic plot, and everything is completely customizable.
No race maker, but you can modify existing tracks for vs mode, adding traps and obstacles where you choose, making for unique takes on familiar tracks.

>Ice Climbers
Free with online. Base them off their smash versions, make a game like dead cells. You have to climb the mountain, explore the inside, find the McGuffins, and plant your flag at the top, all while breaking ice, fighting monsters and a boss and collecting gems and fossils for added points. Each game lasts ~20 minutes, and the map is randomly generated. You can buy upgrades and modulate the difficulty. Nintendo will monetize it hopefully just through cosmetics.

>Advance wars
I know nothing about the game but make it retro HD.

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Honestly I think turning Advanced Wars in to a full blown RTS would be the best bet. Halo Wars 2 did very well and just about perfected how console rts should be. If they made their own version with the advanced wars style and campyness I think it would be a pretty decent hit.

I play this game everyday

Dark Conflict introduced great aspects with tighter units that really expanded styles of play but limited the ridiculous amount of options DS introduced
Fuck off. This game is like chess.

True. That's why Miyamoto just needs to do like what he did with Assault. Hand the IP to a specific group and say "Make a great game." I feel confident that Platinum, Retro, Namco, and maybe even Nintendo in-house could make a great title without his direct involvement.

Source? Definitely interested in learning more.

I'm glad you liked the concept. I feel like it's a great combo between the best selling classic (64), the popular fan-favorite (Assault), and the experimental game that was almost never meant to be (2).

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The open world F-Zero meme is eye roll worthy, but as long as there is still a grand prix mode that focuses on being a great arcade racer, and not a sci-fi themed GTA clone, then it could work.

AW has waifus.

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Rapid fire

>Eternal darkness
Hire Junji Ito and poach a bunch of the silent hills team. Make some wild shit.

Free with online. Phone companion app that mimics being one of those treat dispensing pet camera things. Monetize the shit out of it. This is honestly one of those who cares, use it to subsidise other franchises thing to me.

>Rhythm Heaven
This strikes me as something that might succeed as a premium phone game, at around the 2-3.99 zone.

>(Franchise) pinball
Super Smash Bros: Pinball

>Elite Beat Agents
The switch is big enough for a straight port/sequel to use your fingers for gameplay without being too cramped so I don't see why they couldn't just make another game without changing much and I don't think EBA should be changed much to begin with.

This is the most retarded post I've read today.

I'm basically thinking most of the open world is basically burnout: paradise and that the out of the car stuff should be kept to a minimum or be left as optional. If you want a pure F-Zero then this would effectively be that game, and the game should include options in the title screen to jump straight into race modes and multiplayer. I think that having out-of-car hubs would provide the breakup and variety in gameplay that non F-Zero fans would need to look into the game in the first place. Basically, I think this is the compromise that F-Zero would need to take off as a successful franchise.

Nah. Keep AW dead. I don't want to see its corpse raped by nu-Nintendo

>put in FE relationships

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I think it'd be cool to have an open area where you can practice or just fuck around.

Yeah I love hubworlds and the like, and as an addition to a core F-Zero game it could be good. But F-Zero is about a racing tournament. Like like F1, but faster, thats why it's called F0.

Having a F-Zero game just be a open world sandbox would be akin to Metroid Prime: Fediration Force. I'm open to the idea of a spin off or side mode, but as F-Zero's 15 year grand return I'd be completely disappointed.

Golden Sun 1&2 Remake. Make it a collaboration between Camelot and Monolith. Camelot does the main programming while Monolith does the World Map.

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Nintendo knowingly murdered this franchise with Star Fox Adventures.

I want an open world Katana Zero RPG so FUKING BAD

Only if they make it into a single game.
Clean up the sprites a bit, give it a cleaner sound font and you're golden.

Definitely started the downfall of the franchise, but I think it's 100% redeemable. If Fire Emblem of all things can make a comeback, then certainly Star Fox can as well.

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Huh? Xenoblade wasn't on the chopping block.

The only way Golden Sun can ever come back and sell is you bundle all 3 games with a graphical update and an actual ending. Anything else is just a waste of time and energy.

Bad series don't need to be brought back