Can I play video games with you big bro?

Can I play video games with you big bro?

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I don't have meth for you

Is there anything more disgusting than brown eyes?


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brown skin obviously

black eyes

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nigger eyes
Light brown eyes can look good on pale girls
And no matter what eye color you have, if you arent white/pale it will look like shit

no, you look retarded

Who are you and what are you doing in my apartment?

these, light brown doe eyes can be quite cute, there's no saving soulless black eyes though

she's hot and I think if I had a daughter she would look just like that because I look pretty similar (male)

What, so I have to beat any boss that's "too hard" for you, you fucking casual?


Due to my Yas Forums oldfag status I feel inclined to call out that the girl in OP is featured in child pornography. Just so you guys know.

>because I look pretty similar (male)
please be in london...

Lies, post proofs

absolutely, nothing wrong with the brown eyes the girl in op's picture has, but those nigger tier black ones are disgusting, it's like staring into the eyes of a pig

>4 answers without "your mom"

Sure, come on over. What you wanna play?
I don't really have any of those fighting games you're into, but I can hook up the PS4 and see what is available on the store.

Isn't that nyanners

>Due to my Yas Forums oldfag status I feel inclined to call out that the girl in OP is featured in child pornography. Just so you guys know.

Too HQ, too candid

But if you insist

wish i had a younger sister. my older sister just bullies me on the phone for being a shutin once a week.

i like them

Rape your sister

>tfw younger sister helps me fuck her friends

I don't know what the true intentions are but I won't ever ask

I have a younger sister, and it's awesome. She's only 3 years younger than me and all her friends are hot, we're close enough in age to have similar interests and we get along great. It's like living with a wingman who constantly brings around hot girls.

stfu bitch, who allowed you to enter my fucking room, huh?! now bring me a beer and then fuck off!

we slept in the same room till she was going to college and i was entering high school. she's the one who taught me how to kiss and stuff. i don't think raping my sister is an option. plus she has a bf and is mid 30s now. she's pretty cool and stays active and fit. she's super tiny too.

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My sister has a black boyfriend

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No, and stop posting your face online you'll get turned into a fucking meme on Yas Forums.

your sister has a nice ass, it's unfortunate she's ruined.

Well, she looks like she was made for BBC.

ruined how?

most blacks have HIV

What the fuck is up with that nogs navel?

>she's the one who taught me how to kiss and stuff

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imagine how fucking ugly that monster baby will be

>gummy smile
and into the trash it goes. also make-up is degenerate

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Not any uglier than you are

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I like how you saved your sisters picture with a Yas Forums filename

By lowering herself to a fucking ape, user.

if this was my big bro I would be dicking him hard, provided he's atleast 16 years old

>Yas Forums hates brown eyes
>Yas Forums loves Asian girls

You can't have it both ways, you degens.

Stop being racist he is a cool guy.

Why is my sister so ugly?

If I remember correctly this is the girl that nobody would date and she said she would date anyone.

She later married some guy and got plastic surgery.

Look at the filename fren

bros...i could really go for some green tea ice cream right about now

>Yas Forums is one person

Looking at your younger sister's friends instead of your sister. What the fuck is wrong with you.

your sister is based for dabbing on seething white boys and loving who she wants

I'm sure he's a perfectly fine """person""", but keep to your own. She's been defiled and your family is worse off for it. Your father should of stopped it before it got to this point.

I love brown hair and brown eyed girls.

Until you see that people replied and agree, you brainlet.

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No, fuck off and kys.

me behind him


Me at the lower left.

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swhut up gay


It's... It's a joke user. She's not really my sister, you know?

Hmmm, ok and?

what? i id not agree brown eye on a white man is peak human, blue eyed nordcucks know they are inferior that's why they import brown masses they hope they can turn mediterran by mixing with shit. It will fail of course.

Ah the duality of man

>ywn have an older tomboy sister to take out her teenage frustration on you and /ss/ you
Why must it hurt so much

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