Why did SA2 pander so much to furries? Rouge was made for horny boys and Shadow was made for horny girls

Why did SA2 pander so much to furries? Rouge was made for horny boys and Shadow was made for horny girls.

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>Why did SA2 pander so much to furries?
It didn't.
>Rouge was made for horny boys
Shes just a femme fatale trope a bat version of Catwoman.
>Shadow was made for horny girls.
Shadows appeal is at least 85-90% gay males.

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>catwoman wasn't made for horny boys

It was 2002. Furries were still really niche and mostly unknown to the civilized world. The only furry pandering that actually happened back then was horny Warner Bros. animators that played off their hourglass shaped characters as a funny joke, because horny cartoons used to be considered funny.

Sonic wasn't any of that, it's literally what said

Not intentionally its just designing a female meant to fit a trope. All Sonic males are naked you could make a leap in logic to say they're intentionally made for gay males.

>Rouge wasn't
Literally has boob physics.
>Shadow appeals more to gay men
Do...do you ever visits sites outside of Yas Forums? Shadow's female fanbase is massive

>Literally has boob physics.
In SA2? I don't remember this.
>Do...do you ever visits sites outside of Yas Forums? Shadow's female fanbase is massive.
I do which is why you should know Sonic/Shadows overall fanbase is more loved by either straight males for the character and cool factor or overwhelmingly gay males. One trip to deviantart, twitter, e621 will show you this.

I need to fuck Rouge, god damn.

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No offense but I don't think you know what you're talking about.
Rouge actually has a fucking camel toe in her textures. I'm not kidding.
And all that gay Shadow art you see? Almost 100% exclusively drawn by females. Shadow is also very very popular among Japanese fans, who (not coincidentally) are basically all girls too.

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That all seems like its done for humor not to attract horny boys in the early 2000s. Furry porn was barely a thing and tons of animators did shit like this look at Animaniacs or Tiny Toons.
>And all that gay Shadow art you see? Almost 100% exclusively drawn by females. Shadow is also very very popular among Japanese fans, who (not coincidentally) are basically all girls too.
There is no proof of this though. Artists who make gay furry stuff are earning a killing.

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Rouge's character of being a vapid dumb thot is a cover up since she's a government agent who's smarter and more understanding than she seems, so it makes sense that she dresses up like a slut and is generally suggestive to give people the wrong idea of her. Giving her huge tits and wide hips is just so the writers can sell that facade to the players, too.

Shadow's a different case. I really doubt any part of him was designed for horny fujos, it's just that his tragic past, cold personality and heart of gold not only serve the story well but ticks a lot of boxes for female shippers. So SA2 doesn't intentionally pander to furries, it's just a consequence of its more mature themes that people feel more invested in the characters introduced in it, including in a sexual/romantic way.

>draw a camel toe
>for humor
I don't think so...no, they clearly wanted people to be horny for her. There's no other reason.
>There's no proof of this though
Yes there is. These artists state their gender online, and 90% of the time it's a girl.

>I really doubt any part of him was designed for horny fujos
Shadow's creator intentionally kept his "boku" pronoun just because it was popular with women.

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>Shadow's creator intentionally kept his "boku" pronoun just because it was popular with women.
Source? I don't doubt you necessarily, I thought it was because boku is polite, due to Shadow being "pure" according to Maekawa.

From an interview with him in 2006. He feels the need to bring up
>"This personal pronoun 'boku' of Shadow is very popular to women"

>average shadow fan

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Can confirm

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>This personal pronoun “boku” of Shadow is very popular to women, but I remember that there were many disagreeing opinions inside my team in the beginning. However, because I myself treated Shadow as an image that is a very subtle and pure character, this “boku” was a part that I could not throw away.
Pretty interesting read. So it sounds like it wasn't the primary reason for him keeping the boku pronoun, but he was definitely aware of its appeal to women from the start. Don't know if I can say that it means Shadow as a whole was meant to have romantic appeal, but I guess that means at least a part of him kept it in mind. Only reason I can think of for it is that it's related to "Please Save My Earth", the inspiration for Shadow and Maria looking at Earth, but I know nothing about that manga.

Why is shadow so fucking hot I'm ashamed

>deep smooth voice, slight british accent
>serious and strong, no-nonsense attitude
>deep down very caring and pure
>chest fluff!
>also kind of a dork
It's okay user. He's cute, no shame.

>Rouge was made for horny boys

How would you design rouge to no appeal to furries?

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>Don't know if I can say that it means Shadow as a whole was meant to have romantic appeal, but I guess that means at least a part of him kept it in mind.
He probably knew there was a demographic for it and decided why the fuck not? Except it made him more popular than they probably intended.

You must be a faggot

>chest fluff!
That does it for me mang.
I want to rest my head on it

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There's this (classic style technically)

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Oh jeez, same. I bet it's so soft. I wish I could just cuddle with him.
I'm glad there's someone else here who thinks he's hot, usually you only find people lusting over the girls or Tails.

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Remove her boobs?

I liked him since I were little but only recently have I started thinking about him again. I've mentioned it in a couple of other sonic fapbait threads already.

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I actually used to dislike him but that changed pretty quickly once I become a tween. I blame hormones, really...I've been crushing on him for years now. I used to be ashamed but have just kind of accepted it, we're all degenerates in our own way anyway, right?
If you don't mind me asking, are you a grill or gay?

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It's a weird kind of feel. It's not, like a clear, tangible crush. I'm just sort of attracted to him in some way I can't describe. I think he's adorable.
And I don't want to answer that.

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This thread is proof the adventure games were a mistake.

>play SA2 as a child
>decide that since Shadow is super cool I'll act like Shadow
>spend the rest of my childhood and my entire teenage years pretending to be a brooding asshole who refuses to associate with anyone and sees himself as "above" the rest
>never amounted to anything
>literally never made any friends
Shadow ruined my fucking life.

If you wanted to be like Shadow then you should have opened your heart too

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That's understandable. I'm just kind of drawn to him. He's...pretty? I guess that would be the right word for it? Whatever it is it really just makes me want to kiss him. He captivates me, I want to walk into his mystery.
That's alright, sorry

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>anthropomorphic characters has boobs/human features
>that means it was done for furries/turn people into furries

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Yup. He's really, really kissable.
And don't be sorry, you just, well, know how this goes.

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Do you think he knows how to kiss? I can't imagine him being very experienced. I don't even know if he'd be able to initiate anything either.
This site sucks sometimes, don't it

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I like to think he doesn't and he's really embarrassed about it. He'd try to avoid getting intimate solely so he wouldn't show how little he knows and put himself in a disadvantage, humiliating himself by having (you) teach him
Could be worse.

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>Furry porn was barely a thing
How naive that you think it has to be related to that community and that nobody would ever make a sexy bat character for the sake of sex appeal alone.

Aw, adorable. I want to teach him stuff! And date him, but he doesn't know it's a date, he just thinks they're special outings that he enjoys but would never admit.

Haven't furries been a thing for ages anyway?

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>SA2 pander to furries
not even close to the actual most furry filled Sonic material

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i went down the same road but kind of forgot about it and stopped doing it after a week, thank god

>Haven't furries been a thing for ages anyway?
Yes, but it's kind of baffling people don't think people would ever fap to a cartoon animal without some kind of influence from self proclaimed "furries."

Thank god they're all dying off

theyre both hot. based sega.

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Literally perfect for eachother.

It's been years since I've seen this, still funny

not one, but TWO sexy badasses? yep, im thinking they should fuck.

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Why do you keep focusing on the negative, you miserable bastard.

Is it a better pair than Rouge and Knuckles?

>implying I think it's a negative

Being a brooding asshole who refuses to associate with anyone and sees himself as above the rest won't get you anywhere unless you're doing it while skating around in your socks. Apply yourself

Holy shit I used to do this all the time. Still do

You'd be surprised. Furries end up in some unexpected places when they're not the retarded Twitter/FA kind.

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They're everywhere, I know.
But still, you jerk off to the tits/humanlike features and not straight up animals

They're both cute

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nice Dick Figures reference

Hello there.

Hello user.

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seething, butthurt nostalgiafag can't cope that the adventure games exist!