I'm a developer at Blizzard working on World of Warcraft: Shadowlands AMA

I won't post anything that'll compromise who I am. So keep that in mind. I have a soft blessing to do this, though that means I'll respect that I can't talk about what little I know about 10.0. With that out of the way, AMA.

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I forgot to apply a tripcode. Here it is.

Can you just let WoW finally die and work on Warcraft 4 you faggots?

I am also a developer working for blizzard. However, I'm not a bitch; so ask me what ever you want.

my dad works at nintendo

How does the chink's dick taste?

What's your favorite soup?

Are you Chris Metzen?

Chris Metzen? Are you?

Are you Chris Metzen? He gay.

Why is WoW retail so much worse than WoW Classic, when Classic is fucking awful?

how does it feel to work in a zombie company that only exists by cannibalizing the work of actual talent long since departed?

No, I am not.

Why has Blizzard never made a good game or an original game?
>but muh die-ay-blow

Blizzard didn't even develop Diablo.

Do you guys personally cup Ji's balls? or do you get interns to do that?
Also how hard is it to come up with new content when characters have literally killed gods? like what is the end goal here after killing Sargaras?

Something need doing?

You're not-Chris Metzen or Chris not-Metzen?

neither. I work in management overseeing this expansion.

>on Yas Forums
>instead of Reddit
Post your employee ID with all identifying information blurred.

go look at this post and tell us when you're going to stop worrying about stupid shit like that and start making games again

Playable Sethrak when?
Playable Necromancers when?
How will Blizzard fuck up the Shadowlands expansion? We all know Sylvanas is going to be the final boss.

How addicted are you that you think anyone other than trannies and boomers give a single fuck about modern WoW?


do you tongue nigger anuses?

2H Frost DK? I will pre order Shadowlands if its in.

Butternut squash.


If you mean BFA in particular, a number of ideas that was tried and didn't pan out the way they were intended. If you mean retail in general, then that's a matter of opinion.

Definitely not this expansion. lol
You basically become a necromancer by siding with the Necrolords.
You'll be surprised by Sylvanas's fate, I suppose.

Big changes like this aren't the focus for 9.0. Sorry.

I think it's pathetic that this game is so dead, boring and barren, that WoW players have to roleplay on Yas Forums instead so they can shill their dead game to others in the hopes they're not alone anymore.

Why did Blizzard ruin WC3R?

Give it up, dude. Nobody gives a shit about your LARP.

>Big changes like this aren't the focus for 9.0. Sorry.
fuck off then

Do the people making the game know how utterly fucking horrible WoW is and has been for well over a decade, or do they actually think the game is good?

Why the fuck would you want WC4 from modern Blizzard?

tell me something interesting about the class unpruning that would make me believe you

When will you fuckers make Sethrak playable?
The only reason I even kind of look at this game anymore is the possibility of playing a badass snek.

When will you dickheads just give someone else the Metal Arms IP or at least re-release the first game. Fuck you guys for buying it.

Why was this the first expansion without a new class or race as the centrepiece?

Vrykul AR WHEN?

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Who will be the big bad after the Jailer is killed in his introductory patch? The game is running out of villains to fall back on at an alarming pace.

Hi, I'm a blizzard working my way towards developing, AMA.

I'm going to report this thread to blizzard, I hope they fire your ass for leaking info

I'm a blizart devloper too, ama

Shes gonna go "i actually was the heroz all alonggg!" i bet.

Is the rumour that sylva is the lead writer's waifu true?

you a faggot or nah?

I paid for BFA + gametime and I feel absolutely ripped off. Will you give me a refund?

>thread already dead

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Not really sure how to answer this. About 70% of all pruned spells are going to be tested in SL at some point. Some cycled in, some cycled out during the testing process depending on feedback. The first playable build will bring back the first 15% or so.

This isn't a certainty but as far as I know, no new classes are planned period for the time being. We have 12 already and working around them in previous content would be terrible.

Not in Shadowlands.

The Jailer is in 9.2. Elune takes center stage in 9.3.

I'm not sure what you mean by lead's waifu but she's definitely not a hero, but she's also not a villain. She will become the new Jailer.

>but she's also not a villain
yes she is lol

>There must always be a Jail King
yeah definitely believable

Like Rice and insects,Next question?

You should chain the doors to your office shut then burn it down with everyone inside. Fuck blizzard for what they did to MMOs. I'll never not be mad.

>but she's also not a villain
Keep the pro-genocide stuff on Yas Forums, thanks.

is it true that blizzard parties involve sex with animals?

Is Voljin going to finally kill that stupid cunt sylvannas?

Yeah you're Chris Metzen alright.

Was there any talk among developers about might Classic+ ?

Why the fuck do you hate monks so much


Any idea if blizzard is open to the idea of making covenant abilities changeable without changing the covenants? The entire expansion is riding on this system and I don't see it being well received if you're forced down a path just because one covenant that you hate has your
best class /spec ability

is the op pic artwork? it looks like a rayman 3 level.

Vol'jin only has a minor part in the story and it is no way connected to Sylvanas's.

I heard it's an option in the future but it's definitely not being worked on currently.

Monks are in a good place. One of the few classes that has needed very few changes.

No, and here's why. You don't get to pick your racials. Some people might think the tauren racial is the best for druids. No one claims if you play a druid you HAVE to be a tauren, though. You might pick a night elf or a Zandalari because you like them more. It's the same with Covenants.

How much does FFXIV affect development? Is it talked about at all, looked at by devs, do any of the devs play, etc.

Where's Arthas

Meanwhile in reality people play whatever sims the highest damage, be it race or covenant.

This is why blizzard is going down the drain.

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shame, not gonna care for the story then.

>the rumour
user, you dont need alleged insider scoop for that.

Is TBC in development?

imagine being a filthy min-maxer and not just playing what you like.

Sure you can play what you want but: want to join a raid but you dont have THAT? gtfo noob

answer this please


TBC patch progression?

thats what LFR is there for

looking for retards dont need to apply.

Chris was your (removed) cameo from the Warcraft movie a freebie or did they actually pay you?

Why are you copying the fuck out of Shadowbringers?

blizzard haven't made anything decent since wc3:tft

I find it hard to believe that the performance difference between racials and covenant abilities are that small, there is no way one of these covenant abilities are not gonna outperform the others by 5-30% for some classes

Why is World of Warcraft going to be worth playing in 2020?

Hold up isn't this just a ripoff of Shadowbringers?