[Does not open from this side.]

>[Does not open from this side.]

Attached: IMG_20170718_154324_HDR[1].jpg (2160x3840, 2.03M)

The lock and latch are on this side so it clearly opens from this side, but it wouldn't from the other side.

such a boring gimmick

* climbs over wall *

*blocked off by invisible wall*

*invisible wall blocked off by visible wall*

Attached: 3EA47A15-FD1B-491D-B6B4-9E7608E4EC7B.jpg (720x720, 214.4K)

it's getting fucked by the curse of the undead


>[The door is locked]
>it's just a shitty wooden door
>your character is carrying an axe or other destructive object
>your character is also incredibly strong
>your character also has access to fire and/or explosions
>there's no pressing time limit, stealth requirements, or enemies nearby
>all attempts to use any of the abilities at your disposal fail
>the only thing interacting with the door does is say [The door is locked]
>the only other option available is to go through some retardedly long gauntlet or search the other side of the map to get the key
This is vein-poppingly common and it needs to stop.

that anor londo bruh

Imagine rolling in those stairs. You would fuck your neck, break some ribs, get a concussion. It wouldn't be much fun.

Attached: 1466761110883.jpg (720x720, 249.78K)

Try divinity original sin 2. You can bash and burn most unfortified doors to get through them if you want.

Post the edit. Makes me laugh everytime.

I laughed. Now everyone on the trainis lookin at me funny



Cough at them.

That's the Milan cathedral, but it does feel like Anor Londo because you can walk around on the roof.

Attached: 39[1].jpg (669x446, 82.97K)

Attached: roflcopter.gif (360x150, 1.81M)


post the ds2 rubble

that guy didn't make the edit, no need to give him praise
absolute reddit fuck off

Attached: re.jpg (1224x1445, 246.73K)

>you can bash and burn most unfortified doors
this is every rpg ever except TES

>character is packing a shotgun, grenades and plastic explosives
>I need to find a key to this door!


>noclip on
nothin personnel

It's a pre-Yas Forums meme you nigger.

what a bunch of boring as faggots you are
>muh realism in video games
>wtf, why doesn't Doomguy has to take a massive shit?

This is a very good edit, good work. Made me laugh.

*reaches through bars to open from the other side*

At this point it's become a running gag

it's not his own edit, cunt

it's necessary for game design however, it's what makes the level design work without littering bonfires all over the place.

This reminds me more of the cathedral rooftops from Path of Exile though

>That's the Milan cathedral, but it does feel like Anor Londo because you can walk around on the roof.

Attached: soy115.png (359x410, 33.08K)

Butthurt uninspired game dev detected

Literally just pretend the door was "magically enforced" or something and it's fine.

you're right, Heather should have just used her sledgehammer to break every wall to escape.
doesn't matter how long it would take, she doesn't need to eat anyways.
every game should have completely destroyable environments.
fuck level design and puzzles.

E) Open Door

[Locked - Very Hard]

Attached: doorjpg-002de429a0584c5d.jpg (600x1066, 48.97K)

What was the point of the one-way door after Vilhelm? The path around it is literally 10 feet away.

Just use Valentine, literally no point in dumping skill points into door opening skills in Fallout 4

>area doesn't load

Cool edit user I chuckled

But what if there was a Very Hard difficulty chest with no key? I can't risk it.

I liked how in Arcane Dimensions, some locked doors would say "Locked with anger", it's cool to think that some powerful entity can lock doors with ANGER

That user didn't make that edit, it goes way back, dumb newfag

love it, user. Keep at it

This edit is cute and funny. Thanks for posting, made me laugh.

>fuck level design and puzzles
Damn, I really struck a nerve. Tell me more.

I don't get it

>I don't get it

Attached: images.png (454x520, 3.95K)

Have you tried paying for a hooker?

A kek for (you)

Attached: dark is nice.jpg (567x600, 95.92K)

>poster count stays the same

Attached: nega.jpg (271x102, 6.53K)

Not the middle one it didn't. I made sure to turn off and on the airplane mode when I posted that one.

please stop making fun of me and explain the joke
I just want to fit in

>poster count stays the same

Attached: 1586055054627.jpg (256x271, 5.63K)

It's a reference to that one game user, that one game that Yas Forums won't shut the fuck up about.

Attached: 20200407_013137.jpg (608x370, 135.1K)

Damn good edit dude lol

Don't get it.