Does it hold up? I’m not too fussed about the gameplay because I don’t really care about the gameplay in Skyrim or Fallout I mainly play them for the exploring, quests and lore.
Is Oblivion worth playing in 2020?
It’s better than Skyrim.
have you heard of the high elves?
It's much better than skyrim
it is my favorite elder scrolls game
>does it hold up?
>I don't care about gameplay
Then every game 'holds up' for you as well as it would have on launch you retard, if you don't care about gameplay then the concept of a game 'holding up' is meaningless. Don't grasp straws and come at this from a graphical standpoint, you know what the fucking game looks like, thats not what you were asking
It still needs to be playable. There’s a difference between ‘is the gameplay enjoyable’ and ‘the game is obviously old as shit but is the outdated gameplay alienating’.
Best TES game by far, spent like 500 hours on it back in the day on the 360. Very colorful and atmospheric instead of the grey shit that's Skyrim.
Prime candidate for “Bethesda fatigue”
gameplay is literally skyrim but better and less restrictive in every way