Resident Evil 8

What does Yas Forums think?

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>Chris redesigned

ughhhh. I actually liked his RE7 look. If they go back too buff mcsteroid anime man I'll be annoyed.

So basically RE4 with Mr X but as a female.

phoneposting, especially with a twitter screencap, shouldn't be allowed

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3 games on the same engine is not gonna work


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>proceeds to play yet another unreal engine game

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this has to be the most garbage opinion I have ever read on this entire website.
never reproduce.
why not? nowadays engine has nothing to do with game quality

Have sex with Jill Chris

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all sound good except for the name.

Imagine designing an entire game around trying to fit Roman numerals into an English word

i hope they bring back hookman for this one

what will Resident Evil VIIII be?

>wanting a twink instead
Stop user


you're gay

>shoehorning in the numerals that hard
Village is the weakest subtitle I've ever heard.
Not "Village of the Damned" or "Dead Man's Village", just "Village".

Anyway inventory tetris sounds good and the scope increase seems feasible.

I'm getting sick of Resident Evil's yearly releasing as of late.

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I would love to see a Tyrant again.

>Resident Evil: vIXens
>Resident Evil: X Returns
>Resident Evil: toXIn

only because REmake 3 was shit

The idea of a European castle setting with hallucination elements sounds fucking amazing. Sounds kinda like eternal darkness

But we just had one with REmake 2.

Sorry you get intimidated by virtual characters that are stronger than you bro

Hopefully they'll actually pick someone with a chin this time.

Hope it'll be gud. They just need to stay on tone with 7, 1,2,3. I hope they take no inspiration from 4, since that was such a shitty game.

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>Chris as protag
Meh il pass.

I didn't like 7 either.

Well then you just have bad taste.

>Chris wasn't Buff McStereotype in RE7

What the fuck am I reading

and you aren't because you prefer this over his original design?
RE7 isn't part of this "yearly" release thing they've got going on so that doesn't count

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cope harder homo

he looks like a cuck

>I hope they take no inspiration from 4, since that was such a shitty game.
>still seething over RE4
RE4 truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

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They should keep Ethan as the main character

Is that a simp?

thats because he was until RE5 when his design peak

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worst name in the history of japanese vidya names

Does Chris playing a central role mean central playable character or central supporting role?

that has to be one of the dumbest title i've ever seen. the fucking letters can't even make a full roman eight

chris is gay and he's not going to have sex with jill because he likes men. chris is also the best gay character in a game ever made. side note: he went from boy band look up to CV, then bear mode. he and piers were so gay for each other too

retard and it would be the 4th RE game on RE engine

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The series just hasn't been the same since Mikami's departure.

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subtitle makes it sound like a crap mobile game

Sounds cool but-

What a terrible name lmao.


this sounds like someone noticed village has the VII and they made a whole shitpost around it

it would honestly be a better name if they just called it RE8/VIII

Re7 was terrible though

not him but I thought it was good but I wouldn't want to replay it


First of all stop posting this Reseterafag, you retard

you seem to know a lot about resetera

were still getting werewolf r*right

That sounds awful

opinion discarded

that's a terrible title

>were still getting werewolf r*right

Werewolves were a part of the original "Snowy european village/Witch Stalker enemy" leak, so probably.

That's a pretty shitty title just for the sake of adding VIII.

>new enemy type: witch

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>game journalist "rumours"
let me guess, the source is some youtube comment

Back to Spain?

So he's looking for Leon to carry on the Redfield line?

Fuck off gorilla Chris is at least memorable

Will Chris punch a boulder again?

I'm hoping for a Revelations 3 to tide me over until 2021

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Sounds like it might take influence from the RE4 beta which might be cool

>3.5 elements
>Tetris inventory from 4

Almost too good to be true.

RE fanbase is going to be butthurt regardless because it won't be the anime Chris, plus he is the villain of the game, so expect lots of butthurt regardless.

The most important question that needs to be answered is: will the game be 1st or 3rd person?

buddy RE3 just came out and 8 will be the 3rd title in 3 years

>Mikami gushing over Killer7

Man, he was probably destroyed when the sales numbers came in. His collaborations with Suda probably tarnished his career.

The subtitle makes it sound like a fucking pay-to-win mobile game.

word on the street is 1st

Yikes. Then that's a hard pass from me.

New stalker enemy pursues chris called "the witch"

Porn, lots, and lots of porn in the distant future.

It won't matter how they design him, they'll still have people sperging about it since REfags are one of the most autistic fanbases out there.

Pick one face though

I hope the twist is that it isn't some kind of manufactured virus, but that the whole village is actually some kind of thousand year old inbred shithole were the residents actually evolved into monsters naturally.

Sort of like Lovecraft's The Lurking Fear.

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>Europian setting
Victorian gothic with chromatic abberation confirmed

the witch better have big tits, nice feet and wear pantyhose

>I hope it's nothing like Resident Evil

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Personally i hope the enemy pursuing crap would stop.
Mr x was fun but it clearly a one time every 10 years kinda deal.

this was hinted in REmake 2 where chris goes to europe to lose his virginity

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They will just make him black


Being nothing like Resident Evil is part of the Resident Evil DNA at this point.

Remake 2 was shit as well. Re7 was mediocre as fuck.

Mikami made the shittiest game in the series. I'm glad that faggot and his terrible writing is gone

>hey there is a news article
>should I screenshot that and link it?

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>RE4 serving as any kind of basis for design choices
It's going to be shit.

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