So is this going to last forever? I don't even mean the "Yes" meme, EVERY image reply at this point is a variant of YOU INCEL ME CHAD.
So is this going to last forever? I don't even mean the "Yes" meme...
>t. incel
t. chad
OP, an incel:
>So is this going to last forever? I don't even mean the "Yes" meme, EVERY image reply at this point is a variant of YOU INCEL ME CHAD.
Me, a chad:
>thing i like good
>thing i dont like bad
that's what this comes to, soifaces and related memes make a mockery of the very idea of argumentation. It's the primal endgame where memes like >implying have led to. Upset people with the absolute minimum of effort.
>So is this going to last forever? I don't even mean the "Yes" meme, EVERY image reply at this point is a variant of YOU INCEL ME CHAD.
If people would stop getting upset, maybe we could make some progress.
people have been posting "I AM SILLY" images for 10 years, so I wouldn't get your hopes up
>So is this going to last forever? I don't even mean the "Yes" meme, EVERY image reply at this point is a variant of YOU INCEL ME CHAD.
>>So is this going to last forever? I don't even mean the "Yes" meme, EVERY image reply at this point is a variant of YOU INCEL ME CHAD.
please don't post wojak on Yas Forums thanks
>>>So is this going to last forever? I don't even mean the "Yes" meme, EVERY image reply at this point is a variant of YOU INCEL ME CHAD.
Its amazing how 4 years from now, this place will be even worse.
Anonymous 04/07/20(Tue)12:33:01 No.502453318▶
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>>So is this going to last forever? I don't even mean the "Yes" meme, EVERY image reply at this point is a variant of YOU INCEL ME CHAD.
>please don't post wojak on Yas Forums thanks
> -duck
Poor OP doesn't know how old the "That feels guy" picture actually is.
>>>So is this going to last forever? I don't even mean the "Yes" meme, EVERY image reply at this point is a variant of YOU INCEL ME CHAD.
Wojak isn't like the rage faces. At least the rage faces had the courtesy to die.
>Poor OP doesn't know how old the "That feels guy" picture actually is.
Its amazing how 4 years from now you will still not pass
This thread is cancer so here is a video game for discussion
Wojak and Pepe are like Mikey and Donald of Yas Forums.
They will be here forever
yes, this will last forever because the story of oppressor and oppressed, dominator and subjugated, conqueror and conquered, is the only tale we know.
>please don't post wojak on Yas Forums thanks
>clearly the atlus artist
The hell is this.
>Wojak isn't like the rage faces. At least the rage faces had the courtesy to die.
>Its amazing how 4 years from now you will still not pass
Even this image is outdated.
Even the update is outdated.
How are you still infected
Post the updated version
A good first person hack and slash you should play. Some megaten autists claim that it fits into the extended universe. You can decide that for yourself.
Added to my list.
damn way to own that weeb
What the fuck
can't wait for the costumes in the 4chanland
literally every meme eventually degrades into BAD THING < GOOD THING
The thing I don't get about this whole Wojak thing is usually Yas Forums abandons a meme after facebook normalfags get a hold of them. In this case though you faggot doubled down.
The problem is that they aren't upsetting by themselves, they're just tiresome because they're just spammed everywhere. It's just meme fatigue at this point and would've happened with any other meme that's overused this much.
All soijak posters have small thimble dicks, and if this posts gets quoted by a soijak poster than so does that one.
Because it pisses people on here off really effectively
You could leave. You might improve your life for the better if you stop wasting time here. Spend an hour here on Yas Forums and you've basically experienced everything there is to offer. You can mostly find what little good there is in this place elsewhere, without the fucking bootleg feelsguy memes.
>So is this going to last forever?
Why would it? It's just the newest normie meme that everyone ranging from instagram to youtube spams around. They have always died out in a few months after they find the next thing and always will.
>All soijak posters have small thimble dicks, and if this posts gets quoted by a soijak poster than so does that one.
>Get mad about Yas Forums censoring people
>Move to a "free speech" alternative
>Ban wokajs because of "BING BING WAHOO"
Wojaks really are based.
This one? There a newer one?
I think so, it got so out of hand that people got sick of it.
>at this point
Before you had ever even clicked on a link to this shit site MS paint had cranked out more ME GOOD YOU BAD images than the ludicrous amount of smelly hobo dicks that have clogged up your mother's saggy, flapping asshole. If you don't like it, post something better or leave.
There's barely any difference between the fourth and the fifth
I remember Yas Forums loving the spooky scary skeletons shit back in 2011
We need a newer panel
thats the point
meant for
Because Yas Forums is the facebook normalfags now. You know your uncle who's single in his thirties and has a profile pic with a maga hat and sunglasses taken inside his truck who seems to be reposting boomer memes with jpg artifacts from pages with names like "triggered liberals" and "meme America great again" 24/7 alongside QAnon conspiracy shit? That's your average Yas Forumsirgin now.
Yes because the need to make fun of others on the internet is eternal. It'll just be in different forms and it doesn't help that the zoomies swallow whatever shit Yas Forums pumps out
Remember when Yas Forums used to be scared of skeltons?
This is too funny for Wojak.
wtf that's actually decent and kinda funny
People have been posting "I AM SILLY" for centuries
Would a Wojak scrambler help? A program that, whenever a wojak is posted, answers with a scrambled version of the image.
My god.
People should not chiefly operate on making others upset. That how unfunny memes like sneed proliferate.
Just edit soijaks to have him at a computer with a screen. Then when a soijakposter quotes someone, you can emptyquote their post with a picture of a different soijak posting the soijak on their computer screen.
It doesn't really get people upset in the way that most memes upset people.
Its like the autistic kid shitting himself at the party, yeah it kind of ruins things, but everyone just pretends it doesn't happen.