You have just been given specter status and are now the captain of the normandy, where do you go first?
Mass effect
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Noveria for infinite Paragon/Renegade points glitch.
Nuke Batarian home systems.
Then I go to palaven and fuck some turian women.
After that, depending on what game I'm in, I dunno. What game period am I in OP?
Turian women didnt exist in Mass Effect 1
I genuinely don't understand wanting to waifu this woman
Still pissed about how mass effect was handled.
Imagine if we got a game where you were just a c-sec officer, busting crimes on the citadel only to get caught up in some grand conspiracy, maybe you get framed and have to leave for omega or something.
Instead we got andromeda.
It's OK. Not many do and you don't really have to.
gotta big epic story or pepple not to buy it also put many of the graphigs in theer