What would a nu-Regina in 2020 look like?

What would a nu-Regina in 2020 look like?

Attached: Regina0.png (340x606, 151.53K)

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you know what they did to bombshell in ion fury?
basically that
no sex appeal at all

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Jeans and tank top like every shitty remake heroine.
Reacts to any flirtation with disgust but in the end will totally fuck the black geek and Gale will cannon die because he wanted to do the job and leave the innocent people to die and that is bad.

I googled Dino Crisis Regina Redesign and this is what I got 4th image

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First off her hair would be less firey and more muted. Because color isn't realistic. Also her outfit wouldn't be tighter or have any leather.

Make her black, give her an afro and jeans

you know what bros im gonna say it.

I dont want Capcom to make Dino Crisis 3

Attached: dc12.png (694x352, 473.31K)

There is already a third Dino crisis.

But user

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we don't talk about this, user. especially not in front of user. you know better user

Fat and short hair with peircings along with an attitude that justifies an ass whoop.


>lets make it a twin stick shooter, basically
bold decision cotton lets see if it plays off

>even faster combat than DC2
>tank controls
>with jetpacks
>no lock on

what a nightmare

I would hope they'd be smart enough to not go ultra-realism route like with the RE remakes as theirs now way to make Regina realistic without either looking ridiculous or giving her a complete redesign to the point she'd be unrecognizable.
This never happened.

Why did you remind me I wasted time and money on that shitty game.

did she eat the dinosaurs or something?

>uhh.. Space sir. and Jetpacks
and that is how anthem was born
also this

Yeah I didn't either

Looks like if MS bought the IP and told Rare to make it.

Half Shaved Skrillex Head because hair is too mainstream

She has the best ass. You dont get to see much but the shape of it is perfect in first Dino Crisis.

That would no doubt be changed. She'll wear something frumpy and be as flat as a board.

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I don't think that would be changed, just a less retarded outfit.
Post more sexy Regina pls.


Dinosaurs are pretty scary bro.

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Gee-wiz, well, where do I begin!

First, that bathing suit has got to go. Its way too sexy for current times, can't have that. Because we all know that the male gaze is a repulsive thing after all that needs to be wiped out. We have to make a her a bit wider (like the new Lara!) for sake of promoting real bodytypes. Her face can't be too pretty otherwise its just too unrealistic, y'know. Also, we MUST show she's a stronk and independent woman at any given chance and consistently throwing in scenes where she fends off any physical contact from her male companions and rescues them instead.

There, fixed!

You know it would happen

Losing my gun was scary. The first time it happened and I had leave the room just to realize I need to get it back. Good times.

Attached: Weapon drop.gif (540x405, 2.58M)

Also, she's an amputee, black and mentally retarded (redundant).
Throw in some hints of "her" transitioning, and you have a progressive winner!

It wouldn't.

>that tits valves

Somebody, please explain!

>less retarded outfit.

You'd get boring tacticool.

>Gail, I ate the Dinosaurs

to relief pressure from the milkers

oxygen hookups for a helmet? jetpack refueling port? idk i never played 3 but it seems logical to have it in an easy access place.

Like this

Attached: Regina.jpg (1920x1080, 135.4K)

I like how she joking around.

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She's dead, jim.

i love this game it's fucking stupid

Handsome, YOU'RE extinct !

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Man I can HEAR it in her voice
fuck I love Regina

This is a better Jurrasic Park than Jurrasic Park. This is a better Aliens than Aliens.
And I might be jumping the gun here but this is better than Resident Evil.

>not even a cameo in the capcom all stars games

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Requesting more ASS pics.

Imagine R3make Jill, but with red hair.

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dont forget the outgrowths to make sure she appeals to the problem glasses crowd.

>and rescues them instead.
I know you're talking like a games journalist, but isn't this what Regina already does in her game, though? I mean, the only time someone rescues her is when the T-Rex is chasing her around the chopper and Rick tells her the door is open. She has to save Gail once or twice, IIRC.

>What would a nu-Regina in 2020 look like?

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Probably, I vaguely recall that. But, that's besides the point. They'll likely try to turn her into an unnecessary political or cultural stance of some sorts.

You always were a kidder, Regina

She’d be a fat nigger that likes watermelons and kfc.

I like watermelons.

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less cringe


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