>classic 6th gen games like Chaos Theory, Playground of Destruction, Destroy All Humans!, Conker, Morrowind, Black, GTA Trilogy, Crimson Skies
>7th gen greats like Skate, Red Dead Redemption, GTA 4, Far Cry 2, Oblivion, Bioshock 1, Fable, The Orange Box collection, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, basically every 7th gen game that mattered
>every single Xbox 1 game including those massive multiplat games like RDR2, GTA 5, Skyrim, The Witcher 3
>exclusives like Rare Replay, Halo and Gears
Sony’s really bringing the competition with $60 movies, huh?
Where did the meme that this thing will have no games come from?
I can play all of those on my PC with better framerate and resolution
You've posted it yourself, only trash and PC games with low settings
This thread isn’t about the PC autists. It’s PS5 vs SeX. Have fun paying $500 every year just to play a new AAA game because your shitbox can’t run it.
>on my PC with better framerate and resolution
Sure thing you have a 2080 at the bare minimum right? Also you didn't pay $500+ for your already outdated PC right?
Because it doesn't have any games, Discord.
It came from multiplats. Multiplats don't usually count as selling points. MS started sharing XBOne's exclusive library with the personal computers market, therefore devoiding it of exclusivity. Since everyone tends to have a computer or even a laptop, that game library is already available and thus negates any need to buy an Xbox, and if you want to actually open a bunch of doors by buying an underpowered console, you would benefit more by getting a PS4 or a Switch, as their exclusive libraries tend to be exclusive. The trend will likely continue with the upcoming generation of Xbox.
nobody will buy your retarded faggotbox phil
Why would people pay $600 to play old games? People want new games.
>Where did the meme that this thing will have no games come from?
Wouldn't you like to know, marketer Pajeet boy?
He says as I play max payne 2 on a CRT
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Xbox thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Yas Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" console, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Yas Forums posting about a video game console. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Xboxfag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "ALL SNOY HAS IS MOVIES." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
funny how multiplatform games count as games for Pc but not for consoles.
As a owner of all 3 consoles it goes like this for me
> Where did the meme that this thing will have no games come from?
>The VERY FIRST POINT is about old games
>Same for the second point
>Same for the third point
>the only thing that matters is shamefuly mentioned last because you know the majority of those games will either be shit, disappointing or completely forgettable
Well I guess the meme creates itself
can be applied to pc too.
Multiplats also don't count for nintendo. There it is only portbegging.
yeah but PC can already play all those games in the OP at 1440p 100Fps+, while the """new""" xbox can barely do it recently and only up to 60fps for most games.
i dont fucking care.
>>classic 6th gen games like Chaos Theory, Playground of Destruction, Destroy All Humans!, Conker, Morrowind, Black, GTA Trilogy, Crimson Skies
Pure speculation. The 6th gen library on the Xbone is garbage.
This is a PC for normies that can't build or afford to build one.
PC>>>>>>>Switch (hacked)>>>>PS4 Pro
for me
>bunch of games anyone can play perfectly fine on a toaster laptop
>bunch of current gen multiplats that will be also available on the ps5
>no worthwhile current gen exclusives unlike with ps4
>first party studios still didn't prove that they can make good games, (outside of some indies, whose games can be played on a toaster laptop anyway)
>Sony’s really bringing the competition with $60 movies, huh?
I mean they are just as much of "movie" as a game like Gears is,
then again, I don't particularly care about the first party games, the main problem with the Xbox is that it still doesn't get 2/3 of the Japanese games. The xbone missed out WAY too many good games this gen, and it will be pretty likely the same case with the SX
>soft reboot of Halo
>another generation of Gears which already received a soft reboot
>continuation of Forza saturation
>rebooting Fable
>rebooting Perfect Dark
>everything else is quite literally AA titles including Ninja Theory and Obisidan's projects
xbone had no games, why would the new xbox have any
>Pure speculation. The 6th gen library on the Xbone is garbage.
All of the mentioned games but GTA3 and VC are on Xbone right now.
SA isn't on there either, it's the garbage 360 mobile port.
>xbox has no games
>ps has movie gemes
>pc has [_________________]
Same shit. You insert the disc, you can play the game.
I bet you don't see an issue with the Silent Hill HD Collection either.
Why buy it when I can play all these games on my PC? PS5 and Switch 2 or whatever will have exclusives. This will have the same games I can play on PC.
There's a difference between selling you a botched port and letting you play the game for free, 'tismo.
MS got lucky with Halo and thought it could make money with muh graphics and muh online multiplayer
The XSX is retarded and will fail
They're both botched ports retard. The only difference is whether you have to pay to get shit on.
Consoles are for retards and children.
So why complain about San Andreas on Xbone not being the other botched port, retard?
San Andreas on OG Xbox was fine. It's the "remastered" mobile port which is botched.
I'm pretty deep into the Xbox sea.
I'll be picking up XSEX maybe next christmas.
Skipped out on the XBONE, though.
I don't think that Microsoft will make the same mistakes twice, meh, who knows.
Well obviously excluding PC when I wrote that, I run my xbone in dev mode which lets me have retroarch and have all my oldschool shit on an SD card that I can transfer between my xbox and hacked switch, it's fucking cash
>Since everyone tends to have a computer or even a laptop,
Why does everyone think anyone has a game capable computer at home. The gap between a computer useful for everything but gaming was never been larger. The cheapest integrated PC can do work/HDvideos/music etc while you have to spend more than the price of a console on a GPU just to start doing anything.
Based on reality it's
Playstation brand > youtube walkthroughs with playstation exclusives > ....> ....> nintendo, xbox and that other irrelevant hardware that I won't bother to name due to its irrelevancy
not him, but I pay for a console, generally, because I know that everything will just work for it.
I don't have to worry about custom settings and I know that I can just plug it into the TV and make it work.
You really don't appreciate that kind of stuff until you've worked a full day and just want to vidya for a bit.
>it just werks bro (tm)
>posts pic of a shitty unoptimized remedy game
The vast majority of games run perfectly fine
Control would also run perfectly fine, if the devs weren't so fucking lazy
>The vast majority of games run perfectly fine
I can name the number of PS4 games I've played that didn't have framedrops on one hand.
but what do you do when it doesnt work?
like in this example
>The vast majority of games run perfectly fine
If you think 15-25 fps is fine, sure.
>Have PC
>buy shitty unoptimised game
>drop settings
>game works fine now
>Have Console
>buy shitty unoptimised game
>can't drop settings
>can't even get a refund
>he actually thinks the average PS4 game runs at 15 fps
since when is having options bad?
>What do you do when it doesn't work
Well, it's still working, not the best, but it still is.
Honestly, I just don't care as long as I can get my gaming in.
I'd prefer it to run smoothly, but if it chokes in some sections, I'm probably not going to notice or care.
I mean, I still played the hell out of Dark Souls even though Blight Town was a 10 FPS mess.
>It just werks bro
Most of the time, I know that it will. It's not really a good argument.
nice goalpost move
>b-but the P-PC is e-expensive
I agree, you claiming that it works when it clearly doesn't is not a solid argument.
fuckin yikes
If I wanted to "teak the settings" let's be real, I wouldn't be buying a console.
So the argument is moot.
I thought that artist was only into scat, oh how wrong I was
>since when is having options bad?
I'm just saying why I like to buy consoles. Nothing more.
Natsuki Chronicles is amazing and a true exclusive.
The game is broken in both cases and altering the settings is the only way to fix it.
>Playing the game fine, but chugs in some areas.
It's still ok for me.
I don't see how you're getting that it doesn't work.
They'll just patch the game if they want my patronage in the future.
What did the xbobx shill crew mean by this?
This argument is getting ridiculous....
>xbox one
games that I can think of that are EXCLUSIVE to the console I.E. CAN'T PLAY ON A PC
>rare replay collection
and uh...............
yeah you tell me why people say no games.
>I don't see how you're getting that it doesn't work.
>fuck you for having standards and wanting quality lel
And this is how retarded consoomers such as you keep enabling consolemanufacturers to deliver you shit products that underperform in every way.
You simply don't give a fuck. You just love eating shit.
kek based xbros
>Multiplats count towards a consoles overall game list only when it's not PlayStation.
can it play og xbox Tony Hawk games? MechAssault 1/2? if not then fuck off
Playing on PC is for virgins. PC can never feel comfy.
I don't mind if you have your standards of quality.
I have mine as well. I'm accepting your way of life, you just won't accept mine.
This is what you sound like to me.
>You don't give a fuck
Yep. If I gave more of a fuck, I'd trick out a PC rig and jack those settings like I did in college.
I don't want to do that now. I AM this market and you can't accept that.
>you get to play old games!!
Peak brainwashed consumerdrone right here.
I bet you're a mutt too. Good goy.
more like retards that can't even bot right lol
Ok, princess.
If that helps you sleep at night.