Can Animal Crossing anons redpill me on Animal Crossing?

Can Animal Crossing anons redpill me on Animal Crossing?
Look comfy and maybe fun, but I've never played a game like Animal Crossing before.
I want to play a long and comfy game because of quarantine. Is the new one good?
Will you tell me about it?

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this a thread that can be rendered moot by making this not about yourself and just lurking and reading existing threads
but you want people to deliver the content directly to you while you just sit there

Do you live repetitive shit like an autism kid?
This game is for you then.

Do you hate games having little contents but locking them behind time barriers so it makes the game play time seems like a lot but actual meaningful game time is far lesser?
Then the game is not for you.


It's basically a game about collecting and designing. You collect furniture items, clothes, and animal villagers. You design your town with various different landscaping options, your house with furniture, and your player with clothes. If this does not sound appealing to you, don't play it. But if it does, consider playing it.

Only good AC is the Gamecube version because it has actual good games in it (the NES games). It's boring garbage otherwise.

tired rambling incoming
if you can, try emulating the first game for 2-3 weeks before buying, and then watch the direct/trailer to see what the new game is like. if you cant emulate the first game, try another game in the series. wild world (you almost definitely can emulate it somehow), city folk (if you have a wii and dont have gamecube controllers), or new leaf (if you have a 3ds)
dont just waste your $60 like that. animal crossing is very hit or miss. lots of people hate it and throw out the core game design (day-to-day gameplay) to try to make it "better", and then end up underwhelmed.
it's personally my favorite game series of all time and ive been playing it since i was five years old. new horizons is probably in 2nd place for me (nothing can dethrone the original. it's airtight perfection in my opinion). it's definitely worth experiencing this game new. i dont regret the $60 at all.
the series is basically a little garden to take care of. the ideal way to play the game (which the game insists you do anyways) a little bit each day. slowly watchin your town grow. new horizons allows for a lot more grinding in a single day compared to the other games.
dont time travel. it seriously sucks the entire point out of the series.

There's a nice little turnip trading platform going on right now where you can make millions in a day.

Compared to past entries in the game, this one is a slowburner, and I can't say I'm terribly fond of the whole Nook Miles thing this game does, maybe it gets better, but in the first half of the game, racking them up is frankly tedious. Take advantage of the online turnip trading, and visit people on japanese twitter, you'll have your first million bells in an hour, do it all day long and you could probably have 5-10 million. Me and my cousin did it, and we pulled in 600k each time (without the extra inventory slot, 450k). Keep in mind that the entree fee will lower your profits just a little bit, but it's not a big deal since you're generating free money.

Definitely time travel a bit to make the first half of the game less of a slog and open things up alot quicker than you normally would, might as well while you have the opportunity with this wonderful little trading community.

But yeah, the Animal Crossing games are just truly great games to have fun and relax, and New Horizons is no exception, it's almost like Stardew Valley meets Animal Crossing with this one.

Yes, I want a more in-depth answer than just
>where 2 buy good table?
>How 2 turnip?

>visit people on japanese twitter
I can't even find a non-faggot that don't asks for tips now.

Don’t bother it’s shit

>time travel a bit
entire post invalidated, go fuck yourself


Tranimal Crossing: New Gender Identizon is based and comfypilled. It's a game for qt pies to shop and dressup and remodel their houses and gardens.

If you have to ask others to redpill you on something you're never gonna make it, make up your own opinions on that shit. fucking gaylord

E for everyone interactive advent calendar with a dash of the sims and a smidgin of minecraft. If you like to play dressup and/or would like to try your hand at house turning, this might be an essential game for you. That's it though.

If you get it, do NOT update it. You don't want the bunny day event.

As if his manipulation of the turnip market to circumvent the gameplay didn't already do that...

it was fun for like a week desu


First off, anything can be "comfy" with the right mindset. A horror game can be comfy if you just sit around enjoying the environment and sound design.
Get rid of that buzzword and focus more on what type of game you want out of Animal Crossing.

Which brings us to the second point: Animal Crossing is basically a "journey not the destination" type of game. It highly encourages you to take your time and build up your town over realtime days. Playing a couple of hours a day is one of the best ways to go.
Time traveling destroys the entire point of progression and you'll end up feeling like there's nothing left to look forward to.
Stalk market shenanigans are cheesing the game but since you're engaging with other anons to pump and dump I consider it a valid way to play.
Just as long as you're not mixmaxing and playing 24/7 like a completionist faggot then the game is relaxing and you'll grow fond of the characters and see them less as assets.

This sounds fun.
I will try emulating the first game and see if it really is for me.
Thanks anons.
>being this stupid
I'm not asking people to tell me what to think of it, I'm asking people what the appeal is and what the game is about to see if it is for me in the first place so that I can make up my own opinion if the games seems interesting based on the rundown anons give me, which could push me into playing the games.




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I haven't time travelled or cheated in any other way and saw the credits two days ago and got the basement upgrade today.

Surprisingly little left to do after that.
Not sure how much longer I will want to play this.
I don't understand the turnip thing because at this point in the game I have no more need for bells.

you beat it. thats it. when the credits roll theres is nothing left to do.

I got it on launch almost three weeks ago. I like it, I just do little things every day for an hour. You do have to create your own playstyle imo.

i wake up at 5pm and go to sleep around 5am, so playing this game im mostly playing at night, and that fucking sucks cuz all the villagers go to bed at midnight

Is this the good thread?

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>Surprisingly little left to do after that.
>Not sure how much longer I will want to play this.
How many hours have you put into the game?

100 or so.

Can some nice design user give me advice on how to fix up my rock pathway design? It's the dirt path underneath and then a clear layer design with some rocks I drew but to me it just seems like cheetah print.
What can I do to make the pathway look more like rocks? I made 4 different rock designs to make it look more assorted

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It's the best in the series so far because they actually added game play besides dress up and decorating.

Thank fuck Happy Home Designer and Amiibo Festival happened otherwise we would not have had the new game play.

>t. Been playing these games since gamecube

>bought at 94

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I like the game
You might not like the game

I think you need more stones and less dirt. The hard edges with stones cut in half doesn't help either.

I did pic related but eventually gave up and used the real paths. The lack of footstep sounds annoyed me, and the lower resolution is a clear disadvantage.

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New Horizons is pretty bad, but it's in the middle of its honeymoon phase, so expect a lot of strong opinions. If you want to try Animal Crossing, I recommend emulating Population Growing or New Leaf if you have a 3DS.

I like the idea of adding some more stones in there but I was trying to put these pathways in the lesser used areas of my island to kinda give it a rural field, and from what I could see the cobblestone pathway looked a bit too modern/civilized. Like stepping stones more than actual pathways
I like your design, it's actually pretty close to what I had in mind but a bit too organized

If you like the aesthetics of the materials and villagers and whatnot, then you're more than halfway there to liking Animal Crossing. The remaining bit is enjoying the paced out style of the games where maintaining your town/island becomes a long term venture. I won't lie, it can feel like actual work. Pulling weeds, planting things, catching wildlife that can be really rare or common, planning out your own housing layout, town layout, and picking and going about getting your ideal villagers. But it's also really cool in the amount of creativity available with things like custom designs for paths/props/clothes and now the terraforming tool. While you can play the game with a time travelling or rushing progress kind of momentum, you can also keep it more casual and just go with what's given to you if you don't want to put in too much time and don't mind a more slow burn approach. I'd say the grand goal is to have an idea for a town and make it a reality with the sandbox like tools available, and then because it is a social game too with online you can visit others and hang out or let them into your town to show your handiwork. That's about it really, the music is nice too if a bit repetitive.

Oh and this is just a silly idea, but since Olaf has dark limbs I wonder if you can give him a leather jacket to make him look like a greaser instead of a matador.

Attached: olaf.png (488x488, 58.51K)

Found Savannah on island, thoughts on her?

too late
Yas Forums has already infested this game
it's no longer comfy
it's not about desperately trying to sell turnips on Monday and making your character a sexy girl so you can fap while you play

She's a man in Japan.
Same as Gracie.


can someone who has hamlet as a non-starting villager, can you post a pic of his house interior? i want to know what it looks like

set your clock to -6 hours, or -8 in your case. If you never change it, it doesn't count as TT'ing

So I'm a few days into NH and this is my first game, I thought there were a bunch of different specialty shops in the previous games and they don't seem to be in this one, are they gonna include them in a DLC or small patch? They better not be paid content, its bad enough there's only two shops for the entire island.

it's like sims, with very dumbed down social mechanics, but also with crafting

>are they gonna include them in a DLC or small patch
We don't know. Don't listen to anyone who acts like this will for sure follow the Splatoon model. It's extremely unlikely they'll be in free updates. There's no reason why Nintendo wouldn't advertise it if that were the case, so if they are coming, it's likely as paid DLC.

I find it funny how NoA went for wokelib clout with removing references to gender when your create your villager and they include all the references to the animal villagers genders anyway.

Technically the sims has crafting too.

Redpill me on O'hare

hopefully there will be a gardening shop in the earth day update whenever that comes

I guess, but it's very optional, whereas in AC crafting is more involved and more of a core mechanic than just a side thing you might do

>crafting system
>no cooking to go with it
what were they thinking?

A lot of the specialty shops were merged or just given their functionality to you. Like the salon for instance is simplified and just given to you whenever you look in a mirror. Post office is the airport, lief is nook’s, the accessory shop/kicks is largely abel’s, etc. You will be able to build an actual store for Nook’s and an Abel’s, but those are the only actual shops in the game currently. Although it’s rumored the cafe will return at some point.

Are bamboo recipes also seasonal? They appear in the seasonal folder, but the bamboo trees should stick all year round, unlike cherry blossoms, right?

The issue with Animal Crossing is that once you’re out of the hype of week 1-3, the only people left talking about it are literally deranged twitter trans people, diaper wearing man babies or some other person with a severely diminished capacity for rational thought.

This game might low key have the most awful “real” fan base. It’s fun until you start interacting with the community, then it’s like a nightmare that haunts you until you quit.

does any game's hardcore community that sticks around not have awful, cringe people? just look at smash. this problem might be exclusive to nintendo games though

Bamboo has two types of wood, young spring and...bamboo. Young spring is seasonal and only shows up in the spring.

It’s definitely awful for Nintendo games. I don’t know what it is... the games are fun initially, but the long standing “hardcore” fans are just not all there. AC fans remind me a lot of people that probably spent a lot of time on Gaia.

That's a perfect fucking comparison, anytime I look up AC shit on Twitter they post exactly like they used to go on Gaia Online.

they hated him for telling the truth

>I don’t know what it is...
30 year olds playing games for children is pretty self explanatory.

He's smug and I like him.

correct on every point. I'm still enjoying it. for now at least